Sentences with phrase «change in public opinion»

In our polls from 2009 to 2011, we saw little change in public opinion.
Otherwise, any changes in results could be due to a change in the order of the questions, not to any real change in public opinion.
The media may also focus on polling trends, leading to changes in public opinion about which candidates are viable or worth supporting.
This sentiment represents a sea change in public opinion.
Our discussion focuses on questions not posed in prior years and on items for which we observe significant changes in public opinion from prior years.
There is nothing like a stiff change in public opinion to send our politicians back to the ideological drawing board.
However just minute earlier, shadow foreign secretary Emily Thornberry suggested there could be a second referendum if there was a big change in public opinion on Brexit.
Academic studies find that the single biggest impact on changes in public opinion regarding global warming is what Republican officeholders are saying about it.
Much could change in public opinion between now and the election, but supposing further changes in overall party popularity before the next election are not large (between + or — 5 points) then it is appropriate to start asking whether the overall gains and loses of parties will be replicated equally across constituencies.
John Sterman: «It is dangerous for our leaders to count on emissions cuts that have not been pledged as if they will somehow occur automatically when those cuts require tough negotiations, greater funding and technology transfer for developing nations, and big changes in public opinion
As data accumulates, Morning Consult can to identify small changes in public opinion and parse responses across narrow demographic attributes like employment status, prior voting activity, or religious affiliation.
And it should be no surprise to anyone that SCOTUS is being called to weigh in on the unconstitutionality of traditional marriage laws in light of this ever - increasing change in public opinion.
(The author was in England during the critical days of 1939 and was able to note the great change in public opinion that came with the open violation of the Munich Agreement on March 15.
My model takes into account five things: the vote share a party received in the by - election constituency at the preceding general election; changes in public opinion towards the party since the last general election; whether the party won the seat at the last election; whether the party is in government; and whether there are «party effects» on by - election outcomes.
A recent YouGov analysis of daily changes in public opinion suggested that the Tory poll rating did not rise because of the «Vote Green» campaign, for example, but, first, as a response to Labour's «Black Wednesday» and, second, in response to the «halo effect» of May 4th's results.
Director general Albonetti says the functions of the Forum will include «fostering public debate and monitoring changes in public opinion on the societal impact of science and technology, providing the Regional Executive and Regional Council with guidance and information on research investments and innovation programs, and working with regional and international institutions to promote the transfer of research results to economic development.»
Chandna also cites changes in public opinion, including a recent Pew Research Center poll that revealed that 50 % of Americans now oppose animal research.
And perhaps most consequentially, a long stride separates changes in public opinion and political action.
This phenomenon is easy for me to spot in others: It can be frustrating to try and talk about privilege with conservative evangelicals, for example, because many see changes in public opinion regarding things like marriage equality or feminism as indicative of their waning influence, and so they count themselves among the disadvantaged at best and as oppressed minorities at worst.
Other than the reduction in the percentage of respondents taking a neutral position, we find little change in public opinion on most of the education policy questions about which we inquired in this survey.
Despite this modest dip, we do not conclude that there has been any real change in public opinion, because the downward shift between 2012 and 2013 could simply have been a function of our moving the neutral response option in 2013 (see methodology sidebar).
In order to do so I gathered a dataset of previous English by - elections and changes in public opinion and ran a series of regression models (statistically minded readers can see a brief rundown of my data and methodology here).
Arron Banks, Ukip's largest donor, says trying to gauge any change in public opinion since MP's death is «not very controversial»
In this edition of Poll Hub, the team discusses the latest poll numbers about the Mueller investigation and whether or not there has been a change in public opinion.
Labour is still officially supportive of it, there has been comparatively little change in public opinion, MPs remain herd - like in their support of it, and most of the political class backs it.
Members of Congress tend to be a largely reactive bunch, forever worried that a change in public opinion will take them from a safe seat to an ultra competitive race in the blink of an eye.
For instance: What is the connection between changes in public opinion and changes in policy?
The change in public opinion over the past year is almost certainly due to the aggressive campaign against Common Core mounted by elements on both the left and the right.
Of course, these data do not establish that presidential appeals are responsible for these changes in public opinion.
It would take considerable leadership and political mobilization to capitalize on any changes in public opinion that CCSS might arouse.
There needs to be a sea - change in public opinion, and this means going back to the climate debate.
(And I feel that the change in public opinion due to ClimateGate should be taken into account.)
Environmental awareness has grown here exponentially over the past year or two, and the political map is starting to reflect the change in public opinion.
Particularly in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower disaster (see «LASPO: why it's time to listen and review») and if Corbyn is indeed right about the change in public opinion, the time is ripe for reassessing the need for access to legal services for poor and marginalised communities.
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