Sentences with phrase «change in solar activity»

He believes that climate is strongly influenced by changes in solar activity, and that global warming over the 20th century is due to increasing solar activity.
Solar cycle length is a useful indicator of long term changes in solar activity.
Can't this recent warming be natural from changes in solar activity?
Natural drivers include changes in solar activity and large volcanic eruptions.
The sun also generates massive magnetic fields and changes in solar activity changes these magnetic fields.
One of the less appreciated risks is possibility of sharp change in solar activity.
In the 1990s, he proposed a theory to explain how slight changes in solar activity could cause large changes in global temperature.
The physical mechanism that explains how changes in solar activity affect Earth's climate is unknown, and these episodes, however suggestive, do not prove that lower sunspot numbers produce cooling.
A new NASA study underscores the fact that greenhouse gases generated by human activity — not changes in solar activity — are the primary force driving global warming.
For example, the Medieval Warm Period around year 1000 AD and the cold period in the Little Ice Age 1300 - 1900 AD both fits with changes in Solar activity.
All evidence suggests that significant climate changes like the LIA, and the Medieval Warm Period that preceded it, are the result of significant changes in solar activity.
But climate models of global warming should be corrected to better account for changes in solar activity, according to Nicola Scafetta and Bruce West of Duke University.
Climate skeptic Willie Soon talks about how changes in solar activity are responsible for rising global temperatures during a presentation, a discredited theory.
A subtle change in solar activity affects the atmosphere and oceans, altering weather in the Pacific.
That warming has tracked closely with the rise in greenhouse gas emissions from human activities, with little apparent contribution from natural factors like changes in solar activity, the group's latest paper concludes.
Even little changes in solar activity affect Earth's temperature — but climate change is by far the more pressing problem.
Changes in solar activity mirror changes in the Pacific state and changes in global temperature over the past millennium.
A top economic advisor to the Australian Government recently suggested in an op - ed published by the national daily The Australian that one scenario we should be prepared for is global cooling due to a possible change in solar activity.
Solar cycle length Veizer suggests the recent global warming might be driven by changes in solar activity (his Fig. 14a — dashed line is temperature, solid line with diamonds is solar cycle length).
Additionally, we see that the lag before ENSO is reflected in surface temperature is 2 to 4 months, 5 to 7 months for volcanic effects, and 1 month for changes in solar activity.
It was possible, according to the I.P.C.C. consensus statement, that the warming before 1956 could be because of changes in solar activity, and that even a substantial part of the more recent warming could be natural.
Our best estimate is some 10 times larger than the best estimate of the natural radiative forcing caused by changes in solar activity.
Some climatologists suspect that changes in solar activity can provoke climate change on Earth.
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