Sentences with phrase «change in the magnetic field»

A major change in the magnetic field would have wide - reaching ramifications; the magnetic field stimulates currents in anything with long wires, including the electrical grid.
According to ESA, its chief discoveries include finding complicated gas currents below the sun's visible surface, as well as tracking frequent changes in magnetic fields.
Very, very delicate physics detectors that can detect subtle changes in magnetic fields that we couldn't do 50 years ago but now we can measure them, we can see them.
While most characteristics of a system tend to vary in proportion to changes in dimensions, the effect of changes in the magnetic field on fusion reactions is much more extreme: The achievable fusion power increases according to the fourth power of the increase in the magnetic field.
This could be provided by buoyancy, or perhaps more likely from changes in the magnetic field within the core.»
This could be provided by buoyancy, or perhaps more likely from changes in the magnetic field within the core,» co-author Rainer Hollerbach, also from the University of Leeds, said in the statement.
SOHO and other spacecraft helped explain changes in magnetic field Voyager 1 detected, which appeared to shift with changes in the solar wind.
«We found evidence that these anomalies have happened in the past, and this helps us contextualize the current changes in the magnetic field
The record provides historical context to help explain recent, ongoing changes in the magnetic field, most prominently in an area in the Southern Hemisphere known as the South Atlantic Anomaly.
The Sun's activity — including changes in the number of sunspots, levels of radiation and ejection of material - varies on an eleven - year cycle, driven by changes in its magnetic field.
As the craft ploughs deeper into the galaxy, the NASA team will look for an anticipated change in magnetic field direction that would indicate that Voyager 1 is at last clear of all solar influences except gravity, as well as anything that can be gleaned about interstellar space, before we lose contact.
The team put monarchs in a flight simulator surrounded by a magnetic coil, measuring responses to horizontal, vertical, and intensity changes in the magnetic field.
Using further 3 - D dynamo simulations, which model the generation of magnetic field by turbulent fluid motions, Driscoll looked more carefully at the expected changes in the magnetic field over this period.
These rapid changes in the magnetic field cause flares, which release a huge amount of energy in a very short time in the form of super-heated plasma, high - energy radiation and radio bursts.
A global array of atomic magnetometers — small laboratory devices that can sense minute changes in magnetic fields — could signal when Earth passes through fractures in space known as
Imagine being able to monitor the progress of an entire solar storm from the time it erupts from our sun until it sweeps past our small planet effecting enormous changes in our magnetic field.
Previous research had found that changes in the magnetic field indicated that iron in the outer core was moving faster in the northern hemisphere, mostly under Alaska and Siberia.
I often receive letters that range from amusing claims that we are overlooking changes in the magnetic field, to tales about how the «weight» of carbon dioxide keeps it «near the ground».
Diamonds designed with nitrogen - vacancy (NV) centers that can detect changes in magnetic fields are a powerful tool for biosensing technologies and used in the medical detection and diagnosis of disease.
So, tracking changes in the magnetic field can reveal how the superheated, swirling mass of molten iron in the outer core behaves.
Changes in the magnetic field could therefore cause electrical grid failures, navigation system malfunctions, and satellite breakdowns.
His team is currently testing the sensitivity of the new design to changes in magnetic fields, and hoping that this structure could be used for biosensing applications such as MEG.
Barring a change in the magnetic field, Gloeckler believes the team should wait another two or three years for Voyager 2, which has a working instrument to measure the density and temperature of plasma, to reach a similar position in space.
The patterns of the changes in magnetic field strength over 48 hours seen in these two events were so similar to those recorded in a ground sensor during the Carrington event that the first event must not have been global in its reach either, the team reports in the Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate.
A change in the magnetic field around the Hall probe produces a corresponding change in the Hall potential.
So the team turned to one of the most powerful tools for studying non-crystalline samples: solid - state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, which measures how atomic nuclei respond to changes in a magnetic field.
Since then scientists have gathered further data in which to help explain the changes in the magnetic field that have been happening more recently.
«We know that there have been changes in the magnetic field to suggest changes in the core's rotation, and that means changes in the way we see things on the surface,» Mitrovica said.
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