Sentences with phrase «change in valuation levels»

Historical factor returns — net of changes in valuation levels — are much lower than recent performance suggests.
The safe withdrawal rate is not a constant number but VARIES with changes in the valuation level that applies on the day the retirement begins.
Start from the premise that the value proposition of stocks varies with changes in valuation levels, and you are led to a conclusion that the riskiness...
The New School studies say that the SWR varies with changes in the valuation level that applies on the day the retirement begins.
SInce the riskiness of stocks changes with changes in valuation levels, the important thing is to CHANGE your stock allocation as needed to keep your risk profile roughly constant.
In short, depending on the time span, nearly one - third to one - half of the long - term return on stocks comes from sources other than dividend yield, such as inflation, growth in dividends, and changes in valuation levels.
The risk / reward ratio of stock investing VARIES with changes in valuation levels.
The safe withdrawal rate is not a stable number (the old studies assert that it is always 4 percent) but a number that varies with changes in valuation levels.
It varies with changes in valuation levels.
All you have to do to see that the Old School SWR studies are in error is to take note of how much the number changes with changes in valuation levels.
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