Sentences with phrase «change of a few degrees»

A useful gauge of the impact of a change of a few degrees in global mean temperature can be found in Tom Crowley's article on paleoclimate in this issue of CONSEQUENCES.
To an ordinary citizen, a change of a few degrees might sound trivial.
Are climate changes of a few degrees a cause for concern?

Not exact matches

A few potted things the boycott and campaign has achieved: The International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes (despite what Nestlé told the bloggers, it opposed the Code - scans of documents from the time are on our site), the Code's implementation in 70 countries to greater or lesser degrees, breastfeeding rates in countries taking action to stop malpractice increasing (Brazil from median duration 3 months in the 1980s to 10 months today), Nestlé changing its policy on milk nurses and baby pictures on formula, stopping specific cases of malpractice such as Nestlé promoting formula in Botswana as preventing diarrhoea etc. etc..
But Jones is not sure if Manley did as well at capturing slower changes, of a few tenths of a degree over decades, which is important for detecting the onset of warming due to the burning of fossil fuels.
To solve this challenge, Kressmann and his team fitted the brush with a set of accelerometers that measure changes in motion in three dimensions and so calculate changes in brush angle of just a few degrees.
Travelling between the stars for a hundred light years or so, we would find ourselves moving between regions where the density of gas changes a millionfold — more extreme than the difference between air and water — and with changes in temperature from just a few degrees above absolute zero to over a million degrees.
«We've seen changes of five degrees to six degrees Celsius happen in just a few years,» he says.
The technique exploits quantum effects in tiny diamond crystals, or «nanodiamonds», to detect changes down to a few thousandths of a degree.
A change of only a few degrees could cause a permanent ice age.
You can order the Panamera with three - chamber air springs, an active anti-roll system that reduces roll in corners (like a plane banking into a turn), and rear - wheel steering that can steer a few degrees in the direction of a turn (for, say, lane changes) or in the opposite direction (for twisty country roads).
Do I know the intrinsic value of the business today and, with a high degree of confidence, how it is likely to change over the next few years?
There are several stages of a seizure, which in Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (dogs) are generally expressed (to varying degrees) in these ways: changes in mood or behavior, sometimes for several days before a seizure; the «aura,» which signals the start of the seizure, can include nervousness, whining, trembling, salivation, excessive affection, wandering, restelessness, hiding, and general apprehension; the seizure itself, lasting a few seconds to a few minutes, in which the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (dog) may fall to the ground, lose consciousness, gnash teeth, thrash his limbs, bark, paddle his feet, and lose control of his bladder and bowels; and the «anelean» stage, after the seizure, in which the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel (dog) may pace, become temporarily blind or deaf, and eat or drink excessively.
Due to this change, there are many highly educated professionals and academicians under the old structure but estimated that only 87 % of the faculty in public universities have already obtained a master's degree, and fewer than 5 % have a PhD (although many of them already have Ecuadorian - granted doctorate degrees).
Most of them essentially take an older boss (such as the classic Wrecking Ball Robotnik / Eggman from Green Hill Zone) and once you've hit him a few times, the music changes and his attack pattern changes — in the case of the first boss, he suddenly starts swinging the ball in a 360 degree slam attack.
However, changes to the Sun's brightness are believed to have altered temperatures on Earth by no more than a few hundredths of a degree in the last 150 years.
See the GISP2 Ice core charts of temperature for the last 10,000 years -LRB-- data available at WDC) where it shows that the normal cooling and warming mode is for a rapid temperature change of 1.5 to 2 degrees within a few hundred years.
If temperatures change just a few tenths of a degree then this oh - so - thin ice cap is doomed.
There is a small but interesting literature looking for amplifiers that might allow tiny changes in the sun to cause larger changes in climate... However, the few tenths of a degree from such influences are very small compared to the possible warming if we burn most of the fossil fuels».
Working through the numbers, we're only talking a few hundredths of a degree a year of temperature change.
However, these outcomes are predicated on changes in basal melt rates that could accompany global warming of only a few degrees, warming that could be determined by emissions that occur during the twenty - first century.
Freezing people's degrees of freedom to spend as they want, may influence a few political types into reassessing their stance on climate change.
A change of One degree Celsius for a few days, months or even a couple of years may lead to higher cooling costs and slightly worse tempers.
It doesn't take much energy to change things especially when the change is only a few tenths of a degree or a few milliseconds per decade.
To talk about records is stupid because only a few hundredth pf degrees have changed since the beginning of this century.
But if we look a decade or few hence — the range of possibilities include a 16 degree cooling in some places (Abrupt climate change: inevitable surprises, PNAS).
Earlier last year, following an article reviewing 6 (also alarmist) books on the environment including Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth, Nicholas Stern's report, and George Monbiot's Heat, we discovered that, inconveniently, May had taken a few liberties with the facts himself, citing a single study, referenced in the Stern Report to make the claim that» 15 — 40 per cent of species «were vulnerable to extinction at just 2 degrees of warming, and that oil companies were responsible for a conspiracy to spread misinformation, and prevent action on climate change.
For example, a change in global T of a few tenth's of a degree can be argued as sufficient to move us from the MWP into a mini ice age.
This is better than the catastrophic 4 - 6 degree C (7.2 - 10.8 degrees F) pathway we were on a few years ago, but delivers only about a third of the cuts we need to keep temperature rise below 2 degrees C and limit the worst effects of climate change.
``... we treat changes of a few tenths of a degree in some statistical residue, known as the global mean temperature anomaly (GATA), as portents of disaster.»
Real life suddenly interrupted data gathering, and all those sailors dipping their thermometers into buckets of wood or leather or steel checking for that decadal change of a few hundredths of a degree that meant life or death for our planet suddenly had something else to worry about.
Sometimes the effects of climate change seem to creep up, as when sea levels rise an inch every few years, or when temperatures break records by a tenth of a degree.
The top chart is a cumulative and you can see that the probability of seeing a 0.75 degree change per century is just a few hundredths in historical terms.
Furthermore, with the recent increases of late season hurricanes reaching the northeastern region of the United States, Irene in 2011 and Sandy's recent landfall in New Jersey on October 29, 2012 and the record breaking temperatures we are now seeing in the western United States where temperatures are reaching within a few degrees of the hottest recorded temperature on earth, 134 degrees Fahrenheit, are more evidence that the global climate is changing possibly due to global warming.
Even changes of just a few degrees Celsius can influence large - scale weather phenomena, such as El Niño or tropical cyclones.
The inference one was supposed to take, perhaps, was the equivalence between the effects of a few degrees cooling and a few degrees warming: so there would be something akin to the severity of an ice - age with a similar albeit opposite temperature change.
These guys think saying «climate changes», saying it gets warmer or colder by a few tenths of a degree, should be taken as evidence that the end of the world is coming.
The few relationships that you have mentioned as possible avenues of research still seems to me to be a long way from being spatially and temporally linked to climate change with any degree of precision.
We don't immediately grasp the importance of limiting climate change to a couple of degrees over the next few decades.
It seems to me that around the mean T, a difference of a few degree is enough to potentially trigger non-linear response, because some water phase change are very sensitive to temperature.
This sort of thing has happened before: a few people who have some degree of technical knowledge, but who are not climate scientists, publish a letter denying the seriousness of climate change in a sympathetic publication.
'' «We know from past changes that ecosystems have responded to a few degrees of global temperature change over thousands of years,» said Diffenbaugh.
But «global warming worriers» are apparently «blind to this looming and certain threat and prefer squabbling over a few tenths of a degree change in temperature that may or may not be entirely man - made.»
Also, take a lesson from the last glacial about the power of a few degrees temperature change on ice coverage, sea levels, etc..
As temperatures fall, (half a degree in the past few months, wiping out half a century of manmade climate change in the flight of a swallow) and as the Par...
I can only list a few regular «goings on'that I KNOW affect sea level; I'm certain that there are others: Change in overall temperature of the oceans (a few millidegrees / mm), plate tectonics, slit from rivers, erosion of seashores, extraction of ground water which ultimately returns to the oceans, marine life and its products building up the ocean floors, melting land ice, undersea discharges of a variety of «stuff» from literally hundreds of thousands of sources, often at temperatures in the 1 - 2 thousand degree range, which we are only now beginning to notice, wind carrying dust from the land and dropping it on the ocean.
As temperatures fall, (half a degree in the past few months, wiping out half a century of manmade climate change in the flight of a swallow) and as the Paris Agreement looks likely to follow the Iran Nuclear Deal into oblivion, and as climate activists are vanishing faster than Arctic ice, some in a puff... Continue reading →
The scenario painted in the film «The Day After Tomorrow» seems extremely unlikely, even to most climate change advocates, but one could easily make a far more convincing version, based not on the effects of climate change, but the efforts of some crackpot to «save the world» from same by implementing some well meaning scheme that could all too easily lead to a disaster far more immediate and possibly far more destructive than anything a few degrees of temperature rise could produce.
Achieving that minimum goal, however, offers absolutely no assurance any generally sensible model result offers a go - ahead with confidence to project changes of only a few degrees surface temperature over a future century when forecast error of the model is neither known nor knowable.
That is the reason I question all the wild - eyed arm waving over a few tenths of a degree change, over a century and a half.
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