Sentences with phrase «change of lifestyle»

Sometimes sustainable weight loss demands a complete change of lifestyle that you should be able to maintain instead of tossing out as soon as the bathing suit season is over.
Losing weight is not a one time process — its a total change of the lifestyle.
7 year loans have lower interest rates and are ideal for a major change of lifestyle, such as retirement or starting a new business.
Choosing clothing made of sustainable materials should not mean a complete change of lifestyle.
He argued that humanity must be forced to recognize «the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat this warming or at least the human causes which produce or aggravate it.»
Although nowadays many San tribes that have used bowhunting and poison arrows in the past have abandoned them due to restrictions, modern tools and change of lifestyle in general, the familiarisation, adoption and development of poison weapons dating back to Ancient times are excellent examples of the cognitive shifts in human evolution.
His method of evangelism varied from person to person and generally involved a dramatic change of lifestyle rather than a simple change of mind.
No, you do not have to turn from sin to be saved, but a genuinely born again child of God will exhibit evidence of salvation including a gradual change of lifestyle resulting in a transformed life and personality.
Further, the two examples required no personal sacrifice or change of lifestyle on the part of the general population (concerned or otherwise), which seems to be unavoidable to curb emissions of GHG's.
We became fascinated so many people could solve so many of their problems by this simple change of lifestyle.
He will likely repeat a challenge first issued in his June encyclical, which called for humanity to «recognize the need for changes of lifestyle, production and consumption, in order to combat this warming,» which he believes is «aggravated by a model of development based on the intensive use of fossil fuels.»
Membership in a philosophical school entailed not doctrinal allegiance but, as Hadot puts it, «the choice of a certain way of life and existential option which demands from the individual a total change of lifestyle, a conversion of one's entire being, and ultimately a certain desire to be and to live in a certain way.»
As well as all the sleep deprivation, baby brain and the complete change of lifestyle we all experience...
Change of lifestyle habits — motivation and ability reported by pregnant women in northern Sweden
(Do you want to sell your business eventually, or do you just want a change of lifestyle?)
«You can take 10 baptisms, but if there isn't a change of lifestyle, it doesn't make sense.»
In 1991, after recently returning from an inspiring backpacking trip through Europe, Peter Kirihara decided he wanted a change of lifestyle and opened Moose & Sadie's.
When you have a change of lifestyle like this, you need to have something on hand just in case — so that you don't make a bad choice.
I'm impress if this Mbappe kid can manage his mind trough this change of lifestyle.
also a changed of lifestyle.
As such, immigrant in 1st world countries adopt the lifestyle of people already living there, creating further carbon emissions even when they're not visiting their home country, just because of the change of their lifestyle.
Think of detox as a change of lifestyle, rather than a quick - fix solution.
The change of lifestyle would depend on what the person needs.
It's a change of lifestyle.
Consider the change of lifestyle.
I have my own ride:) I do nt get out as much as I use to - due to time & a change of lifestyle..
And to make a slightly dangerous generalization a woman that finds herself below the physical desirability level of the average male online dater, can likely improve her desirability with a change of lifestyle that includes healthy eating, and going to the gym.
«The idea of walking to and from school is a change of lifestyle and mindset,» he explained.
Paying off debts and saving more money is a resolution that many choose in the New Year, but it also means a commitment to a change of lifestyle.
People also come into trading with entirely the wrong mind set, and most likely because they are seeking a change of lifestyle from one they are not content with.
According to a recent AKC Rescue Network survey, rescue volunteers said the top three reasons cited by owners for surrendering their dog are change of lifestyle, not the right breed for them, and lack of time to spend with the dog.
Serious metabolic disorders like heart disease, diabetes and common aging problems like osteoarthritis need to be ruled out or addressed as possible reasons for your dog's inactivity before a change of lifestyle occurs.
A recent AKC Rescue Network survey found that the top three reasons people surrendered their dogs were due to a change of lifestyle, the feeling the breed was not right for them, and having no time to spend with the dog.
A change of lifestyle was in order, and there is really no better place for shaping up than Aruba, a land of eternal summer and endless options for achieving a healthy lifestyle.
Oh Yeah if your in the market for a change of lifestyle and maybe the owner of a surf camp then check out the two surf camp deals on offer in our «Real Estate» page, check em out here.
We also have a new opportunity for anyone looking at a change of lifestyle with a land lease option up in the Banyak Islands, check that one and more in the Real Estate section of baliwaves.
Limiting climate change requires «changes of lifestyle, production and consumption.»
Hand injuries, whether through an accident at the workplace or anywhere else, can signal a complete change of lifestyle.
It covers medical expense; lost wages; intangibles such as pain, change of lifestyle, loss of enjoyment of life, etc..
Of course a move can be difficult for a host of reasons — available housing, moving expenses, change of lifestyle.
The move meant that I would have to relocate away from my hometown in middle England to Auckland, which would require me to adapt to a new culture and build up a new support network; however the opportunity for personal and professional development and a change of lifestyle was too much to pass up.
Anyway, I'm battling with myself over whether I'll let something like an automatic dishwasher stand between me and a house I have a big crush on and a change of lifestyle we've long wondered about and have a fairly cushy opportunity to experience (sans dishwasher, of course).
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