Sentences with phrase «change peoples beliefs»

Atheists IMO are above trying to change peoples beliefs, let people believe whatever they want to believe as long as it doesn't interfere with my life, which in many ways Religion does on a daily basis but no need to blast the Atheist belief or non-belief on anyone else.
If God were to just change peoples beliefs willy - nilly I don't think He would have been so specific about telling his disciples to go, baptise and teach.

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A growth mindset, conversely, reflects the belief that people can substantially change who they are.
All too often when a businessperson sets out to persuade, she wants to change another person's beliefs entirely.
«To our friends at Alphabet: we are partners, you are an important investor in Uber, and we share a deep belief in the power of technology to change people's lives for the better,» wrote Khosrowshahi.
Finding out how people behave in other places can support or negate your beliefs and change your marketing techniques in the best way possible.
When you want to change another person's opinion, your first challenge is to assess the strength of the beliefs that are supporting the opinion that you wish to change.
Facts usually don't change minds because people's beliefs pre-determine which facts they consider valid or relevant.
Taking pages from the Mark Zuckerberg style manual, a willingness to keep people waiting and an unshakeable belief that his product will change the world: so far, so Silicon Valley.
«To our friends at Alphabet: We are partners, you are an important investor in Uber, and we share a deep belief in the power of technology to change people's lives for the better.
Hughes had his own revelation: Obama's belief in the power of real people to be agents of change dovetailed with his own.
«To our friends at Alphabet: we are partners, you are an important investor in Uber, and we share a deep belief in the power of technology to change people's lives for the better,» wrote Khosrowshahi in a letter announcing the settlement.
Their sincere and complete belief that laws can be changed based on the will of the people and not through paid lobbyists is truly inspirational.
Smart leaders understand that executing a change in direction — even a small one --(picture of basketball players) requires their own thinking, expectations, and beliefs to shift, as well as those of the people on their team.
Following you for all these years and watching the changes in your cartoons, watching the comments, reading your posts, and some person e-mails between us, I know you as a changing person with fluxing beliefs.
If religious people have a true religious belief system they would support changes to the health care system to solve affordability and universality problems.
You can leave this country at anytime, just do not change our way of life this country fought for... if this way of thinking continues in the United States of America you will be saluting a different flag... these people who think this way can go live in any other foreign country or go to an island and start your own country, with your own beliefs, sick of the ACLU running this country
You are saying that people aren't capable of changing their beliefs?
But one thing I don't think will ever change, but again, I absolutely believe that at least one person at sometime over another, chose to either be religious, or go from typical belief status to fanatical for the wrong reason (s).
Actually Saraswati, you abandoned your original position that America is a «two party system which only legislation is likely to change» and supported everything I said, which is that legislation is not required, and the number of parties is not designed into the system, and it's not likely to happen because people here prefer to abandon their true beliefs in favor of a lesser evil that might win.
Of course it would be naïve to assume that sitting down with ISIS terrorists would produce a quick change of heart, but a fearless, coherent defence of orthodox Christian belief about the human person, human love and thus human society is essential and is, at present, generally lacking even among church leaders.
You don't like Christians having to change their belief system to fit into the current worldview around them; to you it seems like they are trying to please those same people (make them feel comfortable) and at the same time dis - honoring God (changing His word).
I have already indicated my own belief that ideas and ideals which offer hope of rescue or fulfillment to persons or groups where their vital interests are at stake can be powerful sources of constructive, even revolutionary, change.
Over thousands of years the Bible's interpretation has changed because in my belief evertime a translation is made, or a person edits the Bible the meaning changes.
Come meet other people who have changed their minds and are in the process of changing their beliefs at The Lasting Supper.
Evidence that's genuinely convincing will propagate just like the idea that the earth orbits the sun — at first, almost nobody believed it, but as more and better evidence was found, more and more people changed their minds until now practically everyone agrees that the earth orbits the sun, even though this is diametrically opposed to people's beliefs a few centuries ago.
Not only are irrefutable facts being challenged by people who do not understand the science involved or the importance of these facts, but the belief that there is no scientific consensus leads to a lack of attitudes to change.
It isn't true that scientists are trying to change the beliefs of others, but rather they are observing and testing natural phenomena with tomes of evidence telling the rational person that the notion of a deity as a NATURAL being rather than SUPERNATURAL one is absurd and silly.
Seeing some of the «backlash» really upsets me and only galvanizes my belief that some people will NEVER change and are definitely moved by FEAR.
These people are coming here (the U.S.), why should we adopt their beliefs and change our history for them.
According to the document «Towards Common Witness» some of the characteristics which distinguish proselytism from Christian witness are: unfair criticism of caricaturing of the doctrines, beliefs and practices of another church; presenting one's church or confession as «the true church»; the use of humanitarian aid, educational opportunities or moral and psychological pressure, to induce people to change their affiliation; exploiting people's loneliness, even disillusionment with their own church in order to «convert» them.
Times Change, people need to respect one another religious beliefs.
If you know an establishments serves pork on Saturday and it clearly states so, why go there on Saturday and ask them to change the menu because of you.Same thing happen in Washington DC, even though there is absentee ballot, Jewish people want the District of Columbia to change voting day because it fall on Saturday.Trust me, contrary to your belief, you are not special.
Insulting people is not the way to get people to change their beliefs.
Do you really think even ONE person is going to be swayed to change their beliefs here?
After all these years of study, of experience, of seeing others change, and becoming a different person myself, my belief system has gone a long way from «because the bible says so» to lets see everything the bible has to say about it, what was going on then, who it was said to, and what it means in the context of life today.
Think your new group is a marvelous idea... people whose beliefs are changing or those who have been abused, need a safe container in which to express themselves.
While we are interested in bearing witness to the gospel of Jesus, our mission is not to recruit people from one religious institution or belief system for another; nor to give them new laws, dogmas and rituals; but rather to persuade all to change our lives and ways, and adopt a new way of seeing, doing and being.
I always wonder how fast people would change religions if everyone actually picked the religion that most closely met their own beliefs.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
That beliefs can affect actions even on the part of persons of great wealth and power has recently been suggested by the change of climate in the annual meetings of world economic leaders that have been held in Davos, Switzerland, until this year, when the group met in New York
The scientists involved then asked some of their subjects to do things that might change their beliefs, like write a paper arguing for the other side» the article mentions capital punishment» and found that people tend to change their beliefs and at the same time change what they thought were God's beliefs.
Another is a person who told me she's afraid of going to Hell because her beliefs about God have changed — even though she's still captivated by Jesus.
He is another obscure person who's change of personal belief has no influence on my life.
If Obama would have just stayed true to what he believed rather than become a «chameleon» — changing his beliefs based on what is considered popular at the moment - then people would not continually doubt his sincerity.
So to allow God to work in the lives of others, we must allow those people the freedom to explore God, and allow God the freedom to change their belief structures.
The belief that every single person is precious in God's sight has inspired some Christians to work for social changes such as the abolition of slavery, an end to the exploitation of factory workers, the removal of racial discrimination and apartheid, and the prevention of cruelty to and the sexual abuse of women and children.
There are pretty cool things about all the prophecies Jesus fulfilled, historical info pointing to Christ and the disciples, as well as psychological analyses of the changes seen in people in the bible that could only be logically explained by major shifts in belief.
Amistavia, Is it your intention to try and change people's beliefs or is it your intention to spread yours?
People are threatened by even potential changes to their belief systems.
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