Sentences with phrase «change than previous studies»

They say they appear more able to withstand the effects of climate change than previous studies had suggested.

Not exact matches

Studies show millennials are more tech - savvy and connected than any previous generation and they are changing the way travel is consumed.
Based on a study of more than 30,000 elementary, middle, and high school students conducted in winter 2015 - 16, researchers found that elementary and middle school students scored lower on a computer - based test that did not allow them to return to previous items than on two comparable tests — paper - or computer - based — that allowed them to skip, review, and change previous responses.
The authors are quick to point out that climate change is still detrimentally affecting the habitats of those species, but at a much slower rate than dozens of previous studies forecast.
«Our study is the first to focus on weight change around RA diagnosis and risk of death, rather than weight change in patients who had RA for many years, as in previous studies,» said Dr. Sparks.
In a detailed study of more than 200 years» worth of temperature data, results backed previous findings that short - term pauses in climate change are simply the result of natural variation.
While previous studies had examined the impact of climate change - induced weather patterns on violence and the increased danger of violence in weak or failing states, this is the first study to demonstrate that the combination of the two risk factors is even more dangerous than they would be separately.
«It's the sudden change in slope: thats why this is more difficult than it was in previous years,» says Lennard Fisk, chair of the National Research Council's Space Studies Board and himself a former NASA official.
Previous studies that attempted to explain why the shifts were occurring at different rates and in different directions than expected did not have the data necessary to study changes in detail.
When understood in the context of climate change, this biological rule reinforces the prediction that fish will shrink and will be even smaller than thought in previous studies.
The study tracked changes in the sun by looking at previous solar cycles of change, such as Cycle 22 which lasted from the years 1986 to 1996, and found that the oscillation frequencies were confined to a thinner layer than those previous cycles.
The Winter 2010 issue of Ed Next included a study by Bob Costrell and Mike Podgursky that showed how teacher pensions concentrate benefits on teachers who spend their entire careers in a single state, penalizing younger teachers, who change jobs and move more often than did previous generations.
The recent paper by Kate Marvel and others (including me) in Nature Climate Change looks at the different forcings and their climate responses over the historical period in more detail than any previous modeling study.
«Previous studies involving the GISS model found that rapid cloud changes in both hemispheres result from the rapid adjustment to aerosol forcing; effective radiative forcing isthus more hemispherically symmetric than instantaneous aerosol forcing.
The conclusion that humanity must aim for a CO2 amount less than the current amount is a dramatic change from most previous studies, which suggested that the dangerous level of CO2 was likely to be 450 ppm or higher.
Previous modeling studies predict changes of similar magnitude for a 3 ° temperature increase, suggesting that the observed sensitivity is higher than previously expected (6)».
The study cites Spencer and Bast along with other «manufacturers of doubt,» whose work to undermine the public understanding of this consensus has been stunningly successful — only 12 percent of Americans, their previous work found, know that more than 90 percent of scientists agree on this — and has resulted in «cascading effects on public understanding that climate change is happening, human caused, a serious threat, and in turn, support for climate change mitigation and adaptation policies.»
The model included a more comprehensive set of natural and human - made climate forcings than previous studies, including changes in solar radiation, volcanic particles, human - made greenhouse gases, fine particles such as soot, the effect of the particles on clouds and land use.
This difference is attributable to larger than observed changes in maximum temperatures in four of the five models analysed here, a result consistent with previous modelling studies
More important still than their personal beliefs about climate change, the Yale study echoed previous surveys in finding that, contrary to McConnell's claims, most Republicans are down with the idea of doing something about it.
This finding is consistent with the results of other studies, 34 and many service providers are trying to find ways to encourage fathers to attend parenting programmes.35 Reports of difficulty sustaining behaviour change over time and the desire for further support have also been reported previously.9, 33 Continuing support to the group from both volunteers and professionals has been proposed as well as flexible, open access, non-structured sources of support.37 Previous studies have also suggested that 30 — 50 % of families who take part in parenting programmes are likely to show no benefit because of other events in their lives, and may therefore need more than a single intervention.36
Previous research has shown that the proportion of smokers who reported living in smoke - free homes was increasing faster among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders than among other Australians, but that a gap remained in 2008.5 Our study demonstrates that this gap now appears to have been closed, reflecting a significant change in behaviour by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smokers.
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