Sentences with phrase «changed at different points»

Education helps people to change at different points in their business and personal lives.
If yield curves moving in a parallel direction means the monthly changes at different points in the curve never vary by more than 0.15 %, it means that monthly changes in yield curves are parallel roughly 70 % of the time.

Not exact matches

Ideally, we would look at a comprehensive measure of income that covers a long time span, allows us to compare before - and after - tax income at different points in the income distribution, and accounts for changes in the size and composition of households.
Hilton CEO Christopher Nassetta said during the company's fourth - quarter 2015 earnings call that even though «customers hated it,» the pilot gave the company a better idea of what future changes it could explore, including introducing flexible and inflexible rates at different price points, similar to airlines.
While nothing has been decided yet, changes will likely involve simplifying the company's menu, which at this point includes a rotating selection of more than 60 types of doughnuts, and no less than five different coffee cup sizes.
And you know, look, I had read a ton of books at that point but they were so... you read «Market Wizards» by Schwager, and then you read Peter Lynch, and then you read Jack Bogle, you've got three completely different... So I read Nick Murray, was the book that made... probably changed more about my investment philosophy than anything else.
Furthermore, I have argued that on some of these points the changing situation and growing knowledge of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries would have led Wesley to come down at a different place.
They also maintained that the various changes in mineral, vegetable, and animal life were due to the invisible direct intervention of the Creator at different points in the process.
Just as the cultural change of the Axial Period occurred more or less simultaneously and independently at several points on the earth's surface, so the new global form of spirituality may well germinate at many different points and then take more visible form as those points form a network.
If there was any other book claiming to be the authority on everything that you kept having to make excuses for like «Well, that part is ment as an allegory» or «God years are different than man years» or «Well, its says to not eat shelfish or pork in the hebrew scriptures, but apparently God changed his mind later, but that part about ga y's stays» I don't think anyone would have given it a second look had it not been at the point of a sword.
nice to see you crawl out of your hole just in time to offer your 2 cents worth once again... unlike yourself I started following this team long before Wenger arrived on the scene and will continue to do so long after he's gone... in his earlier years I admired the cerebral elements he brought to the EPL, which at that point was more brutish than beautiful, and I respected the seemingly tireless efforts of Arsene, Dein & staff to uncover and develop talent without sacrificing the product on the field... likewise I appreciated that such a youthful manager wasn't afraid to bring strong personalities and / or world - class players into the fold without being fearful of how said players would potentially undermine and / or dilute his authority... unfortunately this all changed about 10 years ago and culminated in the removal of all our greatest players, both young and old, without any real replacements coming in... from Henry to RVP to Fabergas and Nasri, it was easy to see that this club was no longer interested in competing at the highest levels... instead of being honest, minus the ridiculous claims regarding the new stadium, Wenger chose to side with management and in doing so became the «front man» for this corporation pretending to be a world - class soccer club... without the «front man» this organization would have been exposed numerous years earlier, so his presence was imperative if the facade was to continue... it's for this reason and more that I despise what this once great man and Kroenke has done to my beloved club... the gutless, shameful and manipulative way they have treated the fans, like myself, is largely indefensible and this is why I felt it necessary to start offering my opinion in a public format... trust me, I resisted the temptation for many years but as long as the same shit continues to exist I will voice my opinions and if you don't like it maybe you should look for a different team to pretend to follow
I do take «Break - on - through's» point that a change in system under a different manager may of helped him, but looking at the way he has played over the years I do not see that happening.
All of us are going to have different opinions on formations and who should start when where etc but i think allot of us would worry for this squad if we tried making big changes at this point.
On top of that, different riders and different bikes tend to be quick at different points of the race and even different parts of the circuit, meaning that the order frequently changes as the races evolve.
But at this point, TFC's offensive plans had to be changed because the Canadian striker has a completely different repertoire than the US player.
Another thing that makes the Ollie Swaddle vastly different from all other swaddles is the diaper changing access point at the bottom of the swaddle that allows you to change the baby's diaper without waking your baby up!
Another thing that makes the Ollie Swaddle vastly different from all other swaddles is the unique ability to change the baby's diaper through an access point at the bottom of the swaddle so you don't have to wake the baby up or completely re-swaddle them at every diaper change.
It is working for us, but that could change at any point, and would likely be different if I was not lucky enough to be taking an extended maternity leave (which is still much shorter than what you lucky folks in Canada and the rest of the world get...)
Instead, the team points out that similar swings in different isotopes» levels, occurring in both parts of the world, suggest that the two regions were experiencing the same changes in ocean chemistry at the same time.
Analysis of CTC numbers at the different time points showed that the one measurement that was statistically significantly associated with progression - free survival was a change in the number of CTCs with ALK copy number gain over time.
Each compound, Sutterlin says, naturally melts or solidifies at a different specific temperature and can be used as the base material for an application, depending on the phase change point needed.
Point maps are maps where the same climatic data are measured at a number of different geographical points for comparison with changes in animal populations.
«When you look at this pattern in different places around the ring, the wavelength is different — that points to something changing as you go around the ring.
«Environmental changes would have produced a lot more fragmented, mosaic - type ecosystems, where populations of horses with similar demands and adaptations could have evolved isolated from one another, resulting in different species but with a similar appearance,» points Manuel Hernández Fernández at the Complutense Univerity in Madrid.
«Climate change strikes at the weak point in the cycle or life history for each different species,» Oliver said.
We could look for the planet's phases: minute changes in the system as the planet orbits its star and points different faces at Earth.
Consequently, despite the extensive and highly successful efforts of many researchers to develop infection models in Drosophila, the outcomes of infection are often measured by end - points such as insect death (survival of a cohort of insects over time) or changes in cell morphology at fixed periods throughout infection (often monitored by staining different elements of the cytoskeleton).
To characterize the impact of vacation versus meditation on regulatory networks in blood, we computed three different GE signatures: (1) changes across all treatment groups between the baseline and follow - up time points, and (2 and 3) differences between the regular meditators versus the vacation and novice meditator groups at the follow - up time points.
But a study published Monday by the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean, which is a project of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the University of Washington, points the climatological finger for most of the change at a different culprit.
John Finn points out problems with Santa Barbara and if you look at any station, there are a host of problems (roughly 40 to 50 different types) involving instrument changes, observation time changes, micro-climate changes, and so forth.
«Meditation is really a very personal journey, and different forms will suit you and your lifestyle at different points in your life, as your needs may change.
Although most exercises are considered fine for pregnancy, many women find that they are limited by how they feel at different points in pregnancy and so must adapt normal workout routines to accommodate their changing hormones and growing bellies.
«And I tried not to have expectations, because testosterone affects everyone differently and different changes come in at different points
I changed my diet many times and tried so many different fad diets and shakes, and remedies and exercises, and at a certain point I just did not know what to even put -LSB-...]
Two ways that I make pull - ups more difficult is by changing the tempo to force them to go excessively slow as well as incorporating static holds at different points in the movement.
Whether you consider yourself a Naked Palette expert at this point in your life or you're still learning how to wear different shadows together, we can all benefit from a fresh tutorial to change our everyday makeup look.
Dungeon Defenders takes a semi-new approach to the tower defense genre, employing traditional elements like loot, leveling up, classes and towers while also changing the mentality up, advocating use of blockades at choke points and giving each class a different set of towers to summon as well as abilities.
By analyzing multiple cross-sections — data collected at several different points in time — we can look at real change.
This does what is says on the tin - it is a checklist for students to use to check that they are doing all they can to refine their work and target areas to improve in each different assessment area in GCSE Art and Design - The AO «s are bound to change at some point - but this has been really useful to give to students and have them self evaluate their progress.
For many teachers, it might be a weird change to see their students taking so much more responsibility in the class, but this change of pace can be really helpful to young people looking for something different at this point in the school year.
The school fully adopted the «Starting Strong and Staying Strong» language of the Productive Persistence Network to create different change menus to promote student agency at different points throughout the school year.
At the point at which the authors wrote this article, besides the aforementioned data and data base issues, were issues with «multiple measures on the same student and multiple teachers instructing each student» as «[c] lass groupings of students change annually, and students are taught by a different teacher each year.&raquAt the point at which the authors wrote this article, besides the aforementioned data and data base issues, were issues with «multiple measures on the same student and multiple teachers instructing each student» as «[c] lass groupings of students change annually, and students are taught by a different teacher each year.&raquat which the authors wrote this article, besides the aforementioned data and data base issues, were issues with «multiple measures on the same student and multiple teachers instructing each student» as «[c] lass groupings of students change annually, and students are taught by a different teacher each year.»
Equipped with three Drivelogic shift programs — engaged using the Drivelogic button on the centre console — each offers a different gear - change speed and alters the rpm points at which the shifts take place.
Russell tells the story well, changing point of view at precisely the moment you would like to be in a different character's head.
If Amazon terms change to the detriment of direct - publishing writers at any point in the future, what would then stop them from switching to a different distributor / retailer?
At some point, you changed your habits and started paying off bills every month and FICO may have moved you to a different scorecard, or different pool of payers.
The third group of Tui Na techniques uses perpendicular pressure at different depths and areas to effect a change in body tissues and activate acupuncture points.
With programs changing their partners and transfer rates at different times throughout the year, it can be difficult to know what your best flexible point transfer options are at any one time.
Because everyone's circumstances are different and can change at any point, being points FIT demands being in a good position points-wise whatever may come.
The cash equivalent rate for each GC Award Point may be different from one charity or CSR organization to another and this is subject to change without notice at the sole and absolute discretion of the Company.
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