Sentences with phrase «changed by repentance»

This eschaton, or end event, can not be hastened or delayed or changed by repentance or any other human action.

Not exact matches

This process of release (aphēsis forgiveness) begins by agreeing with Him that we have sinned (confession), and then making the changes necessary in our lives (repentance) to get back onto the path of righteousness.
Some pastors can love their sinners straight into hell by never teaching the need for repentance and change.
A repentance which leaves ends uncriticized and which is motivated by the desire to escape judgment in history or beyond history is a far cry away from that change of mind which the gospels present.
When we do sin, it does not intimidate God, and our repentance doesn't change God's attitude towards us — repentance doesn't change God, it changes us — yet we continue to sin even when our deepest desire is to live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit — yet I still sin.
As you and Semety have correctly pointed out folks can quit without a spiritual experience but they absolutely can not be «recovered» outside of a spiritual experience which includes repentance (change of mind / heart - usually brought on by crisis) and restitution for wrongs.
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