Sentences with phrase «changed gameplay wise»

Not much has changed gameplay wise and the story is not the best in the series but the game is still very entertaining.

Not exact matches

Gameplay wise, the game is constantly changing and surprising you with fresh ideas... An exceptional game.
They always tried to change the formula of those games to make it more fresh and new gameplay wise.
The developers are also planning to continue making changes to the Faction Rally and Iron Banner until they are up to par, both loot wise and gameplay wise.
Gameplay wise it didn't change a whole lot from the first game, it merely refined it to a point of near perfection.
Gameplay wise, it's going to feel familiar, not much has changed in that regard as it's still turn based tactical combat.
Gameplay wise, Monster Hunter hasn't changed much since the original title.
Homeworld 2 fans will likely be delighted by this remaster, it adds a new layer of polish to an old classic without changing anything gameplay wise.
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