Sentences with phrase «changed human conditioning»

Innovative consumer technologies, including smartphones and social media, has changed human conditioning, especially how we seek answers to questions and how we choose to learn.
To paraphrase, he said the book was inscribed by someone who studied the human condition to his daughter who would help change the human condition
Marriage doesn't change the human condition.

Not exact matches

«A cascade of changing business conditions, changing organizational structures, and changing leadership has been forcing human resource departments to alter their perspectives on their role and function almost overnight,» wrote John Johnston in Business Quarterly.
This session will focus on understanding potential perils — from food crises to pandemics and from climate catastrophes to human migration — that aren't top - of - mind in most boardrooms, but could enable CEOs to better navigate changing economic conditions and markets.
It means dealing with how human drivers merge and change lanes (badly), how they make right and left turns in traffic (differently), how they adapt to different weather conditions (inconsistently) and how they obey speed limits, traffic lights and stop signs (sporadically).
The project's goal is to change the global approach of employers to human labour and its conditions.
-- No human can change the past, thus the existing set of conditions is unchangeable.
Sympathy alone does not alter the human condition, but it holds promise of change and gives hope to the victimized.
Following from the foregoing definition of religion are the sociological functions described by Thomas F. O'Dea: 13 (I) «It provides the emotional ground for a new security and firmer identity amid the uncertainties and impossibilities of the human condition and the flux and change of history.
But here is a field of actual human experience disgracefully neglected and very imperfectly explored, which could make a radical change in our human condition.
Yet, both became the making of changes in the institutional structure was not his chief concern and because his human vista was limited by the conditions of a simple peasant society east of the Mediterranean in the first century A.D., he obviously could not foresee or make pronouncements upon the vast complex of particular problems that confront Christians in today's world.
Certainly fundamental changes would be required of the churches if they were to do this: we would have to put truth before comfort; we would have to listen to the losers, the jobless, the homeless, the unsuccessful, the ostracized; we would have to leave the sanctuary and enter the marketplace, and learn through participation how to contemplate the human condition as Jesus did: with compassion.
According to Ephrem, since Adam's fall, outward conditions have experienced catastrophic changes, but neither human nature nor the spiritual - ethical level in human existence has been affected.
The conditions for human well - being have never changed from that moment in Paradise.
China does not have same democratic freedoms as understood in the Western tradition, but the one fifth of the human race in China have realized a considerable improvement of their overall human condition during the past few decades, with changes within their «socialism with Chinese characteristics».
Our Founders were not philosophers; they had a job to do, albeit one that required great insight into the human condition as well as a myriad of changing circumstances.
One of its key tenets is that the modern era reveals something new about the human condition that requires the Church and doctrine to change in fundamental ways.
Within the changing conditions and evolving life on this planet, and out of the various developing cultures that have shaped us, we humans can and do create meaning for ourselves.
Man can reshape the conditions of his life, change the face of nature, eliminate killing diseases, reconstruct the human body, control the growth of population in ways beyond anything remotely conceivable before the twentieth century.
The appreciation of community changes our basic sense of how to improve the human condition.
The human condition of mans cruelty towards his fellow man may never change but the struggle and hatred of one religion to another is not helpimg.
A pious life may flourish for a brief time, but unless it leads to a more caring and responsible relationship with other human beings and to efforts to change conditions that cause human need and suffering, it will most likely not endure.
But — and this is a huge qualifier — if that message of justification by God's undeserved love is preached apart from an unmasking of the actual power relations which have aggravated these feelings to the level of a social neurosis; if people are released from the rat race of upward mobility only privatistically, with no critique of the economic and social ideology that stimulates such desperate cravings; if people are liberated from a bad sense of themselves without any sense of mission to change the conditions that waste human beings in such a way, then justification by faith becomes a mystification of the actual power relations, and the Christian gospel is indeed the opiate of the masses.
Understandings and information will bring new light, new darkness, brighter hope and deeper problem, new opportunity, new death, but the human condition never changes; we all are without solid hope without a Savior to hope in.
The flood and the subsequent new start for the world are thus used as an opportunity to switch from the theoretic «golden age» to the conditions actually obtaining; and one of the saddest features of this change is the degradation of relations between humans and animals from their first created beauty.
Ockham's Triumph has intersected with another aspect of the «worse»: The metaphysical vacuum ably limned by Hanby has been filled by a new Gnosticism (chiefly but not exclusively embodied in the sexual revolution) that teaches that everything in the human condition is plastic and malleable and therefore subject to change by acts of will (like transgendering surgery).
In this age of rapid change, and with our modern understanding of the human condition, we can see how much alters in a person's lifetime; we must remain open to what may come, and free to respond to new circumstances.
Always, in every place and every time, those who provide the energy and insight for real change in the human condition are those for whom values are not just ethical generalizations or moral ideals but, rather, life lived in faithfulness to apparently «insane truths» which define a real world as they have been given eyes to see it.
God does not change, the human condition does not change, and the gospel of God to save us does not change.
It opens doors for new perspectives, describes pitfalls and successes and gives practical small steps one can take in order to effect change and improve the human condition.
However, in the last few centuries of human - microbe interactions, changes in our birth and medical practices and living conditions may have altered the acquisition of our microbial communities.
Back in the lab, they will analyze the mosaics to see how the reefs are changing over time, and how the variation of ocean conditions and human activities impact each reef.
Ash Parton and colleagues fall into the second camp, writing, «The dispersal of early human populations out of Africa is dynamically linked with the changing climate and environmental conditions of Arabia.
His team hopes to build a predictive model of the human microbiome as a tool to study how medical conditions can change this massive biological system, to identify settings that promote beneficial microbiomes, and to design clinical interventions to treat currently hard - to - manage problems.
He adds: «Plants native to European habitats changed by humans had a head start: They have been spread more often, and the living conditions in their new homes were ideal.
Their ultimate intent is to launch a programme of «human - assisted evolution», creating resistant corals in controlled nurseries and planting them in areas that have been — or will be — hard - hit by changing conditions.
The data can also reveal when changes in human conditions — such as improved sanitation — influenced infection rates more than a pathogen's innate traits.
«It's an incredibly clever natural solution to this problem of how to deal with a water barrier on a surface it will change the way we think about developing bio-inspired adhesives that are safe and already optimised to work in conditions similar to those in the human body, as well as marine paints that stop barnacles from sticking.»
«Of course conditions for humans and other complex life will become impossible much sooner - and this is being accelerated by anthropogenic climate change.
Ongoing climate change caused by human influences will alter the nature of how rain and snow falls; areas that are prone to dry conditions will receive their precipitation in narrower windows of time.
Although these changes are far less striking than those in young brains, the potential has inspired a burst of optimism about the human condition and launched a new era of neuroscience.
In the future, irrigated agriculture will face increased water costs driven by competing needs of an increasing human population and probably drier conditions under a changing climate.
«We were drawn to this collaboration because in spite of the different environments, cultures, histories, climates and identities of the two regions, we were asking the same kinds of questions about human capacities to address challenging climate conditions,» says lead author Margaret C. Nelson, President's Professor in Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social Chhuman capacities to address challenging climate conditions,» says lead author Margaret C. Nelson, President's Professor in Arizona State University's School of Human Evolution and Social ChHuman Evolution and Social Change.
Unfortunately, because human genomes differ from one another, the use of a reference genome generated from one person in the process of diagnosing a different person can mask the true genetic changes responsible for a patient's condition.
That December, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reported that greenhouse gases were rising, with human activity the likely cause and dangerous changes in the earth's conditions a likely result.
Dr Li said the latest research findings give a better understanding of changes in human - perceived equivalent temperature, and indicate global warming has stronger long - term impacts on human beings under both extreme and non-extreme weather conditions, suggesting that climate change adaptation can not just focus on heat wave events, but should be extended to the whole range of effects of temperature increases.
One tantalizing possibility is that as these restless bits of DNA drift throughout the genomes of human brain cells, they help create the vibrant cognitive diversity that helps humans as a species respond to changing environmental conditions, and produces extraordinary «outliers,» including innovators and geniuses such as Picasso, says UC San Diego neuroscientist Alysson Muotri.
«As Earth continues to warm, it may be approaching a critical climate threshold beyond which rapid and potentially permanent — at least on a human time - scale — changes not anticipated by climate models tuned to modern conditions may occur,» the report says.
Our homes and offices account for more than one third of all greenhouse gases emitted by human activity — the bulk of it for heating in winter and air - conditioning in summer, according to the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).
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