Sentences with phrase «changed through the years»

A lot has changed through the years, but Dave's practical advice on life and money has remained consistent.
Of course it is just a plan how I can get there and it may change through the years But with this plan I will never loose the focus to reach that point and according to that plan I can reach financial freedom in the year 2028.
Have your views changed through the years?
How has your understanding of submission changed through the years?
Thus the style of intimacy changes through the years.
In a particularly poignant passage, Miles describes how the traditions surrounding The Lord's Supper have changed through the years, often departing dramatically from the original event.
Out of all those things, only one hasn't changed through the years of failure.
The discovery came from analysing how gene activity changes through the year using blood samples from more than 16,000 people.
The Inuit diet changes through the year, and the samples were collected in the late summer, when the Inuit eat a mix of traditional foods and those purchased from a supermarket.
As I continue to change through the years, so does my approach to health and wellness.
My scrapbooking style has definitely changed through the years, but it's still about the memories and stories for me!
Even the top part, which used to be mainly small spaghetti straps and halters, has changed through the years.
It's funny how my photo aesthetic has changed through the years, there was a period where I loved back lighting, an all white background time, a period where everything was shot with low aperture and it was all about the bokeh, till now where my photos are all shot on a wide angle lens and has a lot more messyness in the background.
With only nine people in the cast and no intermission, it portrayed the Christmas dinner of a wealthy Stavanger family through the last 100 years, showing how the family dynamics and Christmas rituals changed through the years.
It is interesting about how a person's tastes change just like the tastebuds change through the years.
The way Russian and Ukrainian women think and their life values have changed through the years.
We saw lots of galleries of the actors Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint and Emma Watson and how their appearances changed through the years.
As other circumstances in Senna's life change through the years, they discover that opposites attract, even as they struggle to make things more permanent.
She's a women who has seen it all, where her life has been damaged by men who misjudge her, politics that have changed through the years, and she has no idea where to begin to help her son become «a man.»
Steeped in history and with a close connection with the village community, the school has undergone tremendous changes through the years.
Discovering Dinosaurs ( Learn how scientists» theories about dinosaurs have changed through the years.
Rather than becoming outdated, the Allison has evolved to match the performance characteristics and demands of the Duramax turbodiesel, which has undergone significant changes itself through the years.
In a guest post, Kietzman describes her own understanding of what constitutes the good life — and how her ideas have changed through the years.
How has your talent changed through the years?
How has their strategy changed through the years?
5 % cash back after you sign up in categories that change through the year, up to the quarterly maximum; 1 % cash back on all other purchases
Like most young and growing families, my life insurance needs changed through the years.
By looking at adjusted earnings instead of basic earnings we can get a clearer picture of what the company is actually doing, and how the earnings power may be changing through the years.
Designs have changed through the years to follow décor trends, so bird owners can find exactly the right cage for their pets and their homes.
5 % cash back after you sign up in categories that change through the year, up to the quarterly maximum; 1 % cash back on all other purchases
The personality of Mar Chiquita changes through the year.
gives you a unique view of how the landscape of the city has changed through the years.
When the Paltridge paper: came out, adherents pooh - poohed the sonde data, citing the difficult humidity sensors and their many changes through the years.
Looking ahead, I collaborated with Yale economist Robert Mendelsohn and his colleagues in estimating global hurricane damage changes through the year 2100, based on hurricanes «downscaled» from four climate models.
The emissivity and absorptivity of the ocean are set to 1, there are no ocean currents, the atmosphere doesn't heat up and cool down with the ocean surface, the solar radiation value doesn't change through the year, the top layer was 5 mm not 1μm, the cooler skin layer was not modeled, a number of isothermal layers is unphysical compared with the real ocean of continuously varying temperatures..
But a lot has changed through the years in the insurance industry.
A lot has changed through the years and the policies can do a lot more than just pay a death settlement.
Downtown Fayetteville has changed through the years, and has become a much more economically viable area in recent years.
A lot has changed through the years and smokers can get much lower rates than they could in the past.
The faces of couples and of families have changed through the years.
A few areas in your marriage where you may notice both positive and negative change through the years include:
Realise that you will both change through the years and that your relationship can grow and develop as well.
Many of our clients have become friends and have brought us back for additional projects as their needs change through the years.
What I consider Authentic has changed through the years and I'm sure will keep changing.

Not exact matches

Now a triumphant 18 year old and a Nobel prize winner, Malala Yousafzai is changing the world through the Malala Fund, utilizing technology, social media and her will to bring peace and education to all.
Forte Oil did not give a reason for the change in direction but said the downstream sector in Nigeria had gone through changes in recent years and was expected to evolve further.
However, half way through the year things have changed.
«The first generation went through their formative years in the»60s and didn't found their businesses with the idea that they were going to change the world, by and large,» says Grossman.
He points to the fact that Smith is currently investigating the activities of federal climate scientists whose research last year undermined claims by Climate Change skeptics that global warming was going through a «hiatus».
The bill she sponsored — creating a committee for the next five years to study not just maternal mortality but also life - threatening complications, or severe maternal morbidity — sailed through the legislature, in part because of a change in governors.
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