Sentences with phrase «changes fit a pattern»

They found that gene expression is different at 209 sites in chronically lonely people and that many of those changes fit a pattern of elevated immune activation, inflammation, and depressed response to infection.

Not exact matches

Being in the holding patterns of waiting or wanting doesn't fit their style.They take action and create change.
This is certainly a story that fits the main pattern of change in the general election vote intention opinion polls.
If it's just one plan that is now done, then the political benefits to the governor will erode and will fit into a pattern all too familiar in Albany: policy changes that deal with real problems, but do so in such a limited way that it undermines the program and fuels public cynicism.
Although no single fire, no matter how severe, can be concretely linked to global climate change, the climatic conditions seen in Colorado this year fit the kind of pattern scientists expect to see in the future.
In these machines, the telltale pattern of specks will change or disappear when a new toner cartridge is fitted.
A. 1) to diagnose the fit between model - simulated and observed patterns of zonal mean temperature change.
Following World War I and the changes in cubism seen in the 1920s, Braque, along with Jean Arp and Kurt Schwitters (where the show picks up), began to explore collages with two new and important changes: first, they were composed of many more cut profile shapes and pieces, and, more importantly, the cut pieces were fit together in an overlapping construction, thus varying the collage's surface pattern and allowing it to «read» with a visual flicker similar to the surfaces of heavily impastoed High Baroque and Impressionist paintings.
A climate change involves a changing weather pattern, and if one event is part of an emerging new pattern — a trend — then one may with hindsight say that it fits the picture.
Reading them, you come to realize how frequently weather stories you hear — whether about storms in the Northeast, or droughts in the Southwest — all fit within the pattern of how our climate is changing.
Do these very small changes alter the temperature of the earth?Some claim that the Sun alters wind patterns such as the jet stream if it does then it is obvious that it will have some correlation with the length of day.How do you fit solar cycles so precisely to the length of day?
16 Sea level rising by thermal expansion AND ice melt Sea ice melting (Arctic and Antarctic) Glaciers melting worldwide Arctic and Antarctic Peninsula heating up fastest Melting on ice sheets is accelerating More severe weather (droughts, floods, storms, heat waves, hard freezes, etc.) Bottom line: These changes do not fit the natural patterns unless we add the effects of increased Greenhouse gasses Signs that global warming is underway
This pattern fits with a proposed period of population expansion and intensification of resource use in the Coorong, along with more general changes known to have occurred in parts of coastal Australia during the mid - to late Holocene.»
-LSB-...] floods, record temperatures, record precipitation events (both rainfall and snow), droughts, wildfires, tornadoes and other weather «events» showing changed patterns that fit within what -LSB-...]
That is, they compared patterns of change in a GCM with those in observations and the best fit occured when scaled with an aerosol forcing of -1.01 + / - 0.6 W / m ^ 2 +.
But the climate change hysteria today doesn't fit this pattern because it is the scientists themselves who are fanning the flames.
There may be brief periods where there is «a fit» then the system will change due multiple unknown non-linear non-cyclic interactions and the pattern will not exist any more as expected.
It seems, then, that the experience of jealousy in bisexuals fits the pattern of jealousy in heterosexuals, and only the individual's experience may change, depending on whom he or she is dating.
Thus, there is no «one size fits all» developmental pattern of change.
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