Sentences with phrase «changes have caused»

Imagine that, little by little, your humble house has evolved into a stunning home, and consequently, these changes have caused it to increase in value.
Stan, (as it applies to Ontario) RECO has radically changed the way Sales Reps are allowed to operate, over the last 4 years and those changes have caused a lessened benefit to opening your own brokerage.
As might be expected, these significant recent changes have caused alarm.
First, network changes have caused stations to move from climatologically warmer sites to climatologically cooler sites nearby over time.
What is being proposed is that we reverse the changes we have caused and let the system go back to doing what it does.
While Delta's recent announcements of their sweeping award program changes have caused an uproar among frequent flyers, one of the areas most likely to trip up leisure travelers are the airline's new cash plus points awards.
Regulatory changes have caused significant headaches during the past few years.
More than 600,000 teenagers in England, Wales and Northern Ireland are receiving results, with head teachers saying changes have caused «a lot of turbulence» in grades.
The charity says the changes have caused confusion and a greater variation in the quality of help offered, and has subsequently called for a review of support for children with Send.
These changes have caused the outburst of remote communication, internet technology and all the whatnots.
I've been making some (small and subtle) changes here on Oh So Glam behind - the - scenes, in particular — to how you can SHOP using this blog as a reference, and a couple of these changes have caused some questions from you gals!
I understand that burden that these changes have caused, and I do very much hope that you are able to find someone locally who is knowledgeable, thorough, AND affordable.
They confirmed that human - induced changes have caused the belt of prevailing westerly winds over the Southern Ocean to shift towards Antarctica.
These changes have caused some of the most radical members of her party to criticise her choices, most notably causing a row between her and her niece, Marion - Maréchal Le Pen, a member of Parliament for the National Front, who is even more conservative than her aunt.
The change has caused a bit of uncertainty among entrepreneurs and investors, who now have to deal with an extra step in the fundraising process.
«I've been in regular contact with Centro on this issue and I understand the hardship that this change would cause for the many individuals and families in Central New York who depend on this service for transportation to jobs, to school, and to ensure care for their families,» Katko said.
Climate change has caused ocean temperatures to rise, a trend that will continue in the coming centuries even if fossil fuel emissions are curtailed.
Environmental change has caused the loss of more than half the world's reef building corals.
Again, green groups and scientists have criticized the commission's 40 % proposal as insufficient to limit global warming to a temperature increase of 2ºC — which is widely considered as the threshold above which climate change would cause severe effects; Greenpeace, for instance, had hoped for a 55 % reduction.
But study coauthor Jon Hare, of NOAA's Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Narragansett, R.I., says that's not the case for all fish: Climate change has caused a northward shift for two other northeastern fish grouped in the same management plan as the fluke: the popular black sea bass, and the small scup or porgy, which is often caught by fishers targeting other catch.
This one been thelongest of the three as hot ocean temperatures fueled by El Niño and climate change have caused reefs to suffer across every ocean basin.
Pounds writes in an e-mail that climate change has caused greater day - to - day variations in precipitation at Monteverde, something the isotope method isn't precise enough to measure.
It's the nicotine in cigarettes that make them addictive, and according to one analysis, this change would cause 5 million people to quit smoking in the first...
Cory Cleveland, a UM professor of terrestrial ecosystem ecology, said that previous research in the wet tropics — where much of global forest productivity occurs — indicates that the increased rainfall that may occur with climate change would cause declines in plant growth.
I'm thinking that the dietary change has caused him to eliminate the kidney stones that were stored in his kidneys.
Nonetheless, teaching unions have opposed the new contracts, claiming the changes would cause teaching assistants to lose around # 400 per month and have warned they would be balloting members for industrial action.
To his dismay, while the heater had helped thaw the frozen plumbing, the extreme temperature change had caused a rupture in the copper joints in the basement.
If a recent diet change has caused the constipation, switch to a different food.
In fact, this option is preferable to the stress that a territorial change would cause (at a trustworthy cat - sitter's home or in an animal boarding house).
Water temperature changes have cause coral bleaching in recent years, particularly in 1998 and 2010.
It would be great to get direction from an official member of RC but there are many who seem knowledgeable blogging here, so if anyone can point me to substantive information showing clearly how the.8 degree Celsius change has caused the Australian drought, I would appreciate it much.
«so if anyone can point me to substantive information showing clearly how the.8 degree Celsius change has caused the Australian drought, I would appreciate it much.»
Claims are made by some that climate change has caused more losses, but others assert that increasing exposure due to population and economic growth has been a much more important driver.
Severe climate change would cause changes in food availability, leading to 529,000 more people dying in 2050 than would have without warming, the research found.
The high - resolution projections differ from lower - resolution results that forecast climate change would cause reduced phytoplankton and dwindling tuna.
Climate change has caused a reproductive justice crisis, activists say, as its projected impacts lead some to question how they could have a baby with such an uncertain future.
Indeed, although my impression was that those most confidently predicting the future were those adamantly opposed to any suggestion that climate change might pose a risk, namely by predicting that climate change would cause no significant harm.
Even if it could be demonstrated that climate change had caused a particular problem, the «crime» that the «victim» is the subject of is not defined by the action of the perpetrator, but by the status of the «victim».
Despite headlines claiming that man - made climate change has caused five Islands (out of nearly a thousand) to disappear from rising sea levels, a closer inspection of the study reveals the true cause is natural, and the report's lead author says many of the headlines have been «exaggerated» to ill - effect.
McKenzie is no climate change denier and is quick to agree that climate change has caused the bleaching.
Climate change has caused both West Antarctica's ice shelves and the even bigger eastern shelves to be weakened and liable to complete meltdown over time.
So they suggested that earlier springs due to climate change had caused the increase in catastrophic fires in that region.
On the other hand, climate change has caused heavy downpour in districts in Andhra Pradesh and Bihar, which were traditionally drought - prone.
As of September, 2009, the Chamber's actions and stance on climate change had caused a rift in its own membership with prominent member Exelon Corp announcing it would not renew its membership, following similar departures from PG&E Corp and PNM Resources Inc..
The team believes that global climate change has caused additional warming to the subsea permafrost by raising the temperature of river run - off entering the ocean.
The closest to that I can see is where he said that climate change would cause more fires which would cause more particulates which would cause more asthma.
We've used their observed retreat as a way of reaching back into past centuries to understand the changes we've caused.
We have been told that climate change would cause more powerful hurricanes and yet we have had a decade of lower hurricane activity and no change in tornado activity.
If one thing is clear from the fallout from the Brexit vote last June it is the acceleration of change it has caused in...
It is very likely this change would cause your premium to go up and in many cases, «pricey» after - market items may not be covered in your policy.
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