Sentences with phrase «changes in the past affects»

In a project focusing on how climate changes in the past affects the evolution of biodiversity, researchers tried to fill this knowledge gap.

Not exact matches

The Dragons» Den argument speaks to something of a mission Kopke has embarked on in the past few years to affect change in Canada's business culture.
Tax laws vary greatly country to country, so if you're a business that has grown accustomed to the laws of the past, or you're used to tax laws in other countries, it's important you take some time to understand how these changes can affect you.
Unilateral symbolic action by the Federal government has not affected change in China in the past, and a similar course action by the government of Ontario is likely to produce a similar disappointing result.
This week we've been talking about how changes in faith affect our relationships, and today I wanted to share a few lessons that I've learned as my own faith has evolved over the past ten years or so.
It presupposes that Christianity is a completely finished and self - contained social entity, which may perhaps change from within following the lines laid down in the past, but never to be affected by criticism from the outside, that is, from science, philosophy, history, art, and moral intelligence.
By validating model results against geological observations, the study indicates that changes in runoff, sea level and wave energy have profoundly affected the past evolution of the Great Barrier Reef not only in regard to reefs evolution but also sediment fate from source - to - sink.
The other, more trustworthy method is to look at how changes in CO2 have affected past climate, from the recent past to millions of years ago.
Over the past 20 years, evidence that humans are affecting the climate has accumulated inexorably, and with it has come ever greater certainty across the scientific community in the reality of recent climate change and the potential for much greater change in the future.
The strength and path of the North Atlantic jet stream and the Greenland blocking phenomena appear to be influenced by increasing temperatures in the Arctic which have averaged at least twice the global warming rate over the past two decades, suggesting that those marked changes may be a key factor affecting extreme weather conditions over the UK, although an Arctic connection may not occur each year.
The techniques developed in this study will help scientists to reconstruct past changes in colony size and potentially predict how other penguin populations may be affected elsewhere.
A new report by the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) at the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford concludes that better governance could have lessened the impact on the poorest and most vulnerable, and affected populations have been let down by the authorities in the past.
«Factors affecting extinction and origination of species are surprisingly different, with past climate change having the highest impact on extinction but not on originations,» notes researcher Daniele Silvestro from the GGBC who developed the mathematical model used in the study.
The question we should ask is, what has been the biggest change affecting male or female health, especially in the West, during the past century?
But scientists believe climate change is also a factor in the flooding that has affected three quarters of Colombia in the past two years, cost billions of dollars and left hundreds dead.
If we can understand how reptiles responded to climate change in the past, we can better predict how climate change will affect reptiles now.
In addition to exploring how the past climate has changed and its effects on Montana, the MCA explored how future projected climate change would also affect water, forests, and agriculture across the state.
We will never materially change our policies and practices to make them less protective of customer information collected in the past without the consent of affected customers.
In the past a pharmacy chain compounded it wrong at 200 MG / ML and before that was found out my libido went through the roof and body changes took affect.
Too bad Williams, whose character is a voice - of - reason referee between the arguing brothers, can only affect the scenes he is in, and not change the past or future.
It's up to the protagonists to solve whatever problem happens in the past to affect changes in the future.
In addition, the technologically biased structural change that has been affecting the economy over the past several decades has increased entry level job requirements and made it more challenging for Millennials to get their careers off the ground compared to previous generations.
Higher GPA requirements took effect this past year in New Jersey, 87 and such changes will take effect in Alabama in fall 2017.88 For this reason, it is not yet known how or whether these changes will affect the diversity of students enrolling in and graduating from teacher preparation programs.
Focused on how the new standards are affecting teachers» students and classrooms, the survey found that over the past year the majority of teachers have remained optimistic that the Common Core will lead to greater levels of student achievement and that many are observing positive changes in their classrooms despite some challenges in implementation.
The design change didn't affect the car's roominess; it remains the spacious six - passenger sedan it was in the past.
The boys discover that small changes in the past not only affect the future but can completely warp a person's character — usually negatively.
This free sampler contains the first 6 chapters of Credence Foundation (A Science Fiction Novel) A detective tasked with solving the seemingly impossible murder of an influential scientist finds a clue that leads him to Credence, a corporation of the future that uses mass beliefs to change reality and send spaceships on the other side of the universe.Suspecting that the murderer had himself flushed in and out of the crime scene using Credence's technology, Detective Trumaine readies his trap.In a frantic chase through his mind, long - forgotten memories from a tragic past, as well as virtual environments, he will finally put together the missing pieces of the most unbelievable plan ever to affect mankind.It's a novel of about 74,000 words...
The student loan people today face more challenges overcoming their student loan debt.Efforts and projections made during the time of past borrowers seem to be going the opposite direction.With constant changes affecting student loans, it is... [Read more...] about The Student Loan People In Deeper Debt as Repayment Takes Longer
Amended Tax Return — Use this if you have made a mistake or there was a change in your filing status that would affect past returns.
I get it that if you are still subscribing just for the games and see what they've been offering that you might feel shafted by any price increase, but I also feel the service has changed it's main focus, it was the IGC, now it's MP and it's the latter why I subscribe... No matter if any of you feel my comparisons are wrong or not, do realise one thing: a price increase has happened in other countries before and nothing changed, now it's only, I repeat, only happening in the US and Canada so you can kiss the idea of any improvements on the game offerings goodbye, it's not going to happen, it didn't happen in the past when the rest of the world was affected, it's not going to happen now...
In the Interview Hou Hanru discusses the artist's influences and motivations, and the dramatic changes that affected contemporary Chinese art over the past two decades.
Dr. Sami Solanki — director and scientific member at the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany, who argues that changes in the Sun's state, not human activity, may be the principal cause of global warming: «The sun has been at its strongest over the past 60 years and may now be affecting global temperatures.»
Furthermore the rate of climate change reported and rate of change in factors affecting climate which are reported strike me as completely unprecedented by measure of any geologic era in the past with possible exception of unhappy events like the Great Permian Extinction.
Mike's work, like that of previous award winners, is diverse, and includes pioneering and highly cited work in time series analysis (an elegant use of Thomson's multitaper spectral analysis approach to detect spatiotemporal oscillations in the climate record and methods for smoothing temporal data), decadal climate variability (the term «Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation» or «AMO» was coined by Mike in an interview with Science's Richard Kerr about a paper he had published with Tom Delworth of GFDL showing evidence in both climate model simulations and observational data for a 50 - 70 year oscillation in the climate system; significantly Mike also published work with Kerry Emanuel in 2006 showing that the AMO concept has been overstated as regards its role in 20th century tropical Atlantic SST changes, a finding recently reaffirmed by a study published in Nature), in showing how changes in radiative forcing from volcanoes can affect ENSO, in examining the role of solar variations in explaining the pattern of the Medieval Climate Anomaly and Little Ice Age, the relationship between the climate changes of past centuries and phenomena such as Atlantic tropical cyclones and global sea level, and even a bit of work in atmospheric chemistry (an analysis of beryllium - 7 measurements).
Furthermore, given that «global warming» doesn't mean that the whole world is simply going to get warmer (rather, climate changes will be complex), pointing out that civilizations in the past may not have been affected by warming is something of a red herring.
In selecting his team to carry us forward into a future in which the weather and climate patterns of the past can no longer be assumed to be valid indicators of future climate conditions affecting the economy and society, we hope the next President will swiftly and skillfully select a set of strong «climate leaders» with honesty, integrity, and dedication to bringing the best scientific and technological intelligence we can muster to bear on the host of climate change challenges we facIn selecting his team to carry us forward into a future in which the weather and climate patterns of the past can no longer be assumed to be valid indicators of future climate conditions affecting the economy and society, we hope the next President will swiftly and skillfully select a set of strong «climate leaders» with honesty, integrity, and dedication to bringing the best scientific and technological intelligence we can muster to bear on the host of climate change challenges we facin which the weather and climate patterns of the past can no longer be assumed to be valid indicators of future climate conditions affecting the economy and society, we hope the next President will swiftly and skillfully select a set of strong «climate leaders» with honesty, integrity, and dedication to bringing the best scientific and technological intelligence we can muster to bear on the host of climate change challenges we face.
With climate change already impacting various parts of the world, scientists have started looking into Earth's past in order to better predict how it will affect our future.
Researchers at the U.S. Forest Services Pacific Wildland Fire Lab looked at past fires in the West to create a statistical model of how future climate change may affect wildfires.
Reconstructing this spatial variability will help develop a more precise view of how past changes in climate have affected the planet, Briner says, providing a guide for how the current global warming trend may unfold.
In the past few years, unusually warm air in the Arctic has driven winter storm tracks south into the United States, reflecting the complex and sometimes counteracting ways that climate change may affect local weather extremeIn the past few years, unusually warm air in the Arctic has driven winter storm tracks south into the United States, reflecting the complex and sometimes counteracting ways that climate change may affect local weather extremein the Arctic has driven winter storm tracks south into the United States, reflecting the complex and sometimes counteracting ways that climate change may affect local weather extremes.
Ben Phillips, the campaigns director of the charity Oxfam, explained why his organisation took part: «In the past five years alone, that's since the last time leaders met to discuss climate change, 112,000 lives have been lost, 650 million people have been affected by climate - change related disasters and half a trillion dollars has been lost.»
Scientific studies show there is little if any linkage between hurricane frequency and severity with CO2 in the atmosphere, but an objective, common - sense, easy to understand analysis of hurricanes over the past 110 years, also demonstrates that climate change is not affecting the number or severity of hurricanes.
People have been forced to move in the past thanks to changes in sea levels that affected Australia's coastline.
And George, if you must know, in another poll of 21,000 readers we conducted earlier this year, 40 percent of respondents said that over the past year they became «more certain that humans are changing climate»; 46 percent said their views were «unchanged» and only 14 percent were «more doubtful that human activity is affecting the climate.»
Changes in atmospheric composition and chemistry over the past century have affected, and those projected into the future will affect, the lifetimes of many greenhouse gases and thus alter the climate forcing of anthropogenic emissions:
In the first project of its kind, scientists are drilling deep into the bed of the fast - shrinking Dead Sea, searching for clues to past climate changes and other events that may have affected human history back through Biblical times and before.
Once a TOBS change has originally been made in the past eg 1900 should have been 0.2 warmer thern this altered estimate should stay forever and not be affected by future changes.
Models help us interpret past and present climate changes, and, in so far as they succeed in simulating past changes, they provide a tool to help evaluate the impacts of alternative policies that affect climate.
Ecosystem responses to past rainfall variability in the Sahel are potentially useful as an analogue of future climate change impacts, in the light of projections that extreme drought - affected terrestrial areas will increase from 1 % to about 30 % globally by the 2090s (Burke et al., 2006).
Changes in land use over the past centuries have affected the biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients in the coastal zone strongly (Nixon 1995; Doney 2010; Hooke and Martín - Duque 2012).
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