Sentences with phrase «changes in tone worked»

Abrupt changes in tone worked for me in Red State, but here I felt cheated.

Not exact matches

(A Fortune magazine piece last year covered how GoDaddy worked to change the tone of its racy, sometimes sexist, ads in order to better appeal to women, who represent a large swath of the country's small business owners.)
Make a habit of checking in with your body and tone of voice during different interactions, to become attuned to your automatic setting, and consciously work to change any negative settings.
Let students know that generally, the more regularly they practice, the faster they may begin to see changes and that they need to be present to them; things like soreness can signify they are started to work dormant muscles (as we've said above) and changes in weight, strength, flexibility and overall body tone can change as well.
I see this all the time with the women I work with — they write me discouraged that their stomach isn't changing fast enough — and they are totally missing the awesome muscle tone they're creating in their legs, back, arms and other places... which if they keep going will affect their abs shortly!
Using the Crystal Bowl Tones and being able to see the chakras at work in my life has changed everything.
Once this epiphany had been reached, it changed the way I thought about the colours in my outfits — now I tend to work with a «rule of 3» — up to 3 core colours in each outfit, with the exception that extras can be tones of one of these (and black and white do or don't count as a colour depending on my mood).
I did change my shoes for the work event, in part to «tone down» the outfit, but more importantly in order to be able to stand around for 6 hours straight.
Mineral colours have a tendency to work in with your skin tone gradually, so often change in appearance given a little time.
The movie comes from co-writer and director Ramin Bahrani, and it's a change - up in tone and rhythm from his earlier work, a lot of which is terrific.
That is, until the 11th - hour twist comes along and nearly undoes all that good work with its abrupt change in tone.
There is a sudden and jarring change in tone which lessens the impact of what has gone before, with a twist that does not quite work.
While the tone of the film changes in the second portion (from dreamy ideals to stark realities), many sequences and shots still carry that slightly surreal aesthetic, which heightens the intrigue and beauty of this gritty working - class limbo; even more so than his other films, Mud showcases Nichols as a sharp and artistic visual storyteller.
Working with his coach, Lowe learned to make subtle changes in his language that shifted the tone from supervisory to supportive.
Granted, it's hard work — but not half as discouraging as having editors change the very tone of your book, decide that a proposal won't sell because it's not the flavor of the month, have the completed draft languish on someone's desk for months, wait five months after the book's published for a first advance, or learn that you, a prolific Canadian writer, aren't being published in Canada.
The soundtrack works in a wonderful contrast to that of the first game, with the more swanky and energetic score of the original being replaced with more somber and menacing tunes (you need only to listen to the tracks that accompany the world maps of both games to understand the drastic change in tone).
There is a massive change in the tone of the game and the flow of the story, which will either surprise and intrigue you, or leaving you with a very puzzled look on your face whilst you try to work out what the writers were thinking.
Much like the ambient music that he finds influential, the changes and transformations in McDonald's work are subtle and difficult to identify, creating a temporal alliance with the notes and tones of this musical genre.
The Picasso works stem largely from the period following 1933, when, due to the rise of National Socialism, most of the journals and magazines for which Mammen worked ceased publication or were forced to change their tone, in the process of Gleichschaltung.
Now, more than a quarter of a century later — during which time he settled in the US, began collaborating with his wife Emilia, and acquired the status of one of the most important artists among former Soviet nonconformists — the tone and comportment of his work has changed.
These works, when standing idle or when activated by a performer six times a week (Fridays and Saturdays at 2 and 4 pm and 5 pm either by actor / performer Austin Purnell or performer Lollo Romanski), set the tone for the way in which all of the works in the exhibition change subtly as the viewer — or the sculpture itself — moves around the gallery space.
Looking at his work from the early 1990's, Grenville is surprised at how much it has changed, from the dark earthy tone of his period in London, to the bright, cheerful, color palette he uses today.
To many of Zhang's East Village peers, the changes in the tone of his work have been stark and even disappointing.
And works such as his 1978 floor piece New Stones, Newton's Tones use chromatic changes in carefully arranged accumulations of consumer detritus, so as to call attention to landscape, space, and most importantly, material.
Throughout the exhibition, his minimalist compositions change in color and tone; his earlier works from the years following the death of his son harbor much darker and colder tones, whereas his more recent works appear to have a brighter disposition.
Ned Rifkin has remarked that «this seemingly slight change has introduced a new intimacy of scale and simultaneously opened her work to a decidedly more lyrical tone in colour and feeling.»
The change in tone from Vitter corresponds closely to his new perch as the top Republican on the Environment and Public Works Committee, a position he secured last year.
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