Sentences with phrase «changes so»

That's just 2 changes so I'm not going overboard or disrupting the team but maybe this could work and also shake up the players who are «dropped».
The «Catylist for Change» Ivan G announced was for life after Wenger and was clearly intended to motivate the divided fan base who were aiming their frustrations above the Manager and directly at the Board.Ivan Gazidi deserves great credit for being the first to break free of Wengers stranglehold on the club and demand the changes so obviously needed.
Unfortunately Wenger's sideways tactics could prove problematic once again as PEA's success is largely predicated on the manager's ability to make the necessary tactical and personnel changes so that our newest strikers are provided with the proper service.
À la carte is served only at the six - seat open - kitchen counter, and the menu changes so often that it's impossible to know what to expect.
We made some changes so their are easier than they already are.
Please let us know if you made any changes so we can maybe figure out what may have gone wrong.
We made several changes so this recipe is really suited for two, but it can easily be doubled for a larger group.
«Just made a couple of changes so that they were -LSB-...]
«The beverage industry changes so quickly and we have to adapt to changes and try to stay ahead.
Anthony Varni, president: «The beverage industry changes so quickly and we have to adapt to changes and try to stay ahead.»
«It empowers our employees to make changes so they also have ownership in what they do on a day - to - day basis,» President Bill Burke adds.
«We have many menu changes so we have in - house marketing and advertising,» Yefet says.
The color changes so much from that bright fuchsia to a deep shiny elegant ruby wow!!
In order to lighten up this easy lobster bisque recipe, I make a few changes so I could enjoy it more often while still maintaining my healthy lifestyle.
The texture changes so much that it does give the impression of velvet.
I did make some changes so if you want to check out FullyRaw Kristina's original recipe, you can find that here.
I made a few changes so we shall see how they turn out..
glad to say the small changes so far I've made are going well.
Just as scientific consensus changes so does consensus over what the Bible says.
In practical terms we are asking the question that is posed by Alvin Toffler when he speaks of the «future shock» which results when people are faced with changes so rapid and so profound that they can not cope with them.
Of course, this sort or argument is rarely used by Calvinists because it contradicts their teaching that once a person has been regenerated by God, their will has been irresistibly changes so that they come willingly to faith in Jesus Christ.
We can not develop a vaccine for AIDS because its structure changes so rapidly, oftentimes from host to host the strain is different.
To compensate for the changes so that numeric comparisons can still be made, an adjustment factor (called a divisor) is calculated and applied to the average.
Tracking technology changes every so often and a new or a better device is always released or just around the corner.
He indicated that he knows the site can be a source of discontent and pledged changes so it inspires a greater sense of well - being among users.
Social Buyerology becomes a best practice and science for listening to and identifying patterns of behavioral changes so that an organization does not find itself flatfooted in responding to its social buyers.
I'm betting that she'll soft pedal the changes so the industry (and its vociferous defenders, the WR and PCs) can't argue that she's put the final nail in the coffin for the oil industry.
The world changes so fast, it is sometimes impossible to keep up with everything that is happening on the market.
It's possible that you can make some changes so your loans won't feel insurmountable while you work your way up in your new career.
If you recertify and your income or family size changes so that your calculated monthly payment would once again be less than the 10 - year Standard Repayment Plan amount, your servicer will recalculate your payment and you'll return to making payments that are based on your income.
But what I want to focus on is why P / E changes so dramatically, from one decade to the next.
The car - buying experience is something that many people dread, but Hyundai is making some big changes so that it's less...
Not only are responsive sites able to fit the window properly but font sizes, navigation, and site structure changes so the web sure can actually read the content.
When you are able to see the underlying root cause of excitement — or lack of it — you can begin to make changes so that the next week will feel different.
«The market changes so rapidly that at any moment you have to give up what you are for what you could be.»
The world changes so fast.
«The landscape of e-communications and the «Internet of things» changes so rapidly that to focus on one specific form of communication, or a specific device, may render a policy obsolete in a matter of months,» Krugel says.
«Because the technology changes so rapidly, employers and employees should educate themselves on these advancements.
Hiring an assistant can help you hasten those changes so you can grow rapidly as a professional and as a person.
This will help you to get in touch with global needs and changes so that your business can always be one step ahead.
Without that, it's hard to stay relevant in a space that changes so rapidly.
Corporate travelers often book on big airlines that offer the most flights and flexibility because their plans change so often.
«Never has a food aisle been challenged like this and changed so quickly by a startup ever,» Chobani said.
Laws change so frequently, that handbooks should be reviewed at least every 2 years to be sure they are in compliance.
«In terms of bringing a higher quality experience, yes absolutely,» he said, but noted that the controls may need to change so it's not «too clunky to be enjoyable.»
Ask yourself: Has the value your adviser provided more this year than last, or has your situation changed so much that it calls for an increase in your fee?
«Technology and marketplaces change so fast and so often that companies that are able to move, change and adapt fast win the game,» says Hsu.
This needs to change so we can responsibly monitor and respond to any risks.
«The internet and technology has changed so much of our lives, but moving was an area where that hadn't come about,» Eidson says.
While Monsanto's culture has remained consistently nurturing, the business has changed so much he «feels as if he's worked at a wide range of different companies.»
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