Sentences with phrase «changes upon expression»

Using cell models and genetically engineered mice, the authors then could reproduce kidney disease changes upon expression of APOL1 gene variants, but the disease required the presence suPAR.

Not exact matches

In broad outline, Hartshorne's dependence upon White - head finds clearest expression in his enthusiastic adoption of Whitehead's view of the universe as essentially one of perpetual change and becoming.
Hartshorne's dependence upon Whitehead finds clearest expression in his enthusiastic adoption of Whitehead's view of the universe as essentially one of perpetual change and becoming, in opposition to the dominant views of traditional Western philosophy and theology that the basic realities of both God and the universe endure permanently without essential change.
Not only do the individualities influence the change of the images; it would be an important problem of the philosophy of history in the study of the history of religions to search out the influences, the categories, through which a precise «relative a priori» — to use Simmel's expression — acts upon the shaping of the «images»: national, tribal, race, class, sexmembership.
he Bathroom Bill would force New York employers to accommodate cross-dressing employees in the workplace, would make New York businesses liable for real or invented transgressions upon a civil right to «gender identity or expression,» and would give intact biological males who assert female gender identities access to women's locker rooms, changing areas, and restrooms in places of public accommodation, thus compromising the privacy and safety of women and girls.
The two - step process of TILT — getting sick upon toxicant exposure and failing to get well — may be driven by epigenetic changes, which occur when the environment alters the expression of genes without changing the core DNA code itself.
Using this «Ribotag» approach tissue - specific changes under DR have been measured in muscle, fat, gut, heart, neurons, germline and malpighian tubules, showing a highly tissue specific response upon DR.. We are developing mechanistic models of gene expression regulation and conducting comprehensive bioinformatics analyses on UTRs, promoters and the coding sequences of various elements of differentially regulated genes.
By comparing gene expression changes induced upon expression of wild - type and mutant alleles, we inferred the activity of specific alleles.
Qu S, Olafsrud SM, Meza - Zepeda LA, Saatcioglu F. Rapid gene expression changes in peripheral blood lymphocytes upon practice of a comprehensive yoga program.
Upon T cell receptor signaling, these cells initiate a differentiation program that includes complex changes in CD4 and CD8 expression, allowing identification of transitional intermediates in this developmental pathway.
By intersecting genes which are differentially expressed between current and never smokers with those that are different between former and never smokers, we can identify irreversible gene expression changes upon smoking cessation.
To see Orly's arrestingly frank, personal images sewn upon kitschy vintage table runners is to understand immediately the many changes in the tenor of cultural expression between then and now, and in conflating today's brand of cultural confessionalism with yesteryear's kitschy conservatism her work encapsulates a sweeping arc of feminist history.
Since to me (and many scientists, although some wanted a lot more corroborative evidence, which they've also gotten) it makes absolutely no sense to presume that the earth would just go about its merry way and keep the climate nice and relatively stable for us (though this rare actual climate scientist pseudo skeptic seems to think it would, based upon some non scientific belief — see second half of this piece), when the earth changes climate easily as it is, climate is ultimately an expression of energy, it is stabilized (right now) by the oceans and ice sheets, and increasing the number of long term thermal radiation / heat energy absorbing and re radiating molecules to levels not seen on earth in several million years would add an enormous influx of energy to the lower atmosphere earth system, which would mildly warm the air and increasingly transfer energy to the earth over time, which in turn would start to alter those stabilizing systems (and which, with increasing ocean energy retention and accelerating polar ice sheet melting at both ends of the globe, is exactly what we've been seeing) and start to reinforce the same process until a new stases would be reached well after the atmospheric levels of ghg has stabilized.
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