Sentences with phrase «changing economy and society»

One of the questions that nag all school leaders is whether our nation and its schools can meet the current national challenge of providing all students with the skills they will need to thrive in our rapidly changing economy and society.
Imagination and clarity of expression are hard to teach — but even in the poorest societies, it remains important to foster these to deal with and make sense of fast changing economies and societies.
Everyone «knows» that such a new technology will change the economy and society.

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Stiglitz said that while CEOs aren't going to solve inequality on their own, the reason they exist in society is to grow the economy, and more are realizing they need to make changes.
As increasingly fast - paced change grips our economy and society, it's clear that it's time for unions to think about doing things in a new way.
Megatrends, per Bradford's PowerPoint, «are global, sustained, and macroeconomic forces of development that impact business, economy, society, culture, and personal lives, thereby defining our world and its increasing pace of change
«Growing concern about climate change — from society in general, and from long - term shareholders in particular — has forced oil companies to think about the implications of a transition to a low - carbon economy.
As the institutional pressures of the economy change, alternative behaviors will supplant this shortsightedness, but this will not happen without a political and legal restructuring of the corporation's place in the society.
I confess that I have become somewhat blasé about the range of exciting — I think revolutionary is probably more accurate — technologies that we are rolling out today: our work in genomics and its translation into varieties that are reaching poor farmers today; our innovative integration of long — term and multilocation trials with crop models and modern IT and communications technology to reach farmers in ways we never even imagined five years ago; our vision to create a C4 rice and see to it that Golden Rice reaches poor and hungry children; maintaining productivity gains in the face of dynamic pests and pathogens; understanding the nature of the rice grain and what makes for good quality; our many efforts to change the way rice is grown to meet the challenges of changing rural economies, changing societies, and a changing climate; and, our extraordinary array of partnerships that has placed us at the forefront of the CGIAR change process through the Global Rice Science Partnership.
It forecast that «almost all our economy and society» will be affected by the momentous changes taking place to our north and warned «a whole - of - Australia effort» was needed to deal with a social and economic transformation as «profound as any that have defined Australia throughout our history.»
Thatcherism changed and metamophosised during the 1980s away from the strident attacks on economic interventionism to more moralistic tropes on society and the economy.
In other changes, another former NEC chair and former general secretary of the Fabian Society, Baroness Hayter, joins the Cabinet Office team and, with Lord Tunnicliffe, the team covering business, innovation and skills, where Labour said it would focus work on its concerns about jobs and growth in the economy.
It's why that plan sets out how we will use this moment of change to build a stronger economy and a fairer society by embracing genuine economic and social reform.
I don't think it involved a wholesale strategic change because in my leadership election I spoke about the importance of a strong society, of a dynamic economy and those two things remain.»
Members of the shadow cabinet will instead trumpet three key messages over the weekend: that the Tories are best placed to stabilise the economy, with a credible plan to cut the fiscal deficit; that they embrace aspiration and opportunity for all; and that society needs to change.
In less than one generation, the information revolution and the introduction of the computer into virtually every dimension of our society has changed how our economy works, how we provide for our national security, and how we structure our everyday lives.
GCAM is especially suited for projections such as this because it takes into account ongoing future changes in technology, society and the economy, including energy and land use.
The proposed solutions to climate change will «in very substantial ways rearrange our economy and the structure of our society.
Holt and talk - show host Thom Hartmann discussed a non-partisan 28 June letter sent to policymakers by 31 leading scientific societies, including AAAS, which warned of negative climate - change impacts to the global economy, natural resources, national security and human health.
The research target of science in the 21st century is hugely complex, and the relationships among science and technology, economies, nature, and society will be dramatically changed.
Yet the report also argued against a rapid shift to non-fossil fuel energy sources, noting that «making significant changes in energy consumption... amid all the scientific uncertainties would be premature in view of the severe impact such moves could have on the world's economies and societies
Between 2009 and 2017, the German research network BIOACID (Biological Impacts of Ocean Acidification) investigated how different marine species respond to ocean acidification, how these reactions impact the food web as well as material cycles and energy turnover in the ocean, and what consequences these changes have for economy and society.
«We have to consider there are two sides of the coin: On the one hand, the uptake of carbon dioxide moderates climate change but, on the other hand, it affects life in the ocean — with consequences for economy and society
Climate change scenarios are based on projections of future greenhouse gas (particularly carbon dioxide) emissions and resulting atmospheric concentrations given various plausible but imagined combinations of how governments, societies, economies, and technologies will change in the future.
«There is strong evidence that ongoing climate change is having broad negative impacts on society, including the global economy, natural resources and human health,» the letter states.
Rather than focus only on the role of technology this year, we want to focus on how changes in the economyand specifically how we live and work — will increasingly alter the fabric of society.
In light of these paradoxes and contradictions, and perhaps due to them, is well known that migrations has not only changed its population, but it also has became the new reality regarding the economy (remittances), the culture (migration), the environment (deterioration and depredation), and the society (poverty).
Founder and President at GEC; UNEP Reform Project Leader at Tema at Linkoping University; SCO Project Leader at Vermont University; My mission is to contribute myself in global environmental and sustainable development governance and act to accelerate transitioning the society to green economy with sustainable development, and to join together with world visionary leaders to fight and combat the climate change that threaten life of all.
Educators today face the task of teaching children a new set of social, academic, and civic competencies to navigate a growing global economy and ever - changing society.
Note: Live streaming of this event will begin May 9 at 5 p.m. Educators today face the task of teaching children a new set of social, academic, and civic competencies to navigate a growing global economy and ever - changing society.
NYSED Office of Higher Education: Resources that ensure that a high quality postsecondary education is available to all that provides students with the knowledge and skills to compete in a rapidly changing economy and actively contribute to society.
Because changes in economy and society will demand it.
In response to an increasingly complex society and a rapidly changing, technology - based economy, schools are being asked to educate the most diverse student body in our history with higher academic standards than ever before.
As economies and societies change, the educational demands will too — and they almost always lead to a need for higher levels of knowledge and skill, as well as differing kinds of them.
If the state continues to take away opportunities for children to explore educational opportunities and keep up with the challenges and changes of the world, then our children stand no chance of being successful citizens that contribute to the growth and development of society and the economy.
Rapid and deep changes in society, the economy and policy over the last decades are having an increasing impact on the delivery of social housing in North Western Europe.
Shifts in both the economy and society are driving these changes.
Additionally, the rise of the sharing economy and growing trend toward location independence means that some of the staples of our society are changing.
Shrigley's ambition is that this will become a self - fulfilling prophecy; that things considered «bad», such as the economy, the weather and society, will benefit from a change of consensus towards positivity.
He hopes it will cheer the nation and that the thumbs - up gesture will «become a self - fulfilling prophecy — that things considered «bad» such as the economy, the weather and society will benefit from a change of consensus towards positivity».
In her latest series of works, Acloque subtly prises open collections (and collectors) to reflect on how our changing world finds new meaning in their legacy and how changes in society, culture, and the economy have radically reshaped the meaning of objects and our relationships with them.
We live in a repressive society that aims to suppress the truth, an Animal Farm with mannerless goats bleating falsehoods about climate change accepters being out to destroy the economy and bring about a totalitarian regime.
Unfortunately whilst certain political commentators / manipulators and leaders sow confusion about the issue of climate change and anthropogenic emissions, and also state that taking formal action would be «bad for our economy», the firm policy required at global / regional level, the correct signal to society / industry and the global action needed will not happen.
That is why society and the economy have to change and not just individual lifestyles 3) Can you think of a better investment of carbon that getting the smartest people together to talk about a) how bad the consequences of this problem will be and b) how to solve them?
The first report knew, and commented on, the possibilities of gradual climate change pushing ecosystems or economies over thresholds and triggering abrupt responses, but the new report focuses on such tipping points in our societies and environment.
One of the major limits to climate change adaptation is the context in which it needs to take place and efforts to slow or reverse negative impacts need to engage the long - term place based change in economy, nature, and society.
My opinion is that, putting global warming and climate change aside, we have much greater evidence of the difficult future caused by land degradation, shrinking drinkable water supplies, collapsing fish stocks, and the troubles that will be caused to the economy and society as supply of oil and gas supplies shrink and energy becomes too expensive.
At least half of the 60 - plus S&T related positions identified in the Academy report will involve some level of involvement in one aspect or another of climate change: scientific research; assessment of climate change impacts; analysis and evaluation of adaptation and mitigation strategies; development of energy and other technologies for a carbon - constrained economy and society; and so on.
In selecting his team to carry us forward into a future in which the weather and climate patterns of the past can no longer be assumed to be valid indicators of future climate conditions affecting the economy and society, we hope the next President will swiftly and skillfully select a set of strong «climate leaders» with honesty, integrity, and dedication to bringing the best scientific and technological intelligence we can muster to bear on the host of climate change challenges we face.
The pressures caused by climate change will influence resource competition while placing additional burdens on economies, societies, and governance institutions around the world.
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