Sentences with phrase «changing education landscape»

We seek to help change the education landscape by sharing what we have learned in order to promote high - quality education for all students.
Now more than ever, teachers must prove themselves in a constantly changing education landscape.
«I understand you don't want to sit through another 12 - hour hearing but this is something that really changes our education landscape in this state,» said Rep. Christine Sinicki, D - Milwaukee.
He brings a unique combination of strategic wherewithal and unbridled passion for fundamentally changing the education landscape through empowering educator growth.
San Francisco, CA, US About Blog Tech Trends showcase for the latest disruptive technology that is changing the education landscape globally.
Heller was drawn to HTF because he sees it as a critical initiative to attract, prepare, and sustain talented Harvard graduates, who, with the right set of teaching and learning tools, will change the education landscape by ensuring that all our students have access to the highest quality education and resources.
It won't be until several companies and MATs come together and work collectively, combining their knowledge, experience and ideas, that we will get really well - designed classroom resources that meet the very specific needs of the changing education landscape.
Whitby believes that corporate partnerships, such as the one between Catholic Education Parramatta and Telstra, are vital to help educational institutes respond to the changing education landscape.
Educational providers of today find themselves facing a changing education landscape with reduced levels of government funding and increased levels of competition that are largely due to the digitization of education.
The action underscores the changing education landscape as well the evolving thinking and impatience of the 81 - year - old philanthropist.
During a yearlong process, consortium members identified opportunities for Smarter Balanced to maintain the quality of its assessment system while also looking to innovate and evolve in response to a changing education landscape.
(FEBRUARY 1, 2018) During a yearlong process, Smarter Balanced member states collaborated to build a five - year Strategic Plan that guides the Consortium to maintain its high - quality assessment system while also continuing to innovate and evolve in response to a changing education landscape.
In an ever - changing education landscape, these skills must be coupled with the ability to make use of technology skills and a broad access of educational material and learning experiences that increase a student's qualifications within professional industries.
Some cities seek new energy from elsewhere, recruiting nationally - proven school operators to come to their hometown and change the education landscape.
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