Sentences with phrase «changing on a conscious level»

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Preliminary conclusion: Whitehead remains, in Collingwood's view, vague concerning the distinction between change on the level below consciousness and development on the conscious level.
I remember that change can happen on many levels, and even though I might not be conscious of something, that doesn't mean it's not working.
Any changes you make on a conscious level is temporary, any changes you make with your subconscious is lasting and effortless.
So while I'm confident of a step - up here, based on the revenue / earnings drivers I've fully confirmed already (vs. those still to be confirmed), I'm also conscious that changes in fee rates / AUME, sterling, possible new business investment, etc. could eat into this earnings step - up, and / or a new revenue & earnings equilibrium might simply re-emerge (albeit, at higher levels).
The Pine Island glacier is grounded on continental bedrock below sea level, which means that warming ocean water could penetrate far inland beneath the shelf, without anyone being conscious of any change.
While we consciously have very good reasons for making a change, at a less conscious level we are also holding on to commitments and assumptions that go against the very change we wish to make.
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