Sentences with phrase «changing social outcomes»

I have never seen the grassroots be more powerful or important in changing social outcomes.

Not exact matches

First, there is no incentive for Facebook to do any of this; while the company denies this report in Gizmodo that the company shelved a change to the News Feed algorithm that would have eliminated fake news stories because it disproportionately affected right - wing sites, the fact remains that the company is heavily incentivized to be perceived as neutral by all sides; anything else would drive away users, a particularly problematic outcome for a social network.2
The new social buyer is an outcome of this evolution and it has forever changed the dynamics of the seller and buyer relationship.
The Murray Darling Basin Plan's (the Basin Plan) Sustainable Diversion Limit (SDL) adjustment mechanism enables the Basin - wide SDL for surface water (10,873 GL per year) to be changed up or down by no more than 5 %, as long as environmental, social and economic outcomes are not compromised.
Stakeholders» input was integrated into development of A Healthy Start for Minnesota Children: Supporting Opportunities for Life - Long Health, a theory of change that depicts how public understanding, health in all policies, and community innovation lead to 1) safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and 2) social and economic security, which in turn will help the state achieve its ultimate outcome — that every Minnesota child, prenatal to age three years, will thrive in their family and community and achieve their full potential regardless of their race, where they live, or their family's income.
Learning outcomes: To outline and evaluate the theories which claim that religion is a conservative force, preventing social change.
What will increasingly differentiate outcomes for schools, states, and nations is how well responsible adults carry out the more complex instructional tasks: motivating students to go the extra mile, teaching them time management, addressing social and emotional issues that affect their learning, and diagnosing problems and making the right changes when learning stalls.
Its strategy draws on advances in the biological, behavioral, and social sciences to: (1) identify causal mechanisms that influence developmental trajectories; (2) formulate theories of change about how to produce better outcomes; and (3) design and test new intervention approaches and measure their effectiveness in reducing barriers to learning and strengthening the foundations of lifelong physical and mental health.
How Poverty Changes the Brain Newsweek, 8/25/16» «We have [long] known about the social class differences in health and learning outcomes,» says Dr. Jack Shonkoff, director of the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
What changes to policy and / or curriculum do you think would improve the educational and social outcomes for these students?
David Armstrong continued: «Identifying two indicators - emotional intelligence and social skills - and mapping these to the Achieving Schools Theory of Change, is an important first step in measuring the longer term outcomes of the programme, such as reduced risk of antisocial behaviour and spending time in prison and reduced risk of mental ill - health and long - term illness.
Thinking about schools as social organizations, as James Coleman once did, will likely prove a much better approach to addressing problems of motivation than pursuing solutions that focus on using incentives or information to change outcomes.
The Risk and Prevention Program has been renamed Prevention Science and Practice (PSP) / Counseling C.A.S.. Although the curriculum and educational experience of students will not change, the new name, says program director Mandy Savitz - Romer, better reflects the integrated nature of the program and its mission to prepare graduates to improve the social, emotional, and academic outcomes of children and youth.
One area that has untapped potential for changing student outcomes is social and emotional learning (SEL).
We also developed a Social Change Model describing our approach to improving student outcomes.
So, writing for social change in the global context or writing for global cause is an important outcome expected from globally acclaimed writers.
Neither outcome will change their financial standing, but the former would greatly change their social standing.
A sudden behavior change can be the outcome of age, environment, diet, depression, social life or any other thing.
Players will play as Louis de Richet, one of the secret members of society as he uses his social influence to change the outcome of the story....
By only giving the most catastrophist of possible outcomes, though, and by largely glossing over the complex politics and social arrangements that underpin the problem and are at the heart of effective response, we get a skewed sense of what climate change really is.
The analytical report aims to provide a number of key findings to be considered by world leaders as they are setting out to chart new pathways to sustainable development.It explores the drivers of change and transmission channels for the shift to a green economy, and considers their implications for economic activity, employment growth and social outcomes, notably as regards to the key economic sectors.
This analytical report addresses the social dimensions of climate change from a sustainable, equitable development perspective, understood as «an irreducible holistic concept where economic, social and environmental issues are interdependent dimensions that must be approached within a unifi ed framework», and where the overarching outcome is to fully promote human welfare and equal access to life - sustaining resources.
Does the peer - review process reject claims about the consequences of climate change which don't give consideration to the degree to which social factors — i.e. poverty — determine the human outcome far more than weather?
Summarizing the value of all these changes into a single estimate of the social cost of carbon (SCC) requires complex integrated assessment models that predict both environmental and economic outcomes and attach estimates of the value of those outcomes.
Centered around the child and family's health and wellbeing, Bubup Wilam is making positive changes in the outcomes of those engaged at the service through self determination and empowerment — important positive social determinants of health.
In comparing the birth cohorts from 1958 and 1970 we investigate whether differences in the relationship between indicators of childhood disadvantage and development and adult health outcomes for these two cohorts are evidential, given the changes in health policy and provision and in social, demographic and economic conditions in Britain over the life course of these two birth cohorts.
With climate change a key discussion area at the upcoming United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, WALFA is an example of an Indigenous - led project delivering positive outcomes across a «quadruple bottom line»: it has environmental, economic, social and cultural benefits.
In order to change this through research I plan to develop a social media application for the rapid dissemination of research outcomes.
Current UK government policies recognise the need for universal parenting support to complement targeted and indicated approaches29 — 33 and the English Department for Education is currently piloting the offer of free vouchers for parenting classes (the CANParent initiative) to all parents in three areas of the country.34 Such recommendations derive from observations relating to the prevalence of suboptimal parenting, 35 the inefficiency of targeting on the basis of identifiable risk factors36, 37 and the potential for realising change in high risk as well as whole population groups by reducing the stigma which may be attached to targeted parenting support.36 — 38 Given the range and prevalence of health and social outcomes on which parent — child relationships have an influence, 2, 3, 5 — 16 universal approaches are appealing.
Some social scientists may see limitations in these data, as these social programs are not specifically designed to affect outcomes for children therefore the exact mechanisms of any observed change are unclear [23].
This week, Mary Freer — @FreerMary — is tweeting for Change Day, a people led, accessible and energetic social movement for better health outcomes, which is marked on 11 March.
The change of focus from consideration of the legal framework of native title to consideration of the economic and social development outcomes that may be generated through the native title system is a natural progression in our work for reasons other than political utility.
That 2014 evaluation determined that a number of health outcomes for children and parents changed at the population level, including a 37.5 per cent drop in the numbers of children experiencing clinically elevated levels of social, emotional and behavioural problems.
While change occurred across a range of child and parent outcomes, the largest improvements came following Group Triple P for children in the clinical range for conduct problems and social, emotional and behavioural concerns, and for parents» whose self - reports placed them at clinical levels of depression.
We are committed to working alongside, and in partnerships with Aboriginal controlled organisations and Aboriginal community leaders to strive for social change and improved outcomes for the people we work with.
The resulting changes in physiology, behavior, and social functioning are in turn associated with many of the adolescent and adult outcomes seen in the ACE study (Table 2).
These toxic stress - induced changes in brain structure and function mediate, at least in part, the well - described relationship between adversity and altered life - course trajectories (see Fig 1).4, 6 A hyper - responsive or chronically activated stress response contributes to the inflammation and changes in immune function that are seen in those chronic, noncommunicable diseases often associated with childhood adversity, like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cirrhosis, type II diabetes, depression, and cardiovascular disease.4, 6 Impairments in critical SE, language, and cognitive skills contribute to the fractured social networks often associated with childhood adversity, like school failure, poverty, divorce, homelessness, violence, and limited access to healthcare.4, 19,58 — 60 Finally, behavioral allostasis, or the adoption of potentially maladaptive behaviors to deal or cope with chronic stress, begins to explain the association between childhood adversity and unhealthy lifestyles, like alcohol, tobacco, and substance abuse, promiscuity, gambling, and obesity.4, 6,61 Taken together, these 3 general classes of altered developmental outcomes (unhealthy lifestyles, fractured social networks, and changes in immune function) contribute to the development of noncommunicable diseases and encompass many of the morbidities associated epidemiologically with childhood adversity.4, 6
CBPR begins with a research topic of importance to the community, has the aim of combining knowledge with action and achieving social change to improve health outcomes and eliminate health disparities» (WK Kellogg Foundation Community Health Scholars Program).
Because pediatricians have nearly universal, relatively frequent and recurring contact with young children and their families, they are uniquely well positioned to have an impact on developmental outcomes through anticipatory guidance at well - child visits, early developmental screening, practice - based developmental interventions, community linkage and referral programs, and advocacy for broader social change to support child development.40 — 44 This study reinforces the potential benefits of practice - based programs that support parenting and the home learning environment, such as «Reach Out and Read» and «Healthy Steps for Young Children,» 16,45,46 as well as community - based programs that help guide families through systems of care for developmental support, like Help Me Grow.47 Efforts to connect pediatric practices with home visitor and early care and education providers may provide referral opportunities for promoting early brain development.48 — 52
Ms. Anderson spent a decade at the Center for the Study of Social Policy helping states and local jurisdictions change policies and practices to improve outcomes for vulnerable children and families.
Valued outcomes include increases in quality of life as defined by an individual's unique preferences and needs and positive lifestyle changes that increase social belonging.
Stakeholders» input was integrated into development of A Healthy Start for Minnesota Children: Supporting Opportunities for Life - Long Health, a theory of change that depicts how public understanding, health in all policies, and community innovation lead to 1) safe, stable, nurturing relationships and environments and 2) social and economic security, which in turn will help the state achieve its ultimate outcome — that every Minnesota child, prenatal to age three years, will thrive in their family and community and achieve their full potential regardless of their race, where they live, or their family's income.
Results: Three overarching themes were identified from Stage One, including: (1) «Experiences of learned helplessness» (e.g. the association between child conduct problems and family conflict and social isolation); (2) «Perceived benefits and mechanisms of change» (e.g. the links between positive outcomes and a number of factors, including key parenting skills, social support, longer - term resilience and commitment, and facilitative organisational practices); and (3) «Challenges in programme implementation» (e.g. cultural discomfort with praise and positive attention, conflict with partners; and organisational difficulties with fidelity, attrition and sustainability).
Parent support programs seek to influence children's outcomes by motivating changes in parents through a variety of social and practical supports, including case management that links families with services, education on child development and parenting practices, and social support through relationships with service staff and with other parents.
Perceived positive outcomes for the model include: decline in crime rate and level of violence; an effective community corrections program at Palm Island that has kept people from appearing before court and from possible incarceration; dramatic decrease in juvenile crime at Kowanyama; changes in social patterns; more effective government service delivery, leading to savings in time and money for government and community agencies, courts, law enforcement agencies and correctional centres.
The aim is to have the safest better outcome for the child, be this a recommendation of rehabilitation to birth family or adoption.51 Making well - informed permanent placement recommendations within 6 — 12 months could optimise physical, mental and social development, while also allowing parent the opportunity to make changes if possible.
Social network analysis and methods sensitive to intraindividual variability were integrated to examine weekly covariation between group process and participant progress, and to predict post-intervention outcomes from levels and changes in group process.
Early paternal depressive symptoms predicted many aspects of children's outcome 3 years later, including externalizing and internalizing problems, social skills deficits, and lower cognitive and academic functioning, and predicted changes in children's externalizing, internalizing, and social problems across the preschool years.
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