Sentences with phrase «chaotic world full»

Adding in the wit and sarcasm of GLaDOS and all the inventions of Aperture Science Laboratories creates a crazy, chaotic world full of flipping switches, death laser beams, gun turrets, and swinging pendulum bridges that adds a welcome layer of challenge and fun to a simple concept.

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One of these worlds, Europa, a 3.120 - km - wide moon orbiting Jupiter, exhibited a surface full of chaotic geologic formations that were unlike anything else seen in the Solar System, one that was crisscrossed by a vast network of red - colored ridges, spanning the entire globe.
We just purchased a home - on - wheels and begin full - time road life right after Thanksgiving... Welcome to our random, chaotic piece of the world!!
The world of fashion is renowned for being manic, chaotic and full of prima donnas.
To spice things up, the weight of the bricks and objects differ from level to level, with some even stuck together in an elastic World of Goo style web, allowing for the physics engine to come into full effect, as numerous chaotic collisions are shown simultaneously on screen.
December 7th — Lords Mobile is a 3D real time strategy MMO with RPG elements set in a chaotic fantasy world full of kingdoms battling to dominate the world.
My memory of the PS2 games is of chaotic combat, silly weapons, and full, lively worlds, but I know my memory is lying to me; the spaces (and loading screens) of the PS2 games were limited by hardware, and there was much more sparsity in reality than in my mind's eye.
Contributed by Sharon Butler / This weekend, as hundreds of thousands of mad pink - hatters gathered around the world to protest the underhanded, misogynistic, and essentially anti-citizen agenda of the Koch - fueled, Putin - assisted Republicans, a very small segment of humanity who supports the chaotic mafia - style GOP government gathered at Mar - a-Lago to celebrate the completion of Trump's first, and hopefully last, full year as president.
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