Sentences with phrase «chapter and verse»

Again, lots of scientific detail, often quoting chapter and verse of relevant scientific literature.
Can you please provide me with chapter and verse on that?
Professional resume writers will tell you that this expression is also chapter and verse in best practice resume writing, providing measurable information for your readers.
This causes use to lose sight of the historic divisions of the text (that have nothing to do with chapters and verse), i.e., historical, poetic / wisdom, prophetic.
He almost never gives chapter and verse (but see items 41, 46, 47, 50); these latter he must have looked up.
Please show Chapter and verse that mention either person.
But it's stuff like breaking some books into two, adding chapter and verse numbers.
The point is — you'd better have something more than chapter and verse at hand to satisfy a demand for trust or fairness, whether from clients, employees or society at large.
I would actually appreciate chapter and verse references so I can take a look... and an answer to my question.
The Atheists keep throwing it in my face, but I want specific chapter and verse on that.
She cites in detailed chapter and verse the extraordinary range of challenge involved in genuine school turnaround.
She doesn't cite chapter and verse, but it is easy enough to find the passages she refers to.
I'm sure he'll have chapter and verse on the good doctor before long.
If so, please cite chapter and verse where I missed the preservation of the original low frequencies that existed before the scalpel was applied.
Asking for chapter and verse of the law and then «charging» (Moshpit's previous wording) one's interlocutor of unclean hands can only mean one thing: a «call for dialogue.»
The Old Testament, in its Hebrew and Greek versions, wasn't included, nor were the later chapter and verse divisions (those came in the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries respectively), which makes these earliest codices similar, in some ways, to what Green's Bibliotheca project is attempting.
Oftentimes, when games and movies quote the Bible, they seem to pick chapters and verses at random, or go with cliched standbys like John 3:16.
They proudly claimed to be Christians and could cite chapter and verse as to exactly why they were doing the Lord's work.
I'm pretty sure God is a God of justice - and that the Bible says so (my apologies for not remembering chapter and verse).
Sure, he may be able to recite chapter and verse in a debate, however, every church I have attended is rife with scandal or some sort.
I thought the Kindle Touch might allow her to more easily navigate between chapters and verses over the K2.
I think of it so often when I am turning TO FIND CHAPTER AND VERSE so EASILY & quickly..
The copies of the actual deal itself, legalese that, in the heat of the debate a decade ago, DeFrancisco could quote chapter and verse when explaining why he believed enhanced tax breaks for the existing and expanding Carousel Center mall would prove a mistake.
She wrote about the shear GALL of doing this, and explained chapter and verse..
One other thing for all those that parrot chapter and verse: You really need to prove God exists before you can use him as an excuse to discriminate against others.
Can you site chapter and verse for your claim that the Jews were promised «they rule as Kings and Priests over all mankind...»
you xtians keep thinking that by citing various chapter and verse of the bible, it will make the passages seem more authentic, and have some sort of authority.
Moby can't always quote chapter and verse off the top of his head (few can) and in retelling a couple of Bible stories he mixes up some of the details (you might spot them as you go), but when asked where his moral guidance comes from, his answer is disarmingly simple: scripture.
I suggest that it is not only fruitless but unnecessary for the LGBT community to go to the bible for chapter and verse advocacy or support.
Let me ask you, vw... If you're a muslim, do you get to selectively apply chapter and verse of the koran?
The problem isn't that so few Americans know chapter and verse from these texts.
By removing unsightly chapter and verse designations, striking footnotes and cross-references, and using thicker paper stock, Adam Greene is hoping to present the Bible as a piece of literature rather than a encyclopedic compendium.
If so, would you care to give reference to chapters and verses because I don't recall your phrases as having to do anything with any of the content in the Christian Bible.»
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