Sentences with phrase «chapter downloads»

You could subtly promote your book while also discussing the genre and the writing process, offer free chapter downloads, and invite group members to share other historical romance books they enjoy.
Authors selling e-books online may want to explore the idea of individual chapter downloads.
The go - to incentive for most authors is the free chapter download.
Enter your information below and we'll send you the root chakra alchemy practice, a free chapter download from Yoga Beyond the Mat.
He initially offered free chapter downloads on his website and listened to his readers» feedback before compiling the chapters into a completed novel.
Consider writing a short story, a novella, a multiple chapter download (more than just one chapter - be sure to leave them at a cliffhanger so they want to read more!)
Instead, I pitched Chris the idea of a membership site with access to the text, document library, and forum, plus an email capture with sample chapter download.
BSAVA members can access member content and use their 5 free chapter downloads.
I suspect many authors may find that revenues from chapter downloads may be one of the cases where «the sum of the parts is greater than the whole.»
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