Sentences with phrase «chapter excerpts»

The phrase "chapter excerpts" refers to small parts or sections of a longer written work, usually a book, that are taken and shared separately. These excerpts give readers a taste or preview of what the whole chapter or book is about. Full definition
We recommend it include front matter, 1st chapter, additional chapter excerpts, illustration samples (if applicable) and back cover, as a capsule peek at the overall book.
The second best thing about subscribing to my newsletter is if you sign up right now, your confirmation email will include a two - chapter excerpt from my soon - to - be-released new book, A Year of Biblical Womanhood.
Equity of Evil — medical thriller by Rudy A. Mazzocchi Chapter excerpt Reviews More books by Aaron Paul Lazar
The series of ten single chapter excerpts are available for those who want a preview of Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome - Reclaim Your Energy and Vitality with Clinically Proven Natural Programs or information about a specific Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome topic.
How I Wrote My First Book: the story behind the story by Anne K. Edwards and Lida E. Quillen, Editors Chapter Excerpt Reviews
Literary Sampler — stories and sample chapters from the works of three authors by Mayra Calvani, Aaron Paul Lazar and Anne K. Edwards Chapter excerpt
Suggested materials include: * A PDF Download of Discussion Questions * Bulk Ordering Link * Powerpoint Companion * Chapter Excerpts PDF * Discussion Video
To give you just one illustration of how things are going, here's the same chapter excerpt I demonstrated above from KDP's conversion software and Kindle Create, as produced by Vellum.
This database of more than 350,000 first chapter excerpts of current books is licensed for use in the online catalogs of booksellers, distributors, libraries, and bibliographic information sources worldwide.
Get the full Pep Talk in my 3 - day free potty training primer course or grab a 2 chapter excerpt from my potty training book on this page, which includes an explanation of each the above ways of being.
Chapter excerpt Reviews
Look for a hint in this chapter excerpt (pdf) of a book for young people that chronicles Jackson's early life as someone with «a curious mind and a passion for uncovering the secrets that lay hidden in the world around us.»
In a chapter excerpted from his new book, science writer Philip Ball describes «Aryan physics» and other ludicrous ideas that accompanied the rise of Adolf Hitler
Portfolios and Rubrics, two chapters excerpted from the Authentic Assessment Toolbox and published in Performance Assessment, third in a series of planning resources from the Small Schools Project
Kindle Nation Daily is the biggest and best Kindle blog on the planet, and I feel blessed today to have a six - chapter excerpt from my novella up for free on KND.
We published a chapter excerpt from Nathan's successful title, Write Short Kindle Books: A Self - Publishing Manifesto for Non-Fiction Authors, earlier this year.
That's why the second half of the book is a forty - page sampler of excerpts from Through God's Eyes that includes the Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction, chapter excerpts, sample story, endorsements and testimonials.
The merits of this strategy are hard to explain in one post; however, if this is something you are interested in, Taleb describes fragility and anti-fragility (the barbell approach) quite eloquently in a chapter excerpt from his upcoming book about the application of such principles to finance and the world around us.
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