Sentences with phrase «chapter of one's book»

Instead of tweeting «buy my book» all the time, you can write «read first chapter of my book for free».
A study of the last chapters of the book with a power - point presentation with questions to guide students and resources to help you analyse the book.
As well, online bookstores already giveaway free chapters of books in order to entice readers.
Full disclosure, I only read the first few chapters of this book.
* Read first chapters of any book for free before you buy.
Allow readers and book buyers to preview a section from the first chapter of your book on various retailers, book distributor databases and research websites.
Also on my site, there are sample chapters of the books that people can read for free.
I'm surprised she concludes this way, because the early chapters of her book poke fun at her family and church's frequent involvement in protests against abortion and homosexuality.
You can read all about my journey and how I started cooking this way in the opening chapter of my book, really hope you love it!
The final student - written chapter of the book illustrates this tension.
The end chapters of the book deal with the labor and delivery of the baby, including the possible emergencies that may arise.
Get a free chapter of the book by signing up for her newsletter here.
You'll see this recipe called for time and time again in other chapters of this book, and with good reason.
And you can download and read the first chapter of a book before you decide to buy.
This landing page template has a section for you to give away a free chapter of your book so you can hook readers enough that they'll want to buy the rest.
You can provide readers access to one or more chapters of your book on your author website.
You can include additional content in every email like blog posts, additional chapters of your book or news.
Reading the introductory chapters of this book makes it pretty clear why the finances were so precarious.
If you want to start your own healing journey, you can download for free the first chapter of my book here.
When you buy a few chapters of the book at a time, the overall price of the book actually comes down.
It is a broad subject that could be covered in many chapters of a book.
In the remaining chapters of this book, we describe in greater detail the process and substance of Canadian merger review.
In the succeeding chapters of this book we shall examine some of the available evidence, beginning with the first major alternative and following the argument wherever it leads.
The first chapter of the book gives you a quick and simple nutrition 101, including shopping for a healthy kitchen, cooking at home and even giving you a sample healthy grocery list.
The first chapter of this book introduces the idea of relationships that are transforming for life.
You can download the first chapter of the book right here.
However, the introductory chapter already performed this function, listing and linking the challenges dealt with in the different chapters of the book.
This phase is a rapid learning phase where you will be assigned to read specific chapters of books customized to your plan.
A single, formatted chapter of your book created before the full interior goes through layout.
Sample Chapter: A single, formatted chapter of your book created before the full interior goes through layout.
... whether it was to squeeze in a quick workout, read a couple chapters of a book, or just to get out of my chair.
You could easily create one for your readers and provide them with updates, savings coupons, and preview chapters of your book.
This is an all - call to submit your professional resumes for possible publication in the sample resume chapters of this book.
And the first three chapters of the book reveal to us what these possessions are.
So here is what I am going to do... First, I am going to include the first chapter of the book below.
As a twin mommy, I'm gonna go with pretty much the entire twin chapters of every book written by so - called experts who don't have twins themselves.
At that point, I took all but the first three chapters of the book offline, and sales immediately jumped by 200 %.
Imagine if you, as the author, had access to that data, so you know that for some reason, nobody makes it past the 30th chapter of your book.
The closing chapters of the book are an exhilarating climax that had my heart racing.
I would suggest most job hunters would prefer the newer book «Happy About my Job Search» that includes most of the resume instructional chapters of this book.
I'm a therapist that has recommended chapters of this book to my clients.
The most extensive chapter of the book examines possible mechanisms of peer influence and the evidence in favor of each.

Phrases with «chapter of one's book»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z