Sentences with phrase «chapters of»

So important a theme requires some chapters of its own.
Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and all of the succeeding generations for approximately the first eleven chapters of the Bible represent whole cultures and phases of early humanity, not individual humans.
As to whether or not we must affirm that the flood encompassed the entire orb of the earth, the text would seem to teach this and subsequent texts would tend to corroborate this, but there is some flexibility with regards to the first eleven chapters of the Book of Genesis, as expressed in the encyclical «Humani Generis» of Pope Pius XII:
When I look to the Bible for the purpose of developing a theology of nature, I turn to the early chapters of Genesis, the story of Noah, some of the Psalms, some of Jesus» teachings, John 1, and Romans 8.
The first four chapters of the new edition retain this focus, and it is these that are the most original and interesting.
The chapters of this book are in substance the lectures delivered in Australia, during my visit to that country in the autumn of 1959.
The final three chapters of the book dealt with the Holy Spirit in the book of Revelation (chap 6), what Revelation reveals about the New Jerusalem (chap 7), and how we can read, teach, and understand the book of Revelation today (chap 7).
Let us look at an example of this: The first (of many) contradictions in the Bible is right there at the beginning, in the first two chapters of Genesis.
The miraculous revelation of the Qur» an has been fully discussed in earlier chapters of this book.
As a result, our fourteenth and fifteenth chapters of Mark can be analyzed into two, or even three, classes of material: (1) the old, traditional passion narrative of the Roman church, ultimately derived from Palestine; (2) the additional material inserted into it by Mark, some of it perhaps from Palestine, some not; and finally, (3) some verses which may be later still, inserted in the interest of the risen Jesus» appearance in Galilee rather than in Jerusalem.
Taking a cue from the early chapters of John's Apocalypse, they resolved to serve as the guardian angels of the city.They began to invite civil....
The clues to the birthday of Jesus Christ are all over in the Gospels, but some of the best are in these first few chapters of the book of Luke.
It doesn't look like an animal sacrifice is a slam dunk in the first chapters of Gen. And it's a bad hermenutic to say that's a blood sacrifice for sin is what is happening in Gen. 3.
Like an artist sketching in broad strokes on a huge canvas, Paul in the first 11 chapters of Romans has traced with great intensity God's patience and persistence at making peace with humanity.
Those whose audacity earns for them only the awareness of their nakedness are given the gift of clothing, and subsequent chapters of Genesis make it clear that the God who drove them out of the garden did not himself tarry there, but followed them out.
He is better known to us as an individual than any of his predecessors — possibly better than any other character in the Old Testament; for his book contains many chapters of personal confessions and autobiography.
I think the final chapters of the book of Revelation reveal some of this, though that book is full of difficulties.
Some have said that Genesis 10, from an historical perspective, is one of the most important chapters of the Bible.
The first few chapters of Genesis gives us this understanding that we as people were meant to be in relationship with God and with others.
This idea is best expressed in some of the closing chapters of Revelation (chapters 21 - 22).
The imagery that is used in Genesis 1 — 2 and in Genesis 6 - 8 finds many parallels in Mesopotamian and Egyptian cosmology, and if we don't understand these cultural contexts, we will almost certainly not understand these opening chapters of Genesis either.
Of these factors, which form the basis for the central chapters of Pastors in Transition, two are especially important: conflict and a preference for specialized ministry.
If one is thinking that Jesus is fulfilling Moses and following in the footsteps of Israel (as the opening chapters of the Gospel of Matthew indicate), we would expect that Jesus, once He enters into His prophetic power over the Roman Empire, does something similar as what was done in the tenth plague.
With all the emphasis on creation or evolution coming out of the first few chapters of Genesis, we often miss some of the most important ideas about our humanity and how God created us (not physically, but spiritually and psychologically).
As it turns out, the responses to these questions are found in the first two chapters of the Bible.
The book consists of ten chapters of about twelve pages each, and although its argument is at times subtle, allusive, and demanding of full and total concentration, it also marches briskly along.
I'm surprised she concludes this way, because the early chapters of her book poke fun at her family and church's frequent involvement in protests against abortion and homosexuality.
The core chapters of the Oliners» book try to unravel and weigh the factors shaping the personality and character of rescuers, and their attitudes toward Jews.
Then, abruptly abandoning the autobiographical narrative, Augustine embarks on a series of theological and philosophical speculations about time, memory, and the opening chapters of Genesis.
Ever since the call for prophethood first came to Muhammad, the son of «Abdallah» approaching the age of fortieth on the month of Ramadan, it is related the Angel Gabriel came to Muhammad and he slept in solitude on Mount Hira and said, «Recite» what Muslims known as the first four verses of the ninety - sixth chapters of the Muslim scripture, known as the Qur «an.
The first two chapters of the first book of this alleged word of god couldn't keep its story straight.
I'd been chewing on the first two chapters of Proverbs for a few weeks before I began writing this piece, and when I reached this line again, it hit me like a ton of bricks: The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
In three chapters of the new book, Olasky summarizes the key themes from the earlier volume.
The TPP may or may not be the next big thing, but if it succeeds (and 14 rounds of negotiations during which substantial progress has been made on most of the chapters of the agreement suggests it is more than just talk) Canada will be better positioned being in than being out.
October 20 Connecticut Senior $ afe training presented by the Connecticut Department of Banking Securities and Business Investments Division to the Fairfield County and New Haven County Chapters of the Connecticut Financial Planning Association, 11:30 am, Mill River County Club, Stratford
He has served on many local, state and national boards of directors, including as president of both the Golden Gate and East Bay Chapters of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, president of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA)-- San Francisco, and as a member of the National Board of Directors of The Society of Financial Service Professionals.
I suggest you start reading the first five chapters of My Guide as an introduction, and after that just take a look at the other submenus to get an idea.
The First 3 Chapters of Evolved Enterprise: How To Re-think, Re-imagine & Re-invest Your Business To Deliver Meaningful Impact & Even Greater Profits
It is a broad subject that could be covered in many chapters of a book.
Over 100 chapters of useful information to help Entrepreneurs; people who are starting a business; people running a business; students leaving college, or University, who want sound, good, practical advice, about their business.
That included backing from two chapters of the American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees representing county workers at Miami International Airport (Local 1542) and in the county's trash - hauling department (Local 3292).
No, not the darkest chapters of IBM's history — but one of their best, the one they champion in their diversity and inclusion materials.
Our aging brains similarly show wear in the realm of episodic memory, the part of brain function that handles recollections of recent events, like the last few chapters of the book you put down yesterday, or what you had for breakfast.
Coming late to the talks, Canada must commit in advance to closed chapters of the agreement, of which little has been disclosed.
The most interesting chapters of The Two - Second Advantage deal with attempts to take that human predictive ability and to blend it with real - time computing — as the authors have it, to design and build predictive systems that put «Gretzky's brain in a box.»
He details these reservations throughout the early chapters of the book.
The trial is one of the few remaining chapters of Nortel's sorry saga yet to be written.
(It's freely available online, and I recommend reading at least the first three chapters of Book 1, Volume 1.)
By 8:30 a.m. (the time I usually ended up rolling out of bed), I had read several chapters of a good business book, listened to part of a podcast, spent time in prayer, done some P90X Yoga, and worked on a side - project that I'd been «too busy» to work on for years.
Some of the destinations include local chapters of Big Brothers Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Club and area children's hospitals.
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