Sentences with phrase «character beats»

Even so, this sequel is a wonderfully entertaining high - water mark for the series with some of the best character beats for every crew member.
This is a show of modest character beats and human moments sprinkled with plenty of humor and the occasional emotional peak.
These add some minor character beats but not much of real import.
It's a beautiful little beat that demonstrates Greengrass» ability to find truthful character beats in amongst the high - stakes action.
The whole premise of SSB is seeing beloved Nintendo characters beat the crap out of each other.
Outside of a few moments at the beginning of the film, when Perseus chooses not to accompany Zeus and Ares on a trip to the Underworld to visit Hades [a good thing, it turns out], there are precious few character beats beyond the obvious.
Nothing ever really works out as planned in Lovely & Amazing but characters beat on anyway with endearing laissez faire.
Great character beats and strange hair (a mark of potential film excellence if Skyfall and No Country For Old Men have anything to say about it) on Javier Bardem When the first trailers and teasers started appearing for his film based on a Cormac McCarthy original screenplay, The Counselor, it certainly warmed the cockles of my heart to see him tackle a noir - ish little thriller which such an A-list cast.
Smart as hell and unapologetic about it, it presents character beats that matter and sports a performance from Colin Farrell as evil vampire - next - door Jerry that should, no shit, earn him Academy Award consideration.
Directed by Max Winkler, with a script by Max McAulay, Matt Spicer, and Winkler, the film starts off well enough and has a lot of good character beats.
A comic book staple, fans of geeky things always love to see their favorite characters beating the tar out of each other regardless of their respective canons.
This is to be expected in a film with 30 + main characters, even with a 149 - minute runtime, but the Russos and Markus & McFeely do an otherwise masterful job at balancing intimate character beats and big, sweeping action set - pieces.
Capturing traits from films like «Carnage» by Roman Polanski, the laughs are certainly on display, however the believability and natural character beats certainly are not.
Everything from the small character beats to the climactic battle for New York City proved that the MCU was more than just the sum of its parts.
There's also a great example of capitalizing on your limitations when Nolan incorporates a forced delay between two stages of the hospital demolition into the script by having the Joker's detonator briefly malfunction — such a perfect character beat I never would have guessed it wasn't premeditated.
He puts his gritty staple on some key and entertaining scenes including an opening that includes the sexy Cruz being pleasured by manly Fassbender however, those are not enough to make up for the film's obvious missteps that include mundane dialogue and unclear character beats.
Jump and Wheatley's dialogue is similarly authentic, if more hilarious that your average trade negotiation, but the laughs come from incongruity and character beats rather than clever pop culture references.
More insight is offered by the deleted scenes, which show where a couple of meaningful character beats were excised from the final cut.
Moneyball was saved by a witty screenplay (credited to Aaron Sorkin and Steven Zaillian) and wonky subject matter, but Foxcatcher, which explores the 1996 murder of Olympic wrestler Dave Schultz (Mark Ruffalo) by eccentric billionaire John E. du Pont (Steve Carell), is much more in the Capote vein, hitting one preordained story or character beat after another.
Uplifting character beats could have spent a little longer being developed.
That perspective keeps recurring character beats from being repetitive, and Walsh finds different meaning to Everett and Maud's behavior from slightly different contexts in their relationship with her two fantastic performers.
Lin, the driving force behind making the Fast and Furious a blockbuster franchise, excels at character beats and action.
As Green tends to prefer character beats over plot and story, it's mostly how he deals with the narrative arcs that feel like they could use more structure, as the film only occasionally coalesces into something of substance, only to have the themes dissipate at the time of the next scene.
But there's something to be said for a cast where any two characters could sit down and be interesting — and for a writer who lets them, just to see what character beat the actors can wring from it.
Last I checked, flipping someone the bird didn't qualify as high - octane excitement, but there are some good character beats here, in particular a house call paid to Coach Gaines by L.V. (Grover Coulson), who asks Gaines if he's having as much trouble sleeping after what they did to Boobie.
Part of the pleasure of Steven Soderbergh's Logan Lucky is its flair for throwaway lines and little character beats.
And while the Ray - Mickey plot is the foundation of «Get Even Before Leavin,»» we also get some real nice character beats for Abby, Terry, Bridget, and Bunchy.
But Game Night comes together with a slightly cut - above script, a fine ensemble (Jesse Plemons adds plenty as the Davis» creepy cop neighbor, who longs for their friendship), and plotting that more or less organically incorporates character beats.
As the film sometimes rushes to set pieces, it feels like some much - needed character beats were left on the cutting room floor.
Occasionally, Black stumbles into a witty line or funny character beat, but those come and go like a fleeting breeze on a humid, sticky day.
It also manages to hit believable character beats without feeling contrived.
Non stop invention, iconic visual presentation of characters, insanely - well sustained energy, unexpected character beats, weird sideways humor, breath - taking stunts, and real emotional stakes — not empty «end of the world» CGI mayhem.
I don't want to harsh anyone's buzz; there are plenty of laugh - out - loud moments and extremely satisfying character beats, but it also feels like a stock Fox X-Men film with an overblown budget and needless CGI - heavy action scenes that add little to the story.
All these shared fears and ancient anxieties are the deep well from which Krasinski spins his thrilling, surprisingly sweet survivalist yarn, giving A Quiet Place an elegant simplicity that plays with the focus of a feature - length Twilight Zone episode, every moment and character beat tied back to the central theme
There are a surprising number of empathic character beats leavened through the technical bombast of Good Time.
Unlike the adventurously moody character beats and visual flair of last episode, however,» The Enemies Of My Enemy» slows down the...
Potentially interesting character beats (such as an early admission by Cullen) have no gravity and are simply abandoned / glossed over in favor of warm embraces and pouty looks.
We also got to play a ninja - based capture the flag game SlashDash, a tower defense type game Close Castles, and a really goofy melee fighter game Gang Beasts, in which ragdoll - type characters beat the crap out of each other and try to throw them into different types of environmental hazards like trains, fire pits, and ventilation shafts.
Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is so afraid of tarnishing Big Boss» legacy that the story spends roughly 20 hours building up to the same character beats present in Snake Eater and Portable Ops, hurting the character's legacy far worse than if the game actually dared to be bold with painting a known villain as anything but heroic.
To an outsider the Super Smash Bros. series may seem like an unbalanced cacaphony of unrelated characters beating the snot out of each other.
If some of you haven't looked into Marvel Heroes yet it's a PC MMO, in which you play as your favorite Marvel characters beating down foes and gaining new skills as you progress in leveling.
It's every fanboy's dream to watch their favourite characters beat each other senseless for their personal enjoyment.
Bonus Characters Beat Arcade mode with any character to unlock one of the hidden characters.
Street Fighter V proved to be a fan favourite in the auditorium, with familiar characters beating the hell out of each other on the big screen.
For instance, Super Smash Bros. seems to be about actual Nintendo characters beating the stuffing out of each other.
«The Miracle Season» is pleasantly swift, but in a quest for ruthless efficiency, a few character beats are skipped.
Iron Man is filled with Stark's sarcastic sense of humor and it's balanced with plenty of drama and great character beats that maintains the film's status as one of the better films in the history of the MCU.
This is especially the case when Infinity War has to move on to another story or character beat in order to keep up the film's brisk pace and wrap up in a reasonable amount of time.
One complaint against Episode Six concerns its redundancy: Character beats were repeated, and blanks were filled in exactly as predicted.
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