Sentences with phrase «character names differ»

The result is that dialogue scripts, place names, item names, enemy names, and character names differ from version to version.

Not exact matches

Nevertheless, they and their more speculatively and rationalistically inclined successors are not known for their efforts to isolate the common historical character of any particular society, especially as it differs from other societies, nor for their efforts to name, criticize, and reconstruct its own common good.
Indeed, whether in the name of Islam or against Islam, the novel's main characters commit a series of ugly, wreckful acts against each other, their personal hurts and vices intensified rather than relieved through their differing contacts with the faith.
I appreciated all the details the game sprinkles in, like their names being Aloy and Rost, hinting at their personalities through the metallic characteristics; alloy is a mix of metals, indicating that Aloy will be a character comprised of many differing elements; Rost is like rusted metal, having suffered numerous tragedies and becoming rusty as an outcast from the Nora Tribe.
You play a character who is part of an elite faction within the God Eater system known as the Blood faction (the the most creative name), the main source of your superior nature comes from a new set of abilities called Blood Arts, which differ depending on the type of weapon you use making it more like a different set of skill trees.
You see, whereas Shy Guys have become quite commonplace as an enemy type (which has spawned many more enemy types in turn), Birdo arguably differs in that she is a more prominent character — similar to Toad or Yoshi by seemingly appearing as an individual who shares the name of her species.
If you make a copy of a character's save folder using a slightly different name — but leaving it in the same directory — then in game, you'll see multiple saves (just with differing amount of time played).
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