Sentences with phrase «characterize such»

As a result, staff members who can not assign billable hours to any engagement typically will characterize such unstructured time as devoted to administrative work, and thus must be prepared to justify this categorization if challenged.
My research into logics and reasoning hasn't advanced sufficiently to be able to characterize such reasoning, but perhaps it can be described as «postmodern subjective Bayesian beserkism.»
Some «revenue - neutral» climate - change proposals — including I - 732 — include tax cuts and / or tax benefits targeted for lower - income households, and proponents may characterize such policy features as a blow for equity.
But my guess is it would be hard to characterize such incidents as anything remotely resembling terrorism.]
«We characterize such a system as progressive.
Skelos says while it's «totally appropriate» that legislature should have input on where and how the funds are distributed, he would not characterize any such grants as member items.
From a distance, a Canadian SME may avoid places like Jackson because they're small communities with the sort of insular business networks that tend to characterize such cities.
There is a spontaneity and an abandon which characterizes such play.
In recent years reporters have chronicled the «repentant stance» that characterizes such gatherings of men as Promise Keepers, as participants openly regret their acts or omissions as husbands, fathers, brothers and sons.24 At times, however, a failure to respond to environmental damage mirrors omissions on the home front.
To avoid being mistaken for gay, these days many self - proclaimed straight people — men especially — settle for superficial associations with their comrades and reserve the sort of costly intimacy that once characterized such chaste same - sex relationships for their romantic partners alone.
While critics have characterized such protections as a «license» to discriminate, religious liberty experts state that the memo — while a major move — does not do everything that advocates have hoped or that opponents have feared.
It is very difficult to find words that weave meaning around the vast heartache characterizing such loss.
Lorenz Studer, a stem - cell biologist at the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City who has spent years characterizing such neurons ahead of his own planned clinical trials, says that «support is not very strong» for the use of precursor cells.
Written and directed by actors Nat Faxon and Jim Rash — who won an Oscar in 2011 for their adapted screenplay of The Descendants — the film is sharp, and tender, and extremely funny, with the kind of accessible - indie vibe that characterized such seasonal sleepers as Little Miss Sunshine and 500 Days of Summer.
Environmental campaigner Bill McKibben has characterized such a strategy as a war effort, but it is actually even bigger than that.

Not exact matches

It was, ironically, the ghastly violence and horrible human toll of the World War I that first inspired such assertive calls, calls that characterized gay rights movements around the world in the 20th century.
Currently, the money raised on sites such as Kickstarter and Indiegogo is characterized as donations (for which donors are often offered rewards and opportunities to preorder products).
This was tried repeatedly in places such as Beirut and Mogadishu, and on a larger scale in Afghanistan and Iraq, with results best characterized as unsatisfactory.
That is due in part to the considerable oil wealth that characterizes countries throughout the region; although lower oil prices in the last two years have significantly impacted fiscal revenues, particularly in the larger more - oil - dependent economies such as Saudi Arabia.
However, keep in mind that the less independent an individual is from his or her engagement, the more likely such an individual will be characterized as an employee.
Rapid share price growth and high valuations based on standard metrics, such as price / earnings ratio or price / sales, characterize a tech bubble.
Another way to characterize Netflix's increasing power is Aggregation Theory: Netflix started out by delivering a superior user experience of an existing product (DVDs) to a dedicated set of customers, leveraged that customer base to gain new kinds of supply (streaming content), gaining more customers and more supply, and ultimately leveraged those customers to modularize supply such that the streaming service now makes an increasing amount of its content directly.
Any additional gain or loss recognized on such premature sale of the shares in excess of the amount treated as ordinary income will be characterized as capital gain or loss.
In late October, I noted a condition that we characterize as a Whipsaw Trap - which essentially involves a breakdown in a broad set of market internals, followed by a recovery driven by some of the more volatile components (sectors such as financials and transportation stocks are good examples).
As of last week, the Market Climate for stocks was characterized by unusually unfavorable valuations and unfavorable market action (a deterioration from the prior week, primarily on the basis of interest - sensitive securities such as bonds and utilities, as well as measures of breadth and distribution).
«That said, recent data is more accurately characterized as a hint of stagflation rather than anything more acute and, therefore, it shouldn't be a surprise that many of the economic metrics that have characterized periods of more pronounced stagflation historically, such as unemployment, still remain low,» he added.
These ideas are echoed in the «prosperity gospel» — characterized by the belief that God wants to bless His people, that He wants to give us tangible rewards such as riches and success and that we claim these rewards by exercising our faith in obedience.
When James characterized «reality» as made up of eaches and suches, of concrete particular facts and abstract relational concepts, he added a third element: «the whole body of other truths already in our possession» (P 96), the «ancient stock» of truths I have called our «social canon.»
In such a situation characterized by the exploitation of the many by the few, one of the fundamental tools of oppression is, today as in the days of Amos, religion.
Moreover, that claim can not escape characterizing the alleged intuition except at the price of emptiness.1 If there is indeed such an intuition, then whatever role it might play in other contexts, it is philosophically mute.
- how you can claim it's unfair to characterize evangelicals as anti-intellectual while following a man who believes conspiracy theories from the National Enquirer, thinks climate change is a hoax, says vaccines cause autism, and displays such breathtaking ignorance regarding the state of the world and foreign policy that no former presidents will endorse him and multiple generals, foreign policy experts, editorial boards, and heads of state have denounced him as dangerously uninformed,
The realist need not suppose that grayness as a humanly experienced color exactly characterizes what the stone is in and of itself, but he believes that there is a correlation between what is objectively occurring in the stone and the human experience of perceiving gray, such that the former is an independent and prior cause of the latter.
Reinforcing in advance the claim I have put forth at the end of Part Two, Hartshorne went on to point out: «Just as the Stoics said the ideal was to have good will toward all but not in such fashion as to depend in any [221] degree for happiness upon their fortunes or misfortunes, so Christian theologians, who scarcely accepted this idea in their ethics, nevertheless adhered to it in characterizing God.»
Just as the Stoics said the ideal was to have good will toward all but not in such fashion as to depend in any degree for happiness upon their fortunes or misfortunes, so Christian theologians, who scarcely accepted this idea in their ethics, nevertheless adhered to it in characterizing God.8
We are to wage the warfare of faith, our only weapons those Paul speaks of: prayer, the Word of God, the justice of God, the zeal with which the gospel of peace endows us, (I consider «zeal» most particularly important; the term means military courage, such as characterized the Zealots.
Schubert Ogden's theology as a whole is best characterized as an attempt to correct the «one - sidedly existentialist character» of Bultmann's theology1 by combining existentialist analysis with process philosophy in such a way that they mutually complement each other.2 This characterization applies likewise to Ogden's treatment of Christology in particular.
We can speak of the constant or unchanging aspects of the world, identifying being as the one such aspect that necessarily characterizes whatever is.
I am pointing out to Jihad Johnny that, if he wants to characterize one religious icon as a ped0phile, that others can be characterized as such too
Alternatively, however, the direction of time has been characterized without comparison of the specific contents of different times but rather by reference to the other features of time, such as the modalities and becoming.
Some turn to the East, particularly to Taoism; some to Native American perspectives and other primal traditions; some to emerging feminist visions; still others to neglected themes or traditions within the Western heritage, ranging from materials in Pythagorean philosophy to neglected themes in Plato to Leibniz or Spinoza; and still others to twentieth - century philosophers such as Heidegger or to philosophical movements such as the Deep Ecology movement.9 As one would expect in an age characterized by a split between religion and philosophy, few environmental philosophers turn to sources in the Bible or Christian theology for help, though some — Robin Attfield, for example — argue that Christian history has been wrongly maligned by environmental philosophers, and that it can serve as a better resource than some might expect (WTEE 201 - 230).
the seeming absence 0f other selves within experience is what my theory implies would characterize human experience, since a self on that level could not conveniently manage other selves as clearly and distinctly manifest to it, but only selves on such a low level that only vague mass awareness of them would reach full consciousness, for individually taken they are too trivial to notice.
Groups like the Family Research Council continue to characterize religious liberty and equality for LGBT Americans as an either / or proposition, willfully misrepresenting our nation's historical experience and ignoring the realities of a nation of many faiths and beliefs that has dealt with such questions for centuries.
This social structure, an extreme form of what characterizes several other parts of Latin America, is such a formula for social unrest that Colombia will experience continuing violence as long as it remains unchanged.
It is obvious in the total or mixed market systems that now characterize most of the world; it is less obvious but just as pervasive in mixed market systems such as China or Bulgaria or Zaire, where the state is the principal advertiser.
It is the special capacity not merely to receive a form but to receive the form apart from matter that characterizes the perceiver as such.
What could be more threatening than such a law to the healthy discussion and critique that should characterize a democracy?
These occasions are such as to lay necessities upon whatever follows them, and this character of occasions, insofar as it determines that the future will be characterized by extensiveness, is the potentiality that is the extensive continuum.
Democratic capitalism is characterized by a functioning, representative government — that is, it is governed by individuals who are chosen by the populace in free and fair elections and who are then able to freely legislate and enforce such laws and rules as they deem proper.
Later in chapter five, statements about variables and numbers, such as algebraic equations, are called algebraic forms, which Whitehead does not define because «the conception of form is so general that it is difficult to characterize it in abstract terms» (TM 45).
The mid-century has brought no basic revolution in our view of the sources, such as characterized the turn of the century.
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