Sentences with phrase «characterized as»

But it was characterized as «highly unlikely» and Fox could not guarantee it, he said.
It is often characterized as odors that are musty, moldy, dirty or of wet dog.
What counts as competence can not be adequately characterized as «information and skills.»
Although I correctly characterized it as pornographic, I didn't make the link that so often comes with pornography: the encouragement of violence against women.
In abolishing the practice of deacons» communicating the presbyters, the Nicene Council characterized as against tradition what had, in fact, been primitively the natural function of the servants of the bishops, namely, to pass the bread and wine and first of all to the liturgically nonparticipant but revered and seated elders (presbyters) of the congregation.
It is not clear that church leadership is best characterized as professional leadership in the sense of professional assumed by the Berlin model.
If Amos was the prophet of justice, then Hosea, also an eighth - century prophet, must be characterized as the prophet of mercy or love.
This explains, for instance, why the mystic may be characterized as out of touch with the rest of humanity, for whom presentational immediacy is the dominant mode of functioning.
In fact, one can detect the tension in their view of nature simply on Rousseau's grounds: nature is the seat of goodness but human beings are not constrained by it, characterized as they are by «infinite perfectibility», or the capacity for perpetual self - transformation beyond our natural condition.
But when I began writing about gender equality in evangelicalism, it became apparent to me that no matter how careful my tone, no matter how reasoned my arguments, no matter how gentle my critique, my work would inevitably be characterized as «divisive.»
By most, but not all definitions of «religious,» both can be characterized as religious.
Financing for the CBDOs» work comes not only from state and local governments, but from private financial intermediaries whose work has been characterized as a «curious blend of social investment and business discipline» and that have grown steadily in the «80s in numbers and sophistication.
It can easily be seen moreover that this is characterized as potentiation.
Protestantism, which can be characterized as a movement of the word, led the way in the shift from symbolic communication of the medieval era to the verbal communication of the modern era.
The poll also identified characteristics among evangelicals which correspond to other characteristics already noted as significant in distinguishing the religious television audience from the non-audience: the typical U.S. evangelical was characterized as a white female Southerner, aged 50 or over, with a high - school education and a modest income.
Jones identifies theodicy as the crucial theological category to assess whether or not liberation and process can be characterized as guardian or goading theologies.
Once again, women are characterized as «deficient in intelligence.»
The thinkers who adopted this view believed that because novelty is real and inescapable the natural order should be characterized as basically a continuity in which, as we have just seen, genuinely new things emerge.
If anything, she is characterized as the most loyal of Jesus» followers, yet the church has made her out to be a sinner.
Most of us don't care to be characterized as «anguished.»
The novel occasion may not be characterized as an atom of ambiguity as easily as the past occasion.
Discussing the case in public is labeled «gossip,» and whistleblowers are characterized as troublemakers.
He must therefore be characterized as beyond the pale of the Truth, not approaching it like a proselyte, but departing from it; or as being in Error.
Most of the music written for churches by artists like this have been characterized as 711 songs... Seven words sung eleven times.
Although globalization of the economy has been characterized as a locomotive for productivity, opportunity, technological progress, and uniting the world, it ultimately causes increased impoverishment, social disparities and violations of human rights.
«It's aptly characterized as the Obama administration continuing to throw ideas out there and see which ones stick to the wall.»
Should these concepts be taken as most general, then actualities can not be seen as being ontologically prior to other entities, although they could be characterized as prior in some other way, e.g., as prior in the order of what is in creation, This order, it is true, is quite pervasive, but — and this is the main point — it is not, in Whitehead's own terms, all - pervasive.
In the May Public Square («Michael Baxter and the Theological Salad Bar») I am characterized as «the sworn enemy of [Stanley] Hauerwas,» a professor at Duke University.
How is this view to be reconciled with what we first characterized as correct?
Last summer New Testament scholar Helmut Koester wrote to Lutheran scholars and church leaders across the country urging reconsideration of «new plans» that might do «serious damage» to Fortress, which he characterized as «an important instrument of theological scholarship» of which the new Evangelical Lutheran Church in America should be proud.
According to the Christian witness, faith is the kind of basic human attitude or disposition that can be formally characterized as an existential self - understanding, or understanding of our own existence, in relation to others and to the encompassing whole of ultimate reality.
From what has gone before, the meaning of «its own realization» is obviously a part of what has been characterized as «ideal» realization, which was seen to be linked to conceptual regression (cf. PR 87 / 134).
The Whiteheadian approach may be characterized as affirming the «autonomy» of physical geometry; it is an approach that envisions the fixing of a uniform and independent metric structure regardless of the type of physical analysis that is conducted.
No «reasons» internal to nature can be given for emergents — although Morgan characterized himself as a thoroughgoing «naturalist,» and rejected what he characterized as the dualistic, teleological vitalism of Bergson.
The words of these man have been characterized as the typical excuse of a pedophile, just wait and the victims will come forward..
«Late Judaism,» the Judaism from the period of the Babylonian exile to the revolt of bar Kokhba, is characterized as inauthentic Judaism, a Judaism that turned its back on genuine faith in the Lord, the God of Israel, and the message of the prophets.
Later the justices referred to «sexual responses over and beyond those that would be characterized as normal,» emphasizing that they did not intend to include «material that provoked only normal, healthy sexual desires.»
But, Whitehead argued, this could not be so, since our knowledge of nature required the uniformity of the spatial - temporal continuum which he characterized as a continuum of overlapping events, some of which were indefinitely large.
The consensus that will emerge embraces both practical education and general education, with the goals of the latter characterized as giving the student «the values, attitudes, and skills that will equip him to live rightly and well in a free society.»
Accordingly teleology is characterized as essentially derivative, subjective and flawed with the arbitrariness and relativity that pertain to secondary qualities.
But other human rights specialists, such as A. H. Robertson, formerly director of human rights for the Council of Europe, have argued that the «rights to solidarity» should not be characterized as human rights at all.
Christian discipleship can be characterized as the desire to know and love Jesus better and to serve him in the world.
Instead we usually get characterized as stingy hypocrites.
Coming very close to affirming universal salvation, his later theology has been characterized as a theology of the «triumph of grace.»
Both Pharisaic and rabbinic Judaism are characterized as a «sterile religion of codified traditions.»
One problem to be confronted could be characterized as the long - term effect of originating from a voluntary society.
«Identification of Christian social ethics with specific partisan proposals that clearly are not the only ones that may be characterized as Christian and as morally acceptable comes close to the original New Testament meaning of heresy.»
Sacramental religion's attitude toward the world may be characterized as one of enjoyment.
However, worship is but one of five functions that the LCA characterized as church activity.
Whether or not the statements made by supposed believers on this blog and elsewhere are accurately characterized as Pascal's Wager is of secondary importance at best.
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