Sentences with phrase «characterized by»

This «crisis» in Camus» position is characterized by Hans Jonas who, comparing the nihilism of existentialist thought to that of Gnosticism, states:
It is also characterized by a lack of participation in decision - making and in civil, social and cultural life.
Great forms are characterized by their ability to outlive the age in which they emerge and to pursue their path through all history's hiatuses and upheavals.
Mary's ancestry, like Joseph's, was characterized by the predominance of strong but average individuals, relieved now and then by numerous outstanding personalities in the march of civilization and the progressive evolution of religion.
Times of uneasy transition are often characterized by a politics of nostalgia for the peak of the passing order, and ours most definitely is.
Jaroslav Pelikan is more cautious, recognizing that Marcion's God of «simple goodness,» per Tertullian, is characterized by «serenity and mildness» 27 and not by any active expression of powerful love.
In our context, I think the best description is «Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.»
If work was wrongly characterized by the Apollonian, play now becomes exclusively the Dionysian.
Instead we seem to be entering a new phase characterized by a critical restudy of the Bultmannian position by his leading pupils — itself a rare tribute to the spirit of free and critical scholarship represented by Bultmann.
Our relations with the general public should be characterized by personal anonymity.
The Left advocates an administered, bureaucratic unity, characterized by state - sponsored identity politics and multiculturalism.
The third period of Altizer's development is characterized by several definitive changes.
The player is called into play by a potential co-player and / or play object, and while at play, treats other players and / or «playthings» as personal, creating with them a community that can be characterized by «I - Thou» rather than «1 - It» relationships.
Many commentators in the media have a ready explanation: The alliance is merely strategic, even fraudulent, characterized by ulterior motives on both sides.
Instead, the natural world is often characterized by gaps, or discontinuities.
Above and beyond the single denominations, it is characterized by a Protestant Christian consensus that is not defined in denominational terms but rather in association with its sense of a special religious mission toward the rest of the world.
Your assumption that the blood of Jesus automatically cleanses us of all sin is simply not true as 1 Jn 1:7 states that Jesus» blood cleanses us from all sin IF are lives are characterized by walking in the light — again a conditional stipulation required of us.
It is characterized by its owner's generosity and mercy, which parallels that of a father who waits for his lost son, and a king who invites guests from the streets for the wedding banquet.
Ordovician strata are characterized by numerous and diverse trilobites and conodonts (phosphatic fossils with a tooth - like appearance) found in sequences of shale, limestone, dolostone, and sandstone.
First, our recent dive into parenthood has made me exceedingly glad we ditched the strict gender roles promoted by conservative evangelical culture in favor of a relationship characterized by mutuality and flexibility.
Of course, seeking the coming of this realm involves transcending self - centeredness, and the realm itself will certainly by characterized by this transcending, but the focus is on what happens to the world as a whole more than on the individual.
We are in a clandestine phase of the kingdom characterized by meekness, obedience, and persecution.
Jesus himself contrasted the basileia theou with the Roman Empire, characterized by oppression and exploitation.
Most of my childhood and teenage years as a neo-charismatic Christian in western Canada can be characterized by an almost identical exercise: a big American name comes to Canada to Reach Canada for Christ ™, plant a church, and then in rather short order, heads back over the border, usually while blaming us for the failure.
In other words, God's activity in nature in a moral universe must be characterized by general providence (regular activity) as opposed to special providence (miracle).
The invaded regions were, in general, warmer... much rainier, and characterized by a topography that was often rugged and uneven....
The love poetry of this period of Indian literature is characterized by a deep longing for communion with God.13 The other side of the reaction against the rise of Shankara's Advaita Vedantic thought was a more philosophic one.
Similarly, the fields are not simply physical energy - fields but fields of psychic activity, characterized by relations of intersubjectivity among their constituents.
It can not be too strongly insisted that a world which is to be a moral order must be a physical order characterized by law or regularity... The theist is only concerned to invoke the fact that the law - abidingness... is an essential condition of the world being a theatre of moral life.
In such a situation characterized by the exploitation of the many by the few, one of the fundamental tools of oppression is, today as in the days of Amos, religion.
2 Thess 2:3 talks about the last days being characterized by a great apostasia (a falling away).
This colonization is characterized by rapid destruction of the tropical forest, substituted first by cultivation of cleared lands and later by pastures which are burned annually.
Their worlds are characterized by powerlessness, and so they seek not a meaningful word about God, but a powerful word from God — not to give God a place in their world but, on the contrary, to overcome their world and bring them into God's world, a new world of justice and liberty.
In other words, it can be argued that every possible world containing free moral agents must be a world characterized by regularity.
These are characterized by one of the following conditions: Believing there is no god, or Not believing there is a god.
In this sense, what we mean by concordant parity is not so much cooperation or expressed support, but a relationship in the composition of the event characterized by reciprocal intensification.
The «climate crusade» is one characterized by true believers, opportunists, cynics, money - hungry governments, manipulators of various types — even children's crusades — all based on contested science and dubious claims.
Contemporary evangelical Christianity is characterized by arrogance, condescension, and hatred.
If you want your marriage to be characterized by grace - filled communication, do the work of figuring out why your default tends toward impatience.
Similarly, Mary, whom we call «blessed among women,» is characterized by a certain gentleness and quietness.
Borrowing from the work of sociologist Donald Miller, Wells sees «postmodern spirituality» at work in emerging, extra-denominational «new paradigm churches» characterized by three modes of thinking» the therapeutic, the individualistic, and the anti-establishmentarian.
In contrast to, say, John Chrysostom, Augustine views the ideal Christian marriage as one characterized by sexual continence.
Chudacoff wants to convince us that these men produced a kind of subculture embedded within — even though slightly resented by — the dominant culture characterized by the family and the married man.
Even his earliest Episcopalian churches are characterized by a faithful transcription of the then controversial catholic principles of the Oxford movement» prominent altars, side - aisles, and a cruciform plan all underpinned by a profound understanding of the spirituality of religious ritual.
These ideas are echoed in the «prosperity gospel» — characterized by the belief that God wants to bless His people, that He wants to give us tangible rewards such as riches and success and that we claim these rewards by exercising our faith in obedience.
Pentecostal mysticism is characterized by self - denial and a desire to be «taken over» by the Holy Spirit.
We are growing into a more enlightened state of being, which will be characterized by unity, peace, cooperation, compassion, harmony and freedom from many of our current limitations.
on the one hand characterized by rationalistic ideas of progress and on the other by a sentimental pietism.
The problem, however, is that the university is no longer characterized by debate.
Likewise it confuses their discussion of rescuers as exhibiting «extensivity» — a breadth of inclusiveness of all persons as deserving respect, equity, and care — and non-rescuers as being characterized by «constriction» — a restriction of equity and respect to one's familial, ethnic, or tribal grouping.
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