Sentences with phrase «characterized so»

Before getting into the details of this newest HP, however, I think it bears noting that both the new Spectre and another much - praised Windows laptop, the Dell XPS 13, eschew the 2 - in - 1, flip - around, multi-use, gymnastic designs that characterized so many Windows laptops in the wake of the Windows 8 launch, which tried to combine tablets and laptops.
It seems much less a gesture of punk irreverence, of the sort that has characterized so much of the long - term reception of his YBA peers, than a subtle institutional critique.
During my two years as her primary classroom teacher, I watched her grow up — compassion and kindness slowly taking the place of the callousness that had characterized so many of her actions when I first met her.
«This is the first time we have a population that's really well - characterized so we can do a statistical study and understand Earth analogs out there,» Thompson said.
It increases most of all because the animosity which, unfortunately but truly, characterized so much of their relationship throughout history is now seen to be overcome by the two communities themselves.
I have seen many social media posts characterizing so - called friends as morons for supporting one candidate over another.
One wonders what Keynes would make of the investment environment today given the short - term view that characterizes so much of both individual and institutional investor behavior.
Women have tried to understand the violence that characterizes so much of male behavior in relation both to women and to the natural world.
Its call on Christianity to outgrow its historic anthropocentrism is particularly poignant and clear, as is the anthropocentric resistance that characterizes so many Christians, even radical ones.
A member of the Advisory Committee, commenting on this section of the report, writes: «When you write of the denominational seminaries you seem to fail to grasp the ecumenical spirit that characterizes so many of them.
For if anything is clear to the average modern Christian with even a casual knowledge of the New Testament, it is, first, that «radiant» is hardly the word he would think of to describe his own religious life or that of his contemporaries, and secondly, that no other term characterizes so well the life of the primitive church.
While it's risky to characterize so complex a phenomenon as theological education as «the seminary,» the world of theological schooling is more uniform and standardized than the world of the church.
What characterizes so - called breakfast sausage from other sausages, such as Italian or Chorizo, is the spice mixture: a sweet and savory blend of brown sugar and aromatic spices like sage, thyme, and fennel, with savory garlic powder and a bit of cayenne for kick.
Lacking the pickiness and skepticism that seem to characterize so many of their peers, their «Oh yum!»
Touch Me is a suite of sculptural works that are activated and completed by the tactile participation of the viewer, with the same conceptual simplicity that characterizes so much of Ono's activity.
Yet for the darkness that characterizes so much of GOD's output, there is also a genuine desire for collaborative exchange and an embrace of daily persistence.
It reflects the pluralism and variety of this art scene and points to the general attitude of laissez faire characterizing so much of today's art.
As such it is an antidote to the cataclysmic narratives that characterize so much of the rhetoric around these issues.

Not exact matches

And while he's not yet calling for a full market collapse, Hartnett also forecasts some pain stemming from a «full bull detox,» or a reversal of the risk - seeking behavior that has characterized it for so long.
It's this removal of accommodation that Hartnett thinks will ultimately send the market into what he calls a «full bull detox,» or a reversal of the risk - seeking behavior that has characterized it for so long.
... We have a really good portfolio that we would characterize as being innovative and we're working to try and represent that more completely to our customers so they can interpret that.
Instead of tracking investments by round, they characterize each deal as «seed,» «early,» and so on.
So many vacations, he said, particularly luxury vacations, are characterized by «doing nothing and having everything done for you and happen around you.»
«The research, conducted by Erin Buckels of the University of Manitoba and two colleagues, sought to directly investigate whether people who engage in trolling are characterized by personality traits that fall in the so - called Dark Tetrad,» reports Slate.
In particular, it alleges that the DOJ relied primarily on what it characterized as insufficient and unreliable information in the so - called Steele dossier to support their application for a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) warrant targeting Page.
But why is this branding element so important, and how can you characterize an inanimate, intangible product with it successfully?
As of last week, the Market Climate for stocks was characterized by unusually unfavorable valuations, and market action so tenuous that it is indistinguishable from unfavorable action.
I've long noted that the analysis of market action can help to overcome some of this frustration, as stocks have often provided good returns despite rich valuations so long as market internals were strong, and the environment was not yet characterized by a syndrome of overvalued, overbought, overbullish, and rising yield conditions.
«It's so easy to characterize this [as an issue] the elites drag out to make the common person feel bad for driving around in a pickup truck.»
The authors write, «Viewed from a long - run perspective, it may be fair to characterize the real safe rate as normally fluctuating around the levels that we see today, so that today's level is not so unusual.
«Doing so involves downplaying the sales - driven nature of the relationship and characterizing it instead as one of trust and reliance in which the interests of the customer always come first.»
* SPY is below its 200 - day moving average, so it is fair to characterize this advance as a «rally in a bear market» (no prediction here, just noting that bear market rallies have a way of reversing quickly and painfully);
The commissions are so low, because the market is oversaturated and is characterized by high competition.
The section can present competitive data through a table that characterizes each competitor's pricing, quality, service, advertising, social media, hours of operation and so forth.
So, I'd characterize it by a very strong contribution from zero based budgeting.
They are so afraid of being branded an intolerant, a «modern - day» bigot, and what some would characterize, we who take firm stands on most issues, «pharisees.»
«The chanciness is part of the lasting magic of gay life,» writes Browning, «a sort of radical plot twist that characterizes queer life and sets aside so many conventions of social judgment, class, race, and attitude, supplanting them with a direct and naive faith that bonds of great value can be forged on nothing more than instinct....
Yes Vance, hard to characterize atheist, so many of my nephews / neices, and those folks I've met from communist East Europe are angry with the Power in which they do not believe, hostile to organized religion.
In this sense, what we mean by concordant parity is not so much cooperation or expressed support, but a relationship in the composition of the event characterized by reciprocal intensification.
Their worlds are characterized by powerlessness, and so they seek not a meaningful word about God, but a powerful word from God — not to give God a place in their world but, on the contrary, to overcome their world and bring them into God's world, a new world of justice and liberty.
The field can also be characterized geographically, so that if revolutionary activity on the Continent was an element in the emerging constitution of the Reform Bill passage, then the same area ought to be considered when analyzing its antecedent world.
Perhaps today's «beer Christianity» is not so much a new trend as it is a return to the posture toward alcohol that characterized much of Christian history?
So the Churches of America in the early twentieth century exhibited much the same concern that characterized them before the Civil War.
So, make what one will of the Occupy protestors — their stated aims are certainly amorphous enough to allow one to love or despise or ignore them as one chooses, and they are far too various a group to characterize uniformly, in any event — but I can not really see how their actions constitute an assault on «Christian values.»
In other words, rationality is what characterizes historical man as willing, thinking, imagining, remembering, predicting, and so forth.
Otherwise the confusion that characterizes worship in so many churches is inevitable.
This is so because central to Keen's thought has been his belief that all theology, including a theological understanding of play, must be defined solely in terms of one's own autobiography («I may speak of grace only in the first person») 34 This solipsistic reduction of religious authority to personal experience has led Keen to characterize incorrectly both theology and the play experience itself.
Wooldridge characterizes the reticular system as the establisher of an optimal signal - to - noise ratio, so to speak, upon which higher levels of experience are staged:» «Volume - control» signals are generated in the reticular system to reduce our sensitivity to uninteresting or irrelevant stimuli and thereby permit us to achieve the peculiar but highly useful phenomenon of mental concentration» (4:143).
Now, it is precisely a lack or a toning down of radicalism that characterizes the modern theological orientation (as it has so often characterized other theologies in the course of church history).
Reinforcing in advance the claim I have put forth at the end of Part Two, Hartshorne went on to point out: «Just as the Stoics said the ideal was to have good will toward all but not in such fashion as to depend in any [221] degree for happiness upon their fortunes or misfortunes, so Christian theologians, who scarcely accepted this idea in their ethics, nevertheless adhered to it in characterizing God.»
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