Sentences with phrase «characters of the film»

He's very passionate about the themes and the main character of the film, as I knew he had to be, given how dense it is.
Other: The principal character of this film turns to various Eastern religious sources for help and guidance.
Easily one of the best characters of any film this year, period.
Interestingly, he's the main character of the film.
Filmmaker Jay Duplass channeled the close relationship he shares with brother, co-writer and co-director, Mark, into the sweet but insular relationship the 21 - year - old title character of their film CYRUS shares with his mother.
Smith plays the main fictional character of the film, Alex Hitch Hitchens, who is a professional dating consultant who.
This week's featurette sets up the world and characters of the film through the words of the film's director (Mark Andrews) and the voice talent (Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly).
She succeeds in creating a character that is more than a beautiful waif preying on the male characters of the film.
Some of the best lines in the film were from the two most underated characters of the film, which were the hunters (please can someone tell me there character names?)
The whole city seems to exist in anticipation of a storm, just before the rain comes down: there's an ominous, thunderous feel; the air hangs heavy; the threat of violence permeates.Much will and already has been made of the violence, of which there is lots, the impact exacerbated by the agonisingly slow, painfully tense character of the film; it makes you wait and it makes you suffer.
As mentioned earlier, though, there is also the sense that some of the many characters of the film are unfortunately underutilized.
Where the oddball characters of those films were funny and clever, those in Intolerable Cruelty just seem annoying.
Kimberly Williams puts in an ebullient performance as Fio, the spunky secondary and main female character of the film.
The Rock does show good screen presence, and definitely fits the role of the sergeant well, but he isn't really on screen as much as you might think from the billing, and he also isn't the most interesting character of the film.
The same goes for Chris Cooper (The Patriot, American Beauty), who might have one of the most intriguing characters of the film, a person who hates liars so much he's willing to kill to see the truth be told.
What Saulnier really focuses on are the different characters of the film.
In each case, the central figure, around whom all the other characters of the film orbit, becomes an emblem of the aspirations, struggles, successes, and failures of the American Dream.
This chart takes a look at all the major creatures and characters of the film ranging from Radagast's hedgehog friend to the towering Stone Giants!
While he speaks, a montage of desert images and a few shots representing the arrest of the central evil character of the film requires the viewers to imagine and visualise the relation between the visual and aural tracks.
Among the eccentric secondary characters of film history, few are as puzzling as Leon Vitali, the English actor who...
Paul Walter Hauser as Shawn is the most unlikely character of the film.
But he could not look more different than the gaunt, haunted character of that film.
Gosling described the true main character of the film as the city of Lost River itself, saying the city is «the damsel in distress» and the characters are «broken pieces of a dream, trying to put themselves back together.»
Celia Imrie as Bif is the standout character of this film and ultimately engages you in what's happening on - screen.
Jeffrey Wright's performance is something else again because, as explicated in the DVD commentary and in an interview with him, he is, in actual fact, the John Wayne character of this film.
The hero character of the film, Kevin, is played by Thomas Polk, a newcomer to the scene.
Either way I think LEGO Matrix would be amazing, taking the often deathly serious characters of the films and putting its own comedic spin on them would be great to see.
Williams plays the out - of - focus man, a character from a story by Harry Block, the title character of the film.
Think of the filmmaker's latest as a spiritual sequel to 2005's The Squid and the Whale if the principal characters of that film were 30 years older, with the grumbling patriarch (played here by Dustin Hoffman) still unsatisfied and unsuccessful in his artistic ambitions.
Although the painfully repressed Chiron is the central character of the film, the emotional burden of its powerful opening act rests on the fatherly drug dealer Juan (Mahershala Ali).
In addition, we already know two of the new main characters of the film are Cruz Ramirez and Jackson Storm.
And while we're a long way from The Lord of the Rings, the characters of the film are memorable.
The main character of the film is a good - hearted guy named Mark Renton, who wants to clean his life up and become a good person, However, this task is incredibly difficult due to the unchangeable nature of so - called mates.
Until recently we'd seen only one teaser trailer, but the poster arrived not long ago, and now there is a full UK trailer that shows more of the character of the film.
Though Armie Hammer portrays the main character of the film, the movie revolves around Tanto as he sets the whole plotline in motion.
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford and clearly the intent of the film is to be an art house love letter to the western genre as a stylized cinematographic piece, there may be an argument that it isn't quite what one would expect given the genre and the notoriety of who we're led to believe is the main character of the film.
The main character of the film is not any one member of the fellowship that began its quest to destroy the Ring of Power but all of them separately on their own journeys and Middle - Earth itself — its politics, its inhabitants, and its eventual fate.
The characters of these films had more in common with the genially goofy, wisecracking eccentrics of Bringing up Baby and You Can't Take It with You (both 1938) than they did with real - life studio folk.
Like all the characters of the film, Lore is psychologically complex and her conflicted feelings towards her past and her upbringing are beautifully portrayed.
Ronit is probably the main character of the film, but it seems like all three of the lead performers could be considered the protagonist in a way.
Boston feels very much a part of the character of the film, and at least from the outside it has a welcome authenticity that may not be as flashy as, say, The Fighter or The Town, but maybe even more effective because of that.
Every stop represents an ideal set in which all the characters of the films come to life once again giving place to a growing flow of memories.
The main character of the film is Dave Stoller, a kooky up - and - coming cyclist who has been driving his livid father absolutely bonkers with his crazy antics, which includes his need to speak and listen to anything Italian, since he admires the Italian cyclists so much.
-- A pilot for a proposed television series based on the characters of this film was made, but never released in 1997
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