Sentences with phrase «characters within something»

What the poster really is doing is creating a fictional character within himself to carry out the actions he knows he should be carrying out but can't quite do it consciously because of mental issues.
It's a small role, but Keener creates a rich character within it, sarcastic and funny yet warmhearted beneath — you see the affectionate bond she has with Keller, though the two would never admit it.
A couple of first looks at some true tales today, and the men giving life to the non-fiction characters within them.
The breadth of diversity in subject matter and style at Sundance 2015 couldn't be better represented than the segue from «The Amina Profile» to «Finders Keepers,» a doc that could do for its subjects what «The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters» did for the unforgettable characters within it.
Every bit as elegant and touching as the opening sequence in «Up», Snape's story brings to light the true genius of J.K. Rowling's books and the characters within them: she knew just how to turn a tale.
Tacoma shines where it counts, and that is with the story it tells and the feeling that each character within it feels real.
However, all they have to do is contradict / challenge Churchill, making them more tools for a single character's narrative, as opposed to characters within themselves.
We'd ponder, take those parameters and immerse our characters within them.
It's almost perfunctory to mention nowadays that dramatic license is taken quite often, as is typical of sports films, so one shouldn't mistake the events of the film or the characters within it as reflective of absolute reality.
Good luck figuring any of that out in this first teaser trailer, which only serves to introduce the world, the characters within it, and the months - away release date.
Logan is a dark, gritty, emotionally resonant film and despite the mutant element, it is very human with searing dialogue that hammers home the emotion of the film and the characters within it.
a dark, gritty, emotionally resonant film and despite the mutant element, it is very human with searing dialogue that hammers home the emotion of the film and the characters within it.
But any attempts at expanding the narrative or thematic depth of both the film and the characters within it leave you wanting.
Directed by Hugh Welchman and Dorota Kobiela, this unique project cunningly weaves a story about Dutch artist Vincent van Gogh using some 130 of his paintings and the characters within them as inspirations.
Part of the story's charm and success is because of the characters within it.
The problem isn't that the overall storyline is simple — in fact I much prefer a well told simple tale over a complex jumble — it's that it's just not interesting, and the characters within it barely say anything.
The visuals are bursting with detail and the gameplay is a riot that captures the 1920s Prohibition era and the characters within it.
All of this fleshes out the universe and characters within it and ultimately just adds a good bit to the overall game.
The wife and husband team already won critical acclaim for their first attempt, Doggins, but the introduction of a widely branching storyline and unique control scheme where players move the game's viewport rather than characters within it, make Burly Men at Sea even more ambitious.
Though this is a very minor addition, it is a nice touch to help develop the game and characters within it.
It's a great way of making you care about your game world and the characters within it, because your every action has a direct effect on those around you, sometimes leading to dire consequences.
The story and the characters within it are also interesting and it helps fill in some of the lore in the main Halo series.
Lithuanian art director and graphic designer Tadas Karpavicius created these designs for the print materials accompanying Charles Gounod's Faust production, and he says that the look and feel of the piece were inspired by the story itself and the characters within it.
You don't get this at the previous step since even though the lines are positioned, the words and characters within them can be off.
These decisions allow you to shape the actual story of the world the game takes place in and the characters within it.
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