Sentences with phrase «charged electron orbiting»

Ordinary hydrogen is made of a light, negatively charged electron orbiting a heavy, positively charged proton.

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These protons yank negatively charged electrons from their orbits around atoms within molecules.
The nucleus's mass and charge would force electrons to circle it, just as the sun's gravity holds orbiting planets.
The satellite, which swoops on an egg - shaped orbit to within 350 kilometers of Earth's surface, detected electrical impulses from electrons coursing upward within charged sheets that shadow the downward flowing auroral electrons.
The large orbit of the loosely bound outer electron of cesium atoms would repel the negative charge of the helium atom — overcoming the van der Waals forces that normally help spread superfluid helium over a surface.
Electrons, being negatively charged, usually orbit as close as possible to the positively charged nucleus.
This turned them into Rydberg atoms, in which the electrons are in high - energy states and so orbit further away from the positively - charged nucleus.
All the elements in the periodic table consist of atoms with a nucleus of positively charged protons, orbited by the same number of negatively charged electrons.
These temporary adhesive forces happen because electrons orbiting the nuclei of atoms are not evenly spaced, creating a slight electrical charge.
Most of the harmful radiations are «ionizing radiations» — they have sufficient energy to remove electrons from the orbits of surrounding atoms, causing them to become charged, or «ionized.»
Extraneous electrons are bound to the helium surface because their presence causes slight changes in the orbits of helium electrons, inducing a subtle positive charge at the helium surface.
The team used a novel technique that involves replacing the electrons in hydrogen atoms with negatively charged particles called muons, and then measuring subtle shifts in the energy that is required to bump a muon into a higher - energy orbit around the single - proton nucleus.
However, a consequence of Ampere's Law and Faraday's Law is that a charged particle, such as an electron, moving in an orbit should radiate energy as electromagnetic waves.
Its single electron orbits a single proton, and the net effect is no electrical charge.
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