Sentences with phrase «charges someone face»

No matter what type of charges you face, our criminal defense attorneys will navigate you through the entire criminal justice process from start to finish.
He uses this knowledge and experience to help his clients successfully fight the serious criminal charges they face.
In a state where no African - American or Latino holds statewide elected office, leaders of both groups are concerned the recent slew of corruption charges facing their ranks may hurt that cause.
The specific charge you face will determine the amount of jail and / or prison time you could be sentenced to.
The sooner you call us the sooner we can begin to fight the sexual abuse charges you face.
We will fight the drug possession charges you face and minimize the consequences of your arrest.
The defense (s) that will be applicable in your specific case will depend on the exact charges you face.
We are prepared and ready to help defend you against the criminal harassment charges you face.
You can use the excellent charging stand that comes with the watch — and note the cool charging face you get when the watch is taking on power.
We aggressively pursue justice on your behalf and can provide specific insight into your case, regardless of what criminal charges you face.
The specific charge you face will depend on the type and seriousness of damage that was inflicted and your criminal record.
Contact the Kostopoulos Law Group for more information about how we can help you fight the Class 3 Felony charges you face in Chicago.
According to a summary of the legislation agreed to by the Democratic leadership of the Assembly — which has previously passed a bill to «raise the age,» as the campaign has been known — all misdemeanor charges faced by 16 - and 17 - year - olds would be dealt with in Family Court.
Tirza Greer, 45, a physician who lives in Harlem, said she wasn't concerned about the ethics charges facing Rangel.
Hiring a Chicago criminal defense attorney can be helpful in getting the prosecution to reduce the Class 1 Felony charges you face to less serious offenses.
Some mixed news for Sen. Kevin Parker, who is about to go on trial on the 15 - month - old assault charges he faces for his alleged attack on a New York Post photographer.
He and his team will work to get the state to reduce or dismiss the Class A Misdemeanor charges you face.
To date the Town Board has taken no action on that recommendation, presumably because they are awaiting the Hearing Officer's decision on the set of more serious charges facing Sullivan.
A jury was deadlocked on charges facing Peter Galbraith Kelly Jr. of Competitive Power Ventures.
He met is legal obligation by notifying the AD and he will not face any charges
A jury today found ex-Queens Councilman Dan Halloran guilty on all five counts of the corruption charges he faced stemming in part from his role in a bribery scheme to sell the GOP line in the 2013 NYC mayoral primary.
The former conservative firebrand was found guilty of all but one of the four wire fraud charges he faced, the Texas Tribune reported.
In November, Silver, 72, was found guilty on all seven of the fraud, money laundering and extortion charges he faced related to two bribery schemes in which he used the guise of his legal practice to get millions in kickbacks over several years.
Former top gubernatorial aide Joe Percoco is seeking to have the federal case against a number of current co-defendants severed from his own upcoming criminal trial, with his lawyer arguing that he had nothing to do with charges faced by six of them.
Mr. Smitherman, who drew just shy of 30 percent of the vote against the 17 - year incumbent, said he would make another bid for the office if Mr. Sampson is forced to step down due to a court decision against him on the various embezzlement, perjury and financial malfeasance charges he faces.
Weingarten argued Thursday that Foley falsely accused Rowland in order to obtain forgiveness from potential obstruction of justice charges he faced and a long list of potential campaign fundraising violations by him and members of his family.
Stevenson was convicted on all four charges he faced after a one - week trial in January 2014.
«Men of that status should not indulge in such diversionary activities in the midst of grave and ominous charges facing them.
Two former BP Plc supervisors won the dismissal on Tuesday of some of the manslaughter charges facing them over the Gulf of Mexico drilling rig explosion that killed 11 people in 2010.
Call The Rodriguez Law Group today to find out how we can help you fight the child endangerment charges you face in Los Angeles.
Depending on the DUI charges you face, failure to request a DMV hearing will result in the loss of your license from four months to up to a year or more, seriously affecting your job and ability to care for your family.
The three new charges, linked to three more women, bring the total number of charges facing Ghomeshi to eight and the number of complainants to six.
Those convicted of a domestic violence charge face significant penalties...
A professional facing insider trading, fraud, embezzlement, online crime and other financially motivated charges faces multiple simultaneous challenges:
Whatever charge you face, our firm will aggressively pursue the most favorable outcome possible, obtaining not guilty verdicts, dismissals or reductions of charges and penalties.
Call us today to find out how we can help you fight the prostitution charges you face in Los Angeles.
The reality is Apple users are not tech savvy, so a lot of tech like: Fingerprint, NFC, QI charging face unlock and notches» don't exist» until Apple uses them in their devices.
A 20 - year - old man who was shot in the leg Sunday evening ran into more trouble Thursday when a judge doubled his bail on drug charges he faces.
Focusing her legal practice solely in the area of criminal defence, Ms. Urquhart is a powerful advocate for all those who seek her counsel regardless of what charges they face.
I'm told members have been informed that Sen. Carl Kruger will NOT be showing up to conference (now slated to start at 2 p.m.) after there were widespread complaints — and at least two threats to boycott — about his plan to show up and apologize to his colleagues for the federal corruption charges he faces.
Maffei has refused to join his upstate House colleague, Rep. Mike Arcuri, in calling for Rangel to resign rather than go forward with his fight of the 13 ethics charges he faces.
A 19 - year - old Ontario man did that very thing and it is possible that it could be what led to the fairly positive resolution of the domestic assault charges he faced.
You have the ability to fight any elder abuse charges you face, and The Rodriguez Law Group can help.
The man who hit and killed Alix Rice was convicted of a misdemeanor, but avoided conviction on the more serious charges he faced.
The handset lasted two entire days on one charge, which left me with a smile on my face at the end of it all
«That sequence of events is what the court was particularly concerned about as it related to the criminal charge facing Mr. Kazenelson,» says Loewenberg.

Phrases with «charges someone face»

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