Sentences with phrase «chart paper labeled»

Again, return to the «KWL» charts from earlier and as group add to the chart paper labeled «What we learned».
Let students record their questions on a new piece of chart paper labeled «What we want to Know».

Not exact matches showcases all the custom paper products offered, which include life planners, photo cards, address labels, gift labels, calendars, custom business cards, and even personalized growth charts.
As students respond to the question, write their comments on a sheet of chart paper headed with the question and divided into two columns — one labeled «yes» and the other labeled «no.»
A range display materials including long banner, decorated letters spelling authors name, display borders, backing paper, book covers, character names flashcards, author photo, buntings, author information and facts posters, labels, books borrowed chart and loan cards for books, book marks.
Is there any way to correct the online version of the 2006 BAMS paper so that the charts are labeled correctly and so that you don't make a claim of an «increased risk of category 5 hurricanes» if Webster didn't actually say that in the passage you purport to quote.
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