Sentences with phrase «charter school concept»

You must differentiate between the charter schools which were created by parents and teachers who believed in the original charter school concept, and the corporate — profit and non-profit — charter schools that are promoting their chain store schools for their own gains.
This forms the backdrop to the past half - century of what we now know as «standards - based reform,» which includes the crucial charter school concept of holding a school accountable for its results (measured, for better and worse, primarily by test scores).
I also would like to believe the old Ray Budde, Albert Shanker charter school concept meant for educators to run still has a place.
Do they think they will recapture Ray Budde's idea and the original charter school concept?
A Colorado lawmaker wants to take the charter school concept in a new direction and pay good schools to mentor bad ones.
«These are terms of art that practitioners have created,» said Premack, who as a legislative aide contributed to introducing the charter schools concept to California legislators in 1992.
CSDC Board Vice-Chair Ember Reichgott Junge, the Minnesota state senator who authored her state's law, candidly shares her personal and challenging journey of pioneering the charter school concept through its early origins, its tumultuous legislative passage in Minnesota, and its explosion onto the national stage.
«The mayor just doesn't get the charter school concept.
The charter school concept emerged from a deep commitment to quality and equity; schools of choice operating autonomously from traditional districts would serve as incubators of innovation and leverage market forces to ensure more students could access exemplary public schools.
The charter school concept was first introduced in 1991 when the Minnesota Legislature passed the nation's first charter school law.
The charter school concept is built on the premise that in return for freedom, charter schools are held accountable to promises made in their charter.
In recent years, MDE reviewed charter school applications thru lenses that were in focus if the applications were of one kind — undercutting the creativity and entrepreneurship that was at the core of the charter school concept in the first place.
As the Center for Education Reform's president Jeanne Allen wrote in the report, «performance - based accountability is the hallmark of the charter school concept
The Illinois Network of Charter Schools (INCS) is dedicated to improving the quality of public education by promoting and invigorating the charter school concept.
Autonomy vs. regulation — that arises from the compliance and procedural regulation associated with special education and the principle of autonomy that is so central to the charter school concept.
But the charter school concept was usurped by the business crowd after Chris Whittle's failed attempt to push for - profit Edison Schools on the public.
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