Sentences with phrase «charter schools serve»

Nationally, charter schools serve larger percentages of minority students than do their peer district schools.
And, in LAUSD, autonomous charter schools serve 1 percent more EL students than traditional schools do, according to the report.
Charter schools serve an overwhelmingly black and Hispanic population, nearly 93 %, while 67 % of students are black or Hispanic in DOE schools.
Even though charter schools serve our neediest children and vastly outperform traditional district schools, they are still ripped off.
It involved visits to 32 charter schools where parents, teachers and students were interviewed about why the parents chose to enroll their children with disabilities in a charter school, the ways charter schools serve those students, and how successful charter schools have been in meeting their goals.
For example, the majority of Texas charter schools serve a significantly greater percentage of minority and low - income students, and many of these students have dropped out of traditional public schools.
According to the State Department of Education, Bridgeport's six public charter schools serve 2,627 students.
Charter schools serve a heterogeneous group of more than 21,000 North Carolina students, including at - risk pupils, regular students, and poor children.
National survey data find that charter schools serve a disproportionate share of children least prepared and most behind.
More than 3,000 charter schools serve nearly one million students in 40 states and Washington, D.C.
These changes, which JerseyCAN has advocated for, will help ensure charter schools serve the most at - risk students while also increasing accountability.
On average, charter schools serve higher proportions of minority and low - income students than traditional district schools (Figure 4).
In some states, charter schools serve significantly higher percentages of minority or low — income students than the traditional public schools.
WHEREAS, the NAACP recognizes that at best, quality charter schools serve only a small percentage of children of color and disadvantaged students for whom the NAACP advocates relative to said population left behind in failing schools; and
Louisiana, another state praised by charter - school advocates following the remaking of New Orleans schools after Hurricane Katrina, scored particularly well because of its high growth rate, the number of poor students its charter schools serve and academic growth compared with other public schools in the state.
While some charter schools serve some of the students in highest need, analysis of TEA data for 2016 - 17 statewide reveals that there is very little difference in the percentage of students served who are considered at risk of dropping out: 50 percent in traditional schools compared to 52 percent in charter schools.
More than 40 North Carolina education leaders convened in January 2014 to consider the challenges and opportunities of an expanding charter sector since the cap was lifted in 2011, and ways that district and charter leaders can work collaboratively to improve how charter schools serve North Carolina students.
Charter schools serve a more advantaged group of Black and Latino students in our cities.
Texas public schools serve 5.4 million students, while charter schools serve only 273,000.
Charter schools serve 1 % of Connecticut's students.
Bronx and Staten Island charter schools serve higher proportions of economically disadvantaged students than Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan, according to the report.
Currently, families must do their own research to find out what grade levels charter schools serve.
Of all the nation's school districts, only in New Orleans and Detroit do charter schools serve higher percentages.
Its charter schools serve 1,250 K - 12 students on four Boston campuses, and it produces extraordinary results in part because of an innovative one - on - one or small group tutoring program.
It is illegal for charter schools to screen out certain students, but for years studies have shown the city's charter schools serve fewer foreign - language speakers and kids with disabilities.
An analysis of the demographics in charter schools by The Connecticut Mirror in 2012 showed most charter schools serve fewer English Language Learners and students identified as needing special education services.
These are the few low - income minority children whom some high - profile charter schools serve.
«At the end of the day, one fact remains clear: New Jersey's public charter schools serve every child and do so while achieving strong academic outcomes for students.
Besides the charter schools located in LAUSD, about 300 charter schools serve families in communities across LA county.
In fact, charter schools serve a comparable number of special education students as district - run schools: 13 % in charters and 14 % in district - run schools statewide in 2014.
Rotberg cites studies showing, «In some communities, charter schools have a higher concentration of minority students than traditional public schools,» while «In others, charter schools serve as a vehicle for «white flight.»
The two K - 12 public charter schools serve approximately 2,000 children.
«In fact, California charter schools serve more than 19,000 special education students.»
And CCSA remains committed to transparency and accountability for the students and families California charter schools serve.
The more than 227,000 students attending a public charter school deserve better, particularly when we consider the student populations public charter schools serve.
Most charter schools serve disadvantaged kids, those with disabilities, ELL students, and others that fit the NCLB «subgroup» descriptors.
While online charter schools serve only a small proportion of charter school students nationally (6 %) and in California (4 %), we believe that all charter schools should be held to high standards of accountability.
The report generated a little buzz, as it was used to inform the debate between Hillary Clinton's campaign and charter defenders about whether or not most charter schools serve hard - to - teach kids.
And that assumes the charter schools serve the same percentage of the district's students they serve now.
CCSA remains committed to transparency and accountability for the students and families California charter schools serve.
Many charter schools serve especially disadvantaged populations because it is exactly those students whom education reforms are intended to benefit.
Texas charter schools serve higher proportions of students who are economically disadvantaged, Hispanic, African - American, and / or have Limited English Proficiency (LEP).
Data show that privately run charter schools serve significantly fewer students with special needs, English language learners and more difficult to educate students.
The gap between traditional K - 12 public school special education enrollment and charter special education enrollment in LEA and LEA - like charter schools is only 1.5 % (LEA charter schools enroll 8.7 % of students with disabilities compared to 10.3 % statewide; LEA - like charter schools serve 10.2 % compared to 11.7 % in Los Angeles Unified School District).
It's worth noting that Arizona's charter schools serve a» majority minority» student population, with non-white students comprising 55 percent of those enrolled in charters.
Does the high teacher burnout rate at charter schools serve teachers or students well?
The fact is, Arizona charter schools serve a student population that is racially and socioeconomically diverse and growing more diverse with time.
Also missing in the report was the fact that charter schools serve more poor, at - risk and minority students than traditional public schools.
In 2016 - 17, charter schools serve 272,685 students in 675 active campuses across the state with over 141,000 students waiting for a seat at a charter school.
In fact, in many cities, such as Washington DC, charter schools serve the poorest students, sometimes giving them some of the best options for academic learning in their school districts.
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