Sentences with word «chaturanga»

It is so peculiar to chess that it serves as a shibboleth by which one may determine whether a board game is, or is not, a descendant of chaturanga
Students should be able to hold chaturanga dandasana for at least 30 seconds (for ladies with support of knees on the floor).
If you find that you can't keep your shoulders from rounding forward in chaturanga or your knee from rolling inward during warrior 2, you may be going to fast or doing too much.
Krama can really add an element of challenge if you use it in poses that require strength: for example, moving from plank into chaturanga in two parts.
Try embodying all of those things in just one inhale and exhale before dropping to the floor for chaturanga.
For example, you can do a «birth wave» pose while the rest of the class is doing chaturanga dandasana.
How many Chaturangas do you think you'll do in your life?
There was a horse on the board when chess originated in sixth - century India under the name chaturanga.
Move through chaturanga, keeping your elbows close to your ribcage as you bend them to a 90 - degree angle.
There is no prize for the most Chaturangas.
Misaligned chaturanga can lead to shoulder strain and rotator cuff injuries as well as neck pain and low back pain.
Week 1: Proper introduction to vinyasa, including essential breathing techniques and proper form in a «vinyasa» as a transition possibility (including chaturanga, upward dog and downward dog).
Slide them back out to plank and then do a triceps push up, keeping the elbows in tight to the sides of your body (think chaturanga in yoga).
If you're still working up to a correct chaturanga (which is important because of possibility of injury), drop your knees and slowly lower all the way to the floor.
While the push - up like chaturanga dandasana is the most obvious way to see results, there are a lot of other poses that work these muscles as well.
Optional: For an extra arm strengthener, push back up to plank and lower to chaturanga again.
Believe it or not this class does not include a single chaturanga (yoga pushup)!
(chaht - tour - ANG - ah don - DAHS - anna) chaturanga = four limbs (chatur = four anga = limb) danda = staff (refers to the spine, the central «staff» or support of the body)
Lots of Chaturangas, which they can initially understand as a push - up, even though it's way more core - oriented.
We're going to have to work towards that floating jump into chaturanga!
For the first time in years, I can get through an entire vinyasa class (so many chaturangas!)
Zipping from adho mukha svanasana (downward dog) to chaturanga dandasana and head straight to multiple parsvakonasa (side angle poses) for sun - salutation sequences.
The weighted sit - ups were hard, and so were the chaturanga push - ups.
No sense in cancelling out all those chaturangas I just did!
Vinyasa: From plank position, bend the arms with the elbows zipped to the sides of the body for a chaturanga.
For the remainder of the yoga portion, you'll flow through plank pose, chaturanga, and down dog, ending in chair pose.
Here, she guides you through tree pose, high lunge, warrior II, side angle A, plank, chaturanga, upward facing dog, and finally downward facing dog.
Exhale, plant hands to the earth and come either to a half push - up (chaturanga) or all the way to your stomach.
For toned arms and a strong core, spend a little extra time in your chaturanga.
Keep your legs straight and strong while you are in plank and lower down to chaturanga (5)-- our narrow pushup that has your elbows hugging into your rib cage.
Keep your right leg straight and strong while you are in plank and lower down to chaturanga (3)-- our narrow pushup that has your elbows hugging into your rib cage.
Keep your legs on strong while you are in plank and lower down to chaturanga (3)- which is a narrow pushup that has your elbows hugging into your rib cage.
Keep your legs straight and strong while you are in plank and lower down to chaturanga (5)- our narrow pushup that has your elbows hugging into your rib cage.
Keep your right leg straight and strong while you are in plank and lower down to chaturanga (3)- our narrow pushup that has your elbows hugging into your rib cage.
Begin the same as above, but as you come down to chaturanga, drop your knees to the ground and stay there through the updog.
Keep your legs on strong while you are in plank and lower down to chaturanga (3)-- which is a narrow pushup that has your elbows hugging into your rib cage.
My question is, can you safely lower down from that chaturanga to the earth without putting knees down?
Also known as a chaturanga push - up, you'll keep your elbows anchored closer to your body as you lower yourself to the floor.
A chaturanga - inspired exercise often done on a reformer, you'll take this move to the mat.
Come forward to a one - legged plank and possibly keep your leg lifted as you lower to chaturanga.
Do several of these chaturanga push - ups.
From plank, lower to chaturanga dandasana.
So while doing a series of chaturangas and downward dogs may help you build muscle, the real win is when you're able to cultivate stillness and connection within.
We prepare ourselves for handstand, camel pose, shoulder stand, halasana, head stand, chaturanga, updog, downdog series... Align, activate and contract Uddijana Bandha.
In the evening Asana Practice with Kosta I feel weak from push - ups and chaturanga.
Sun salutations, chaturangas (yoga push ups), planks, side planks, and long holds with the arms extended and strong (think Warrior 2) can all lead to lovely, toned arms and long lines.
It begins with standing mountain pose at the top of your mat and moving through upward salute, forward bend, half - standing forward bend, plank pose, chaturanga, upward - facing dog, and downward - facing dog.
I felt sad as I wondered what it was going to take for me to get back to a size 8 (and ideally a size 6), so I'd be able to hold my handstands longer and jump back into my chaturangas with ease.
There are many repetitions of chaturanga, updog and... [Read More...]
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