Sentences with phrase «cheap chain saws»

Not exact matches

It's the heart of London, and when the suns out, you forget the concrete slabs and look past the cheap chain restaurants, and see all the other fun and beauty the spot has to offer.
The fast food chains might be lovin» it, although it is in your interest to invest in cheaper, easy to prepare, nutritionally fulfilling foods, such as instant noodles and anything pasta - based, seeing as uncooked pasta will never go old.
«Behind the scenes, wind manufacturers were reducing their costs, and now we are seeing just how cheap wind energy can be when overcapacity in the supply chain works its way through to developers.»
One camp views it as a payment system, wanting cheaper, faster on - chain transactions, while the other sees censorship resistance and permissionlessness as its defining feature and value proposition.
Given that dynamic — and the tremendous waves of press that MoviePass» increasingly cheaper prices continue to generate — it makes sense for chains like Cinemark to roll out their own options to encourage attendance at the screens they see as most vital to the future of their business.
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