Sentences with phrase «cheap food scale»

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Because Nancy and I came into this business with no pre-conceived notions as to how you manufacture food on a large scale, it never occurred to us to take the kind of shortcuts (read: cost savings) in order to make cheap food.
Its legacy can be seen not just in the stampede of good, cheap burgers, but in the growing recognition that certain fine - dining values, like caring service and premium ingredients, can be profitably applied outside fine dining all the way down the scale to the most debased restaurant genre of all, the fast - food outlet.
The sugar you find in grocery stores, processed foods, and packaged desserts is made in large scale, industrial refineries using cheap, mass - farmed crops like sugar beets.
Get a cheap kitchen scale and measure your portions of food, use a database of nutritional information (see my previous post for a software tool) and calculate your calorie intake.
There is no better example of this than in the food animal veterinary sector, where animal welfare and health were sacrificed purely for profit under the erroneous banners of production efficiency, economies of scale, and cheaper food for all.
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