Sentences with phrase «cheaper electrical energy»

The main drivers are large - scale solar power stations, and in many countries they are now generating cheaper electrical energy than conventional power plants.
The best way to produce cheap electrical energy, with high level of safety, independent of wind and light, for about 5000 years, is to develop surgeneration 238 U and 232 Th.

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Solar cells have great potential as a source of clean electrical energy, but so far they have not been cheap, light, and flexible enough for widespread use.
But nuclear, for the plants that have been well maintained and have largely had the capital costs paid off, are going to be very cheap forms of electrical energy that will be a real force.
And if it turns out that nuclear fission is the necessary way to go, the energy from that can also be fed into the electrolytic / methane conversion process, allowing much cheaper transport of energy than long - distance electrical transmission.
• The cost of a general distribution system for methane is orders of magnitude smaller than for major electrical grids, so areas still developing their energy systems can invest in local grids powered by small, re-deployable gas generators using a much cheaper distribution system that can also provide direct gas for heating, cooking, and other such purposes.
This is a pretty big deal — about half of U.S. electrical generation comes from cheap - but - dirty coal power, according to the Energy Information Administration.
I would guess that cheap, energy dense electrical storage is between 20 - 30 years away.
The report also explains why the costs of storage are actually cheaper than they appear because of bad methodology: «We found clear indications that a narrow focus on costs alone drives the common misperception that electrical energy storage is more expensive than it really is,» said Gardner.
nations of sub-Saharan Africa) will be the ones that will have to make the largest proportional sacrifices to their (already low) standard of living, by, for example, renouncing cheap and reliable sources of electrical energy (ex.
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