Sentences with phrase «cheaper than the labor»

As for the sporks, I'm not sure it's a liability issue so much as a cost issue — I assume that the disposable spork is cheaper than the labor needed to wash real silverware, and cheaper even than a disposable knife and fork.

Not exact matches

China taps its resources more aggressively than any country, thanks to cheap labor, high demand and money to spare.
The value of that box was more than $ 100, and given the low margins on food products, the labor involved with individually wrapping ingredients and the costly Styrofoam packaging with cool packs, this clearly was not a cheap giveaway.
Coastally located with cheaper labor costs than many regional neighbors, relocating manufacturing to Vietnam will increasingly be a no - brainer.
«It's much cheaper than going downtown, and the labor pool is better here.»
To combat a tightening talent market, companies must focus on improving productivity and operational efficiencies, rather than relying on cheap and plentiful labor, as some have in the past.
It was often cheap labor in emerging markets that, more than two decades ago, led companies in developed markets to move company jobs away from the home country either to company owned facilities (off - shoring) or to third parties (out - sourcing) in developing markets.
Places with cheap labor can not industrialize on their own, and they can always throw warm bodies at the problem as it usually cheaper to hire more workers than rethink processes, design machinery and roll out new systems.
For example: Is our economy ruined because of immigrants coming to our country, or is it ruined because the companies who are supposed to be boosting our economy with new jobs are instead giving those jobs to cheaper labor that can be exploited for wages far less than minimum?
It is, however, much cheaper than maternity care, labor & delivery, and well - child visits with innoculations.
I could make a laundry list of what I would like the second time around with a singleton rather than twins (breastfeeding, not premature, no bed rest, no pre-term labor scares, regular number of doctor's appts, no develo [pmental delays, cheaper, EVERYTHING), but my problem with having my victory baby is there is no way I want a newborn again while also caring for my twins (currently 2.5).
Although unfortunately many insurance companies do not cover nitrous oxide treatment for labor at this time, the cost of nitrous oxide is significantly cheaper than having an epidural.
It of course means more labor but many times raw, real food are cheaper than processed (i.e. potatoes and fries).
When deciding where to do your postdoc, pick a PI who will support you as an aspiring academic rather than treat you like «cheap labor at the service of a great project,» says physicist Pedro Miguel Echenique.
NIH backing for career training will have to not only inspire institutions to commit serious resources but also persuade potentially reluctant PIs to allow or even encourage postdocs to take time away from the bench for activities contributing to their own, rather than the lab's, advancement.If successful, however, this initiative could also focus PIs» attention on the fact that preparing postdocs for careers — and not having them merely provide cheap labor for research projects — is the most important reason for their presence in the nation's laboratories.
«It costs less to manufacture goods in places like China and Southeast Asia, mostly because those places have cheaper labor than the West,» Davis said.
It is cheaper and requires less labor than existing peptide purification methods, it can handle large batches of peptides at a time, and it generates less waste.
~ Shawn Achor As the owner of a coaching business, you're more than just a certified life coach; you're also the marketing department, the CEO, CFO and the cheap labor.
Oskar Schindler was an enterprising, womanizing Nazi Sudeten - German industrialist / opportunist and war profiteer, who first exploited the cheap labor of Jewish / Polish workers in a successful enamelware factory (Deutsche Emailwaren Fabrik or D.E.F.), and eventually rescued more than one thousand of them from certain extinction in labor / death camps.
By strategically substituting technology (which is cheap) for labor (which is expensive), moreover, schools can be far more cost - effective than they are now — which is crucial in a future of tight budgets.
The previous poster have great examples of rotors in need of replacement but I worked as a mechanic for years and rotors have become so cheap for most vehicles the easiest thing to do is replace them as paying someone to resurface often costs more on labor than buying new rotors.
Today's cruel reality is that «success» for GM — or any automaker — can mean shuttling jobs out of town or overseas faster than you can say «tax break» or «cheap labor
Saturna argues that The Market May Be Cheaper Than It Looks because the Consumer Price Index (CPI) provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) understates the true rate of inflation, a key -LSB-...]
China enjoyed more than a decade of double - digit economic growth based on cheap labor and massive exports, and its massive population of industrious people, directed by its powerful central government, has created a booming middle class eager to achieve the prosperity of developed nations.
Saturna argues that The Market May Be Cheaper Than It Looks because the Consumer Price Index (CPI) provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) understates the true rate of inflation, a key input to the CAPE calculation:
This is astronomically more likely to occur in developed countries with high labor costs where it is cheaper to fork over your room and board than to pay a hired laborer the minimum wage.
This is because you don't need to pay for installation labor, RTA cabinets are easier and cheaper to store than assembled cabinets, and mass - producing cabinet pieces is much cheaper than creating complete customized cabinets every time.
Also, this was a much cheaper option for us than drywall, since both purchasing the drywall and hiring labor to correctly tape and mud would be significant.
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