Sentences with phrase «cheaper than the print edition»

If the digital edition is significantly cheaper than the print edition, you'll start seeing sales moving from print to digital — the eternal fear of the content companies that the digital version of something will cannibalize sales from the physical version.
Although about $ 10 cheaper than the print edition available on, a reader would probably prefer to have this in print.

Not exact matches

Digital is still cheaper than print: This just seems like common sense, but digital comics storefronts usually charge the full print price for new digital comics, and print books are often cheaper than Kindle editions on Amazon.
From what I've heard from textbook publishers, digital editions are NOT going to be cheaper than print counterparts (unlike with trade books, for example) because the high cost of the textbook is supposedly in the paying of the authors.
Subscriptions are cheaper than the print versions, but if I am going to pay for a magazine or newspaper, I'd rather read the print edition.
And then the price goes down over time and you can get it cheaper if you wait — usually way cheaper than $ 9.99 since the publishers usually sync it with print paper edition prices.
Generally speaking, brand magazines are often far better than those produced by traditional print magazine publishers who too often decide that the cheap and easy way to get their print magazines into the app stores is better than actually providing readers of digital editions with an enjoyable digital magazine product.
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