Sentences with phrase «chemical concoction»

The phrase "chemical concoction" refers to a mixture or blend of different chemical substances. It implies that these substances have been combined together, often for a specific purpose or experiment. Full definition
Aside from some knowledge of the gluten - free diet (which to me is «cooking with chemical concoctions»), I am an idiot on this subject.
Now back to harsh chemical sunscreens... What kinds of chemical concoctions are you putting on your skin that are absorbing into your bloodstream?
If you introduce lemon as an alternative to chemical concoctions into your life, your body, pets, home and wallet will all thank you.
I often question why somebody would want to put an artificially derived man - mad chemical concoction kind of cream, oil or ointment on his or her skin and expect «healing» to take place.
MacPhee says you shouldn't worry that BsIA - enhanced ice cream is some kind of crazy chemical concoction.
I honestly believe that they started the group as a joke to see if they could get thier terrible and blatantly unsupported advice to catch on... Sadly, many babies were harmed and some will have lasting scars, not to mention the damage and potential long term effects from the unknown chemical concoctions that thier skin absorbed.
The consumers experimenting with these unregulated chemical concoctions may inhabit different worlds — the gym, the rave, and the crash house, respectively — but the drugs themselves are often produced with precursors purchased from the same places and derived from recipes traded on many of the same websites.
Some level of uncertainty is par for the course in the world of do - it - yourself chemistry, which has seen the number of entrepreneurial alchemists explode in the years since Patrick Arnold gulped down his first chemical concoction and went on to become one of America's most notorious underground chemists.
You won't need lotions and this way, you can avoid commercial chemical concoctions while saving money at the same time!
They'll use the quickest, easiest chemical concoction to strip hair «clean,» then add ambiguous «fragrance» to it.
This unpleasant experience can turn a person right off, but don't be discouraged, you don't need to use synthetic or chemical concoctions on your skin because there are many natural solutions when it comes to skin care and psoriasis.
Yoplait is a sugar - laden, chemical concoction laced with hormones all linked to cancer, of course!
Their briefcases bulged with a vast array of glossy brochures and samples of vividly packaged chemical concoctions each with a more outlandish & frightening claim than the last.
But the researcher's chemical concoction doesn't even resemble the mixtures used in real - life fracking operations.
Perfumes are chemical concoctions created in the lab in an effort to mimic the pretty - smelling things in the world.
Which leaves questionable over-the-counter chemical concoctions and their often - uncomfortable side effects... or the better choice, natural remedies.
Already a successful forensic scientist, Barry Gordon may have had just about the worst timing in history being jolted by lightning coincidentally after a lab accident doused his body in an elaborate chemical concoction.
That is like trying to mix oil and water and naively expecting a smooth product of a singular new chemical concoction to emerge that will never stay mixed.
Popular topics for preschoolers include creepy crawlies, dinosaurs, and chemical concoctions.
If parents got educated, they would be horrified at the idea of their precious children ingesting this chemical concoction.
Scientists have cooked up a chemical concoction that can patch a 9 - millimeter - wide hole in a sheet of plastic, a self - repair orders of magnitude larger than ever demonstrated before.
Scientists have cooked up a chemical concoction that can patch a 9 - millimeter - wide hole in a sheet of plastic, just like a human wound repairs itself.
When you have oily but dry, irritated or sensitive skin, it can be tempting to reach for a chemical concoction to try and alleviate the symptoms.
Soap is a chemical concoction made specifically for lifting sticky bugs off your skin.
Like many other processed foods, certain ice cream sandwiches have morphed from a homemade treat into a chemical concoction.
Some chemical concoction or a more natural based product?
Hilarious Russian dating profile pictures have been collated by including a woman lying on a rubbish dump while another posed with a A Russian man has been warned he faces having his arms amputated after using a home made chemical concoction to bulk up his muscles.
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