Sentences with phrase «chemical hazards»

If the plan is successful, more of chemical hazard screening will be done with computer models instead of in biological laboratories.
Basically, most major countries require companies to tell them any data available about chemical hazards as part of the process to legally manufacture or import the chemical.
It serves as a barrier to radiation, solar exposure, and the critical chemical hazards on the planetary surface.
This material is the first key component of futuristic smart uniforms that also will respond to and protect from environmental chemical hazards.
REVIEW The ToxMystery allows students to learn about household chemical hazards in an engaging way.
The improved understanding of chemical hazards also will help FDA do a better job of evaluating product suitability for personal care and food contact.
Lauren led development of both GreenScreen ® for Safer Chemicals, a method for chemical hazard assessment increasingly used worldwide and CleanGredients ™, a web - based information platform for identifying greener chemicals in cleaning products.
To encode the membrane with a smart and dynamic response to small chemical hazards, LLNL scientists and collaborators are surface modifying these prototype carbon nanotube membranes with chemical - threat - responsive functional groups.
«We commend the Committee for their continued efforts to enact positive reforms to EPA's chemical assessment approaches, and we look forward to working with them and EPA to ensure that high - quality science is used in regulatory decisions when assessing chemical hazards and risks to health and the environment.»
Chemical hazards found in ethylene glycol antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool / spa chemicals form a substantial danger to pets.
The massive information collection effort marks the first time regulators have required every company making a profit from chemistry, or even in the pre-profit research phases, to practice complete transparency regarding chemical hazards.
But stay tuned for continuing news on the green alternatives to chemical hazards which could usher in a booming new economy based on better chemistry.
As Dr. Becky Sutton, study's author pointed out, «Just because a shampoo or sunscreen is labeled «children's» doesn't mean it's been tested and found safe for kids; children are more at risk than adults from many chemical hazards, but we have no special standards to protect them.»
Image: Mars Ice House is 3D printed from water - ice on Mars which shields the crew from radiation, solar exposure, and the critical chemical hazards on Mars.
I thought it would be fun to cross-reference the worst dangers of chemical hazards to the supporters of the AHPBC.
ToxMystery This United States National Library of Medicine site helps kids learn about household chemical hazards.
Average people need to know and care enough about chemical hazards to pressure business and political leaders for change.
Organic foods may also be healthier (see Cancer - Fighting Berries), and don't carry the potential chemical hazards associated with pesticides.
Instead of exposing engineers to chemical hazards, Clearpath's Kingfisher robot measures tailings on its own.
Since the Act, The NFL expanded its risk assessment services offerings, particularly its chemical hazard analyses of a product's incoming ingredients.
Users can select from a range of hazards, including weather to biological or chemical hazards that could be introduced into a product.
Users can also select from a wider range of hazards, from weather hazards related to a facility's location to biological or chemical hazards that might be introduced into a food product.
It is extremely easy to clean it plus it's greatly comfortable with no chemical hazards that you need to think about.
The website rates thousands of toys (and other products) by brand, type, and chemical hazard.
This is a preventative Food Safety System in which every step in the manufacture, storage and distribution of a food product is scientifically analysed for microbiological, physical and chemical hazards.
«The application of pesticides may therefore not only be a chemical hazard, but also a microbiological hazard for public health.»
What's even better is if the pet toys you are buying are tested to children's standards, as these chemical hazards are unlikely to be present.
Chemical hazards (which often cause less immediately apparent, but longer term harm) would come from things like heavy metals (like lead) and phthalates (typically added to plastic products to soften them) in toys.
Chemical hazards.
Chemical hazards — found in ethylene glycol antifreeze, paint thinner, drain cleaners and pool / spa chemicals — form a substantial danger to pets.
Pet exposure to chemical hazards are on the rise.
Brown filed his patent application in 1999 for an invention related to decontamination of biological and chemical hazards.
Analyze all chemical hazards by following the regulations of the materials safety data sheets.
Possible exposure to chemical hazards, but is not limited to toxic hazardous substances.
Individuals in this position could possibly be exposed to inside / outside environmental conditions, most probably blood borne pathogens and body fluids, chemical hazards, respiratory hazards and radiology hazards.
Their most popular document is the free «Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards», which they hope to offer in a mobile form soon.
Tags for this Online Resume: Health and Safety, Environmental Compliance, Hazardous Materials, Chemical Hazards, Industrial Hygiene
Abstract: Work stress is an important problem that shifted sickness absence research to the psychosocial work environment at the expense of physical or chemical hazards.
Work stress is an important problem that shifted sickness absence research to the psychosocial work environment at the expense of physical or chemical hazards.
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